D1 College Football Player, reverses CROHN’S Disease, IBD in 6 weeks, Student Athlete Diet

Elizabeth Alleviates Some of Her Lupus Symptom with Dr. Dasari’s Phytodiet!

Does this sound like YOU? Follow his journey with us find out how you can reverse UC too!

Does this sound like YOU? Follow his journey with us find out how you can reverse UC too!

Health Coach Reverses her Rheumatoid Arthritis in 6 Weeks – Joint Pain, Fatigue, Medicines All Gone!

Part 2: Retired Nurse fixes Lupus nephritis – (5 MONTH UPDATE) – Miracle Kidney GFR Improvement!

D1 ATHLETE reversed his Ulcerative Colitis in 6 weeks with this diet hack!

A real message from a real patient! Reverse your Ulcerative Colitis in 6 weeks!

From Hospital to Total Recovery – Business Owner avoids surgery for Crohn’s Disease Flare Stricture!

CVID & Lupus symptoms improved 6 weeks- Diet, supplement protocol, Food to avoid, microbiome therapy