Real Recovery, Within Reach. Discover Mind-Gut-Immunity

Root Causes of Lupus, SLE Autoimmune ANA+ Genetics & Inflammation, Medical Doctor Explains

“Fuel the Mind, Heal the Gut, Reclaim Immunity”
Have Lupus? Want to stop INFLAMMATION for good?
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Show Notes:
Genetics do not explain the whole story.
There once was a time, when you were healthy, when you had the same genes as you do now!
“Bad Genes,” once activated, cause inflammation.
70-80% of the immune mediated inflammation starts in the gut.
“Bad Genes” can also come from “Bad Microbes” living in our intestines
Genome Wide Association Studies (GWAS) show multiple genes involved in Lupus (and anti-nuclear antibody positivity); but these pro-inflammatory genes are not always activated.
Mind-Gut-Immunity Clinic Philosophy:
Turn on good genes, turn off bad genes, Promote good microbes, remove bad microbes.
Achieve lasting relief without medications.
5 Epigenetic Root Causes:
Poor Diet
Troubled Digestion
Diminished Sleep
Emotional Stress
Exercise Deficiency
Other / Miscellaneous Category: Smoking, Dental Hygiene, Medication Side-Effect
There are a whole host of conditions associated with dysfunctional diet, digestion sleep, stress, and exercise. The list includes: Eczema, Allergies, UTIs, Irritable Bowel (IBS), IBD, Crohn’s/Colitis, SIBO, Candida, GERD, Viral illnesses, Autism, Multiple Sclerosis, Lupus, ANA+, Rheumatoid Arthritis, Mixed Connective Tissue Disorder, Sjrogrens, Autoimmune Thyroiditis, Migraine Headache, Fatty Liver, Neuropathy, and Fibromyalgia
Although I am a licensed, and practicing surgeon, with over a decade of experience helping people overcome inflammatory disease, the presented material is intended for educational purposes only and should not be construed as medical advice. Please use your best judgment and consult with a healthcare professional regarding your needs.
“As always: Be TRUE to yourself. Surround yourself with people who affirm your wellbeing. Find a doctor who will slow down to listen. Find one who carefully considers your concerns and most of all–find one who cares.”
Dr. Chanu R. Dasari MD
0:00 why did you develop lupine 0:02 why you 0:03 why now and before you say it’s genetics 0:07 you have the same genes today that you 0:09 had when you were a little kid but you 0:11 weren’t really sick back then 0:13 in this video i’ll show you exactly why 0:15 certain genes for lupus get activated 0:18 and how to prevent this from happening 0:20 and reverse inflammation fast i’ll 0:22 review some of the scientific research 0:24 and go in depth on how some of my 0:25 patients address the root causes of 0:28 lupus to resolve symptoms hi everyone 0:30 i’m dr chanudasari i help my clients 0:32 solve their immune inflammation and 0:34 digestive dysfunction using the mind gut 0:36 immunity method 0:37 this clinical approach has helped 0:38 thousands of patients resolve their 0:40 symptoms some in as little as six weeks 0:43 without the need for complex or costly 0:45 interventions 0:47 this material that you’re about to watch 0:48 is taken straight out of my mind gut 0:50 immunity academy where people just like 0:53 you learn how to beat their lupus 0:55 symptoms for good even when the 0:56 diagnosis is unclear now i’m going to 0:58 show you in this brief video how to 1:00 correctly identify the root causes when 1:03 you have an inflammatory disease such as 1:05 lupus i’m going to show you what 1:06 activates bad genes how to stop this 1:09 from happening in you and what actually 1:11 works 1:12 in addition i’m going to give you some 1:14 very useful tips on the exact five areas 1:17 to focus your attention on when planning 1:19 your approach for lupus inflammation now 1:21 before we go any further don’t forget to 1:23 like and subscribe and hit the 1:25 notification bell to keep up to date 1:27 these are must-see videos for anyone 1:29 with lupus looking to reverse their 1:30 symptoms for good and it’s really 1:32 helpful information that you probably 1:34 won’t get anywhere else now on the topic 1:36 of root causes for lupus the mistake i 1:38 see most people make is that they just 1:40 assume that bad genes are the reason 1:42 they have lupus and you may be thinking 1:45 if genes are the problem why did i have 1:47 these problems earlier now i want to 1:49 point out that in general people have 1:52 genes which trigger an immune reaction 1:55 these immune reactions can come from 1:56 histamine they can come from auto 1:58 antibodies they can come from b or t 2:01 lymphocytes which are specialized white 2:03 blood cells and all these together can 2:05 potentiate a response an attack on your 2:08 cells 2:09 the immune system is triggered over time 2:12 which causes slow damage through 2:14 inflammation and in fact inflammation 2:16 makes it very difficult to know exactly 2:19 when the symptoms started when the lupus 2:21 actually develops now you shouldn’t be 2:23 surprised by this because around 70 to 2:26 80 percent of your immune system is in 2:28 your intestines so when you have an 2:30 inflammatory disease such as lupus you 2:33 can be sure that there’s potentially 2:35 something wrong in your gut or elsewhere 2:37 in your body 2:38 you can also consider the other factors 2:40 involved that activate the inflammation 2:43 so before we dive in if you’re serious 2:45 about finding the right solution for 2:47 lupus and achieving results fast don’t 2:50 forget to sign up for a free training 2:52 where i walk you through the specific 2:53 strategies that have helped my clients 2:55 with lupus achieve health within six 2:58 weeks 2:59 you can access the training at the link 3:01 below this video and i know it’ll help 3:02 you so much the link takes you to a page 3:05 where you enter in your email to get 3:06 started everything you need to know is 3:08 in there including a free step-by-step 3:10 guide with specific recommendations tons 3:13 of helpful case studies of people just 3:15 like you who reverse their conditions 3:16 for good and are now healthy and these 3:19 are people just like you who have lupus 3:21 who can say now that they’re disease 3:23 free and feeling much better 3:25 it comes with a complete actionable game 3:27 plan for how you can do this yourself at 3:29 home so just enter in your email at the 3:31 top of the page and get started be sure 3:33 to check that out now check out this 3:35 video i recorded earlier explaining the 3:36 real root causes for lupus and what to 3:38 look out for let’s take a closer look at 3:40 the genetics of lupus specifically 3:42 because it warrants a discussion i 3:45 debated whether or not to even include 3:46 this section in the course because i 3:48 think in a way it detracts from the 3:50 message that even if you have a couple 3:52 bad genes you have the potential to 3:53 overcome them by following the mind get 3:55 immunity method that being said i 3:57 decided that at least giving you some 4:00 context into the genetics 4:02 research is worthwhile 4:04 so in the 1990s before we had full 4:06 genetic sequencing scientists would 4:07 identify a handful of genes involved in 4:09 lupus 4:10 now that we can sequence the entire 4:12 genome we have these studies called 4:14 genome-wide association surveys where we 4:17 take a large group of people all with 4:19 the same disease and see what mutations 4:21 they have as a group that differ from 4:22 the general population 4:24 here’s a picture of what this looks like 4:26 and don’t worry if this doesn’t make 4:27 total sense to you 4:28 every dot represents a gene cluster with 4:31 this gen with a specific gene variation 4:34 anytime you have a bad gene variation 4:36 for a disease the dots start to stack up 4:39 in the into these rows 4:41 obviously i wouldn’t recommend 4:42 memorizing all of these at this time 4:44 eventually we’ll be developing targeted 4:46 gene therapies for these but for now i 4:48 want to go back to the concept map here 4:50 of genetics and inflammation 4:52 even though there are several dozen 4:54 human genes associated with 4:57 lupus recall that i’ve said that these 4:59 genes could be turned on and off 5:02 depending on how you behave and respond 5:03 to triggers 5:05 second not every cell in the body uses 5:08 every gene the important takeaway here 5:10 is that whether or not you have quote 5:13 unquote good genes or bad genes that 5:16 cause inflammation they’re not always on 5:18 you have the ability to control them but 5:21 what you need to learn is how and that’s 5:23 where many doctors fall short they don’t 5:25 tell you how they’re so quick to blame 5:28 genetics and prescribe medication that 5:30 they don’t think for a second that 5:32 perhaps there’s a way to control whether 5:33 a gene is turned on or off 5:36 okay 5:36 now would be a good time to mention 5:39 so far we’ve been talking about human 5:42 genes and that can be turned on and off 5:44 but remember that our body is also host 5:46 to billions of microbes 5:49 these microbes harbor their own sets of 5:51 dna which can cause inflammatory 5:53 metabolites 5:54 some of these microbes help us but some 5:57 of them harm us and the correct balance 6:00 is what we seek 6:01 believe it or not if we take the sum 6:03 total of all the genes in our body only 6:06 one percent is actually human the other 6:08 99 percent come from bacteria and other 6:11 microbes mostly living in our intestines 6:14 and airways 6:15 for the people that like to blame 6:16 genetics you may not even have terrible 6:18 genetics your genetics may be just fine 6:20 you may just have a bacterial imbalance 6:22 and that’s what’s causing a significant 6:24 problem so obviously gut health is just 6:26 taking off and that’s why we’re seeing 6:28 this big push in wellness circles 6:30 because the intestines are the gateway 6:32 to the immune system just think if you 6:35 can control over 99 6:37 of the genetic diversity in your body in 6:40 a favorable way what sort of advantage 6:42 will you have i have clients who’ve said 6:44 that they’ve never felt healthier in 6:46 their entire lives and that’s just after 6:48 several weeks of working with me 6:49 so this can be achieved and it doesn’t 6:51 need to be something difficult or overly 6:53 complicated according to genome surveys 6:56 there are dozens of genes associated 6:58 with lupus but we only need to pay 7:00 attention to what triggers them and 7:01 these triggers are diet digestion sleep 7:05 stress and exercise the big five 7:08 remember i alluded to these in the 7:10 beginning 7:11 these environmental triggers are 7:12 collectively referred to as 7:15 epigenetics the prefix epi denotes a 7:19 higher position because epigenetics 7:21 control genetics 7:23 in reality it’s epigenetics not genetics 7:26 that really matters because these are 7:28 all things within our control that can 7:30 directly impact how much inflammation we 7:32 have in our body 7:34 this course is designed to leverage 7:36 these five key elements 7:38 and maximize them in order to heal the 7:40 body 7:41 so if you’re wondering where you should 7:43 spend all your time and energy and focus 7:45 it’s on these five 7:47 just look at this the gut contains 100 7:50 million neurons 7:52 and it’s the largest producer of 7:53 neurotransmitters in the body that’s why 7:56 it’s earned the nickname it’s the second 7:58 brain 7:59 it’s also host to one trillion immune 8:01 cells which means a majority of your 8:03 immune system is actually housed in the 8:05 gut 8:06 so 8:07 what are the principles we can leverage 8:08 to favorably optimize the three parts of 8:11 this axis 8:12 what is the most important and relevant 8:14 question you can ask yourself 8:16 the answer as i’ve said earlier are the 8:19 big five epigenetic environmental 8:22 triggers 8:22 diet digestion 8:25 sleep stress and exercise 8:28 they’re the same five factors i 8:30 mentioned 8:33 if i had to assign percentages to each 8:35 of these categories i would say diet is 8:37 roughly a third and digestion is roughly 8:40 a third so 8:41 combined they represent more than half 8:43 the impact and that’s because most of 8:45 your immune system lives in your gut and 8:47 most of your genetic diversity is in 8:49 your gut in the form of microbes so what 8:51 goes into your gut what lives in your 8:53 gut and what leaves your gut determines 8:55 inflammation simple as that 8:57 the other categories in the big five are 8:59 sleep 9:00 stress and exercise i included a six 9:03 miscellaneous category here to discuss 9:05 some very obvious things such as smoking 9:07 dental hygiene and other confounders 9:09 which should be obvious to everyone at 9:11 this point but sometimes they’re not for 9:13 example one of my clients with immune 9:15 disease didn’t know that smoking made 9:16 her condition worse i had another client 9:19 who didn’t consistently floss or 9:20 mouthwash who ended up getting 9:23 joint pain and mouth sores i had another 9:25 one with sleep apnea and low 9:27 testosterone who never got a sleep study 9:29 or his hormones checked so i included 9:31 this six miscellaneous category here to 9:34 remind you not to miss something very 9:36 obvious that can have a sizable impact 9:38 on your health now i want to also point 9:40 out that because you know i hear this 9:42 coming up a lot if you have stress don’t 9:45 make excuses a little stress by itself 9:48 doesn’t cause major harm its effects are 9:50 contained but if you let the stress 9:52 affect other parts of your life for 9:53 example if it leads to poor eating 9:55 habits or bad sleeping patterns then you 9:57 have a recipe for immune dysfunction and 9:59 inflammation 10:00 so don’t let stress ruin you it just 10:03 makes up a small part of this equation 10:05 and you need to be firmly committed 10:07 towards these five concepts in order to 10:09 master the mind get immunity method 10:11 a disciplined and positive attitude will 10:13 help you overcome disease now i want to 10:16 know which one of those five triggers 10:18 are the most significant for you 10:20 let me know in the comments below and if 10:22 you like this video help support my 10:24 channel by sharing it with your loved 10:26 ones and be sure to subscribe for more 10:28 useful tips on lupus this is dr chandu 10:30 dasari with the mind get immunity clinic 10:32 and i’ll see you next time
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