Marilyn reversed her Lupus in 6 weeks, using the Mind-Gut-Immunity Method. – Watch Part 1!!
Her kidney GFR levels are the best they’ve been in THIRTY years! She has been able to come off of medications and her tendon and ligament pain has improved allowing her to have better sleep.
This is a recorded video-conference at Month 5 discussing her progress, recapping her long-journey dealing with severe lupus which did not respond to conventional therapies for many years.
this is a part two update with Marilyn who solved her lupus nefritis after 5 months her GFR glomular filtration rate creatinine and kidney function is the best it’s been in the past 30 years her nephrologist is stunned she was able to achieve these results completely naturally using the Mind gun immunity approach you’ll want to see this case study hi there I’m Dr Chan oser a surgeon who specializes in reversing gut microbiome dysfunction and autoimmune inflammation my technique for reversing symptoms in as little as 6 weeks has helped thousands of patients over the years and is called the Mind gut immunity method and if you would like to learn more visit mgic and request a discovery call now in this upcoming video we have a client returning for an update to catch you up to speed Marilyn had lupus but all of her symptoms were resolved in 6 weeks and if you want to check out that interview take a look at uh the past video now 5 months later her kidney function is markedly improved she was able to avoid treacherous anti-rejection chemotherapy drugs and completely surpris her nephologist who warned her about her kidney failure here we talk about the value of working with a collaborative team that includes a trained MD surgeon not a health coach to achieve uncommon healing so let’s take a look okay so the last update you sent to me which I was getting all excited about right this um was your kidneys right your kidneys tell me a little bit about how the meeting went with your nephologist he he liked it that my GFR was up it it was better I had also gone off my meol you know I’m not taking that anymore so I think between the diet and getting off that it uh just really was better my creatinin was down yeah so it it it’s helped not just my joints but it seems to be helping that yeah it’s interesting this whole lupus nefritis thing is a very big deal right everybody wonders like how fast like I get this question a lot how fast do the kidneys recover right um in lupus they have this this thing called Full House GL nefritis that’s when you know when they do the imuno Hyo imof fluorescent staining they get all kind kind of different markers that are kind of like that it stains positive for so it’s all these little immune cells attacking the the kidney and they call this Full House staining pattern but um so people are always on like these big big medications for that they’re always on like some like imuno modulating medication for those sort of things these are like anti-rejection drugs typically right and they’re done that yeah I know um you you texted me and and in the text it says my GFR is the best it’s been in 30 years yes was that it is was that something what what was your reaction when the nephologist pointed it out to you yeah well I knew because I checked my old nurse here checked my lab work and I thought I know you’re nurse I yeah and I was waiting for him to see it and he went you got this f look you went man your GFR really looks good it hasn’t so he went scrolled back through all the lab work and he said that’s really improved whatever you’re doing keep doing it I know I know I said I said well I’ve changed my diet I’ve lost weight I’ve went off the emol and don’t take that anymore and I’m doing fine with that and of course the lupus is better right but this is our second update I mean we I mean we kind of yeah we’ve been checking in with each other quite a bit but yes the last time most all of your symptoms were gone and then this time your kidney is basically back to normal it’s you have normal kidney function you’re I mean nor it’s it’s better yeah than it was it’ll never be normal because it’s so scarred but it is improved drastically improved I know yes yes it has yeah that’s great um what else are you noticing now I know it’s um I know your symptoms were pretty much resolved pretty early on um within about about a few months six weeks eight weeks yeah they they they had really started to just the tendon and ligament tenderness in my hips that was the big thing I mean I couldn’t sleep at night if I laid I could walk you know it didn’t bother me so much with that but if you hit if I hit my hips the tro Canter area it just and it kept me awake at night just miserable yeah that’s good so now you’re now you’re you’ve been symptom free what what I guess now that your kidneys are recovered what I mean there’s nothing else left right like uh oh yeah well you got some for your skin um well you know just keep try to keep improving with arthritis now yeah but you know but it’s it it’s not progressing like you think it would yeah and it’s actually not quite as as it was like this was stiffer than it is I’m less stiff than I was and my husband said he knows it’s a huge difference I’m not dragging around as much and more energy and just better that’s great because I you know you don’t notice it when it’s you kind of like yeah what’s going on he said no there’s there’s a big difference you know you’re not just shuffling around around dragging around you you have energy and just better he’s much better too he’s yeah of course I know he he was kind of program alongside you right and well he’s the chef so he said you know he notices a difference not just weight loss so yeah it um it’s it’s it’s remarkable it really is what are you looking forward to the most now um just in life like life like without lupus I guess you could call it now oh right well be able to do things get back up to walking more yeah you know Mile and I mean I’d have to I mean if I had to walk five miles I could it wouldn’t be pretty but I could do it but I’m not exhausted coming in from a mile and a half walk up and down the hills around the neighborhood just just feeling better you know you just feel better I I wish the vertigo thing would go away so I could get back in the pool and swim yeah yeah and and that’s and and the um all the probiotics and things that you recommended us take and this yeah oh yeah we just got and um they I mean it’s really kind of helped both of us with our digestion yeah not gassy not that it was not that it was a huge problem but I’m thinking since we went on the diet have we been gassy at all the gassiness has gone yeah the normal gas I mean we weren’t horribly gassy but just not bloated not I guess that’s why they that’s why I called it that’s why I call it the Mind gut immunity right yes yes emphasis on on the gut yes and I really have I I haven’t cheated like with tomatoes or any of the nightshade vegetables I’ve stayed away I’m even onions I’ve stayed away from all that pep no peppers and I it’s just the diets made the difference it’s I know people wonder what what like I get this question a lot usually around month three month four and the question I get is like well how strict do I have to be with a diet and and it’s a mixed bag right like I actually teach people how to cheat on the diet I say hey you can integrate some of these foods that you’ve always kind of like I’ve restrict like kind of restricted it then the first six weeks you know oh yeah we stuck to it right you know but you know as time goes along we kind of like you know you’re back to almost sort of what you know some of the foods that you’ve been doing before whenever you yeah but we’re we’re much more particular about like we only eat grass-fed organic beef when we do have it and we do you know we used to have steak a couple times a week all it’s a treat yeah yeah yeah like we had one yesterday um for for our anniversary con thank you it didn’t eat all of it because you just well one grass isn’t as tasty as grain fed but you know and we make sure we buy if available only organic fruits and vegetables yeah you know we don’t eat processed food yeah though they do make organic Triscuit crackers now and I had to get some of those you know to put grass-fed cheese on once in a while but it’s not a daily thing sometimes it’s not even a weekly thing yeah and once while you got to have some chocolate and if my husband makes cookies like last night I said I have to have gonna have some yeah this is this is what I’m talking about we we you’re allow and and people don’t I I feel like people think oh my God I’m going to be placed on this Super Hyper restricted diet for the rest of my life and it’s like no do it for a set period of time fix the problem right and then you get to kind of explore and like yeah don’t go crazy don’t go back to totally your old ways but oh no balance right at that point yeah I don’t think we will it’s more of not lifestyle change as far as food goes we don’t have store-bought cookies we don’t have bread though I did just buy some organic bread made with yeah heritage sweet and no oils in it you know no soy or any of that stuff in it just once in a while to have a piece of toast yeah you got to have a piece of toast once in a while but when we do it it’s organic with no GMOs no right it’s infrequent you’re still having high phytonutrients in the rest of your diet you’re still following a lot of the principles that were label that were sort of described to you in the beginning and two big salads a day oh about um I would say most weeks it’s every day sometimes it’ll be six days a week because you just if if you eat a late lunch they have another big salad late in the day but we always and if we’re going to have meat usually except for that steak last night it’s in the salad you know it’s a smaller portion it’s in the salad because got to have some protein and you’re month you’re month five into the program I want to I want everybody to know like you know the first first two three months you’re pretty kind of you’re first two months definitely very strict problems on oh yes then then we kind of you know loosened up and then now you’re more or less sort of enjoying all the things you used to enjoy just in smaller amounts and once in a while but like I said we don’t keep bunch of salami in the refrigerator exactly right within reason within reason right yeah that that’s kind of the idea yeah yeah yeah okay and well we bought organic turkey for Christmas for Thanksgiving yeah and you know so at least if we’re having it it’s not full of antibiotics and chemicals and it’s you know naturally Fed so yes and it is just um J it yeah well and I know it’s not a weight loss diet but you know if you cut out all the sweets and the you know and I I still like I don’t have grapes because that you said that was a big thing but we have brought apples back in because we chop them up and put them in the salad because we can’t have tomatoes or I can’t my husband can have tomatoes I can’t have tomatoes and I just started uh bringing pears back in same thing as a snack we we like bringing all that stuff in moderation you know within reason I think is a good way of um describing it and um yeah you’ve just done so well your Labs just continue to get better even as even as your diet is not as strict you know yeah yeah but I’m good I’m good I know you’re on you’re on it most of the I I eat a salad I don’t get out there and eat a restaurant food I know I know I know I have had some soups when I’m out but yeah which and and in the beginning it was hard this first couple weeks oh I know you know I have to get people through I tell people I’m like listen the first three weeks I’m not you’re not going to like us you know how you were texting like we text back and forth multiple times each day which yes don’t understand they’re like you’re texting a doctor three times a day four times a day and like texting pictures of you know poop and then you’re texting pictures of like what you’re eating and then I think I texted a poop not that I wouldn’t have I just didn’t have to yeah I know but you know how this all this CRA you know all crazy and you’re like is this real like am I did I really sign up for this program I guess I did you know this is what I sign if you’re going to do it do it if you’re gonna do it do it and that’s what it takes it was nice that you always got back you or your assistant always got back and I mean within 24 hours sometimes within minutes if I said you know like when I tried taking that hydrochloric acid stuff oh that was not for me you know it was immediate response well don’t take no don’t do it yeah and we’re able to work out something else with it and we’re gonna continue on the probiotics that is what it yeah and but that is what it takes it takes that kind of in the first three to four weeks it really take handholding because there’s a learning curve but once you past that learning curve it’s not like we’re bugging you all the time now it’s kind of like you know as needed you know after after about three four you know it’s like it’s not as and by the way you’re also feeling better your problems are better so you’re confident that you already know kind of what’s what’s working what’s not and that’s kind of the idea and let me tell you if I trying to think what we had that I had cake was it a party or somewhere and I had might have been our son’s wedding I don’t remember even though it was organic somebody made an organic still there was I had cake my my tendons I could feel it in my tendons that you know that icing and that oh my God it was so good but I pay for it so but then you knew and you knew how to correct it and it wasn’t that big of a deal oh yeah I mean it was it’s not like you had a flare it’s not like you had a flare it’s not like you had mle days of symptoms right so I had a night that my tendons in my hips hurt and I guess it was from the sugar so I yeah and like I said I had my husband make cookies so but organic organic flour organic sugar you know but it was still sugar yeah and we he uses like instead of sugar in his coffee he uses maple syrup yeah so it’s you know not that processed sugar stuff so we we’ve made big changes in how we eat and plan on continuing to do it good even on vacation I’m really glad this program helped you and um it did I recommend it you know if you’re having issues you know especially lupus issues you know since that’s what I was lupus nefritis we also see people with all kinds of other autoimmune or digestive dysfunction I’ve told two or three people about it we now honestly I don’t think they could afford it you know right now especially around the holidays I said when you really mean business try this diet yeah you try MGI and it’s specific to like my friend with crohn’s I said you wouldn’t be exactly the same thing I I was because once you can’t have lettuce you know it just tears her up and I said but you know if you’ve had enough sometime try it I think it’s an I think it’s an investment in health and I think yes given the thing you know one thing I’ll say is we you know there’s a lot of things we spend money on and I think um I think one of them needs to be on on ourselves and I think there’s you know to get rid of a I such as lupus or Crohn’s or or some other autoimmune disease that’s really affecting you every single day um that’s she’s on two yeah it’s worth it that’s worth it you know that’s worth it that’s that’s one month worth of medicine yeah like she’s on two of the medicines I know and so and you know for what it is you’re not getting some health coach you’re getting the MD surgeon who you can bother at any time and get a dedic ated culinary coach oh yeah oh and you you can talk to somebody about personal development you know it’s like there’s not a lot of Outsourcing I don’t have like this giant team people work with they’re working with me they’re getting right they’re getting the right answers they’re getting them quick we fix things in real time and they see results fast you know so it it’s amazing how quickly all all the time that you’re complaining about the diet how much I was improving during it so I’m a big vegetable person and it wasn’t that big a stretch for me but you know no potato chips or no potatoes other than sweet potatoes you know that that was and every once in a while like for Thanksgiving we had not only the sweet potatoes we had some mashed potatoes and I took a couple spoonfuls of but not like I the first six weeks are very restricted though all of the foods we just talked all the foods you enjoyed you know the whole conversation we just had right now a lot of those the first six weeks were a noo nothing Y and we didn’t do it but here we are yes and I’m fortunate because my husband was the one that said let’s do this and he’s the chef so you know I wasn’t I I didn’t have to eat something different than him he just said okay we’re gonna do this you need to do this that’s great yeah thank you so much I really appreciate it I really do and um you know if um if you have a message or anything or or if anybody reaches out to you with this sort of thing you know you now know how to fix their problem and you know how to fix your problem I’ll say call you go to MGI that’s right well no and I have told people I said you’re not gonna believe it because I used to not believe it that it would make that big a difference I I’m telling there’s a lot of listen there’s a lot of skepticism I that it would make that much difference yeah I have to I have to win people I earn I earn every single person’s trust that I work with because this is what we’re doing here is not like people the most doctors and most clinics are not good at these types of interactions they’re not good at no at coaching people through these type they also don’t have expertise when it comes to probiotics they don’t have expertise when it comes to phyton nutrition so there’s a gaps in terms of what is available in most Healthcare settings and so the only thing that really good at is is giving medication and maybe running tests right I would say they’re pretty good at that but yeah this kind of idea and sense of fixing the root cause assembly line yeah or yeah fixing the root cause or or really coaching people through the struggles of implementing maybe a new diet or lifestyle change or specifically having using targeted probiotic therapy to reverse the inflammation pretty fast like within weeks these I think um there’s not a lot of people that are good at it and I don’t think there’s a lot of places to go to to find this sort of thing you know I there’s no place for that no I don’t know how my husband found you online yeah I know right he’s always he’s always looking for ways to make to help me be healthier you know with my loopa always looking for that non-medical way to do something to start getting me off the job he ended up he ended up hanging out with me a doctor you know there there you go but nothing nothing we did there are doctors there are doctors that know yeah but nothing we did involved uh you know typical kind of you know medical things like that so but I agree with you it matters a it it like in your example you were able to totally reverse your illness in in a matter of weeks and now we’re looking at even your kidney your lupus nephritis improved substantially and so I you know this is this is is a powerful thing to be able to say I did all of this without medication and not only that it didn’t take me years it didn’t even take me I mean it took me weeks to months maybe you know yeah I mean yeah by the end of the eight weeks I was yeah you know it was a lot better and it just it’s and if like I said if I get out there and exercise more it’s even better get back into yoga it’ll it’ll help and I appreciate it and thank thank you great thank you I really appreciate it so I hope you enjoyed this segment and if you like my content don’t forget to like And subscribe if you think this video will help someone you know be sure to repost a link to this video and as always I’m Dr Chan oser with the Mind gut immunity clinic and let me know if I can help you out