Ron reversed his ulcerative colitis in 2 weeks and is now medicine-free using the Mind Gut Immunity method! He wasn’t officially diagnosed with ulcerative colitis until the age of 46 but suspected he had been living with the disease for much longer. After experiencing his worst flare-up ever, he knew he had to make a change—and that’s when he called us!
Ron is the picture-perfect case, progressing sensationally fast. His dedication, organization, and adherence to the protocol have been unmatched. This video even showcases his food diary, which is exemplary! It’s a must-watch if you’re dealing with ulcerative colitis.
00:00-01:15: Introduction
01:16-02:41: What ulcerative colitis symptoms were you dealing with before joining the Mind Gut Immunity clinic?
02:42-09:24: How quickly did your symptoms subside within the Mind Gut Immunity clinic?
09:25-11:28: What has been the most helpful part of joining the Mind Gut Immunity clinic, and what makes it so simple?
11:29-13:06: With what you know now, what advice would you give to someone with ulcerative colitis? Is there a holistic approach to it all?
13:07-14:26: With your symptoms subsided, what are you most looking forward to?
14:27-15:40: Is it possible to have muscle growth and endurance in the program?
15:41-19:08: Phytonutrients and their importance with ulcerative colitis!
19:09-31:05: How does detoxing in the beginning of the clinic kickstart the recovery process?
21:19-23:17: How has the Mind Gut Immunity Clinic changed your life since joining the program?
23:18-25:18: In terms of exercise, what are the best practices for ulcerative colitis?
25:19-25:47: Outro
There are a whole host of conditions associated with dysfunctional immune inflammation. The list includes: Eczema, Allergies, UTIs, Irritable Bowel (IBS), IBD, Crohn’s/Colitis, SIBO, Candida, GERD, Viral illnesses, Autism, Multiple Sclerosis, Lupus, Rheumatoid Arthritis, Scleroderma, Sjögren’s, Mixed Connective Tissue Disorder, Autoimmune Thyroiditis, Migraine Headache, Neuropathy, and Fibromyalgia.
he found out at age 46 he had ulcerative colitis but it felt like he had problems much longer than that that’s the story of my latest clients to solve his ulcerative colitis symptoms in just two weeks Yes you heard that correctly two weeks using the Mind G immunity method [Music] [Music] hi I’m Dr doser a surgeon who specializes in reversing gut microbiome dysfunction I’m thrilled to share we are now in our 12th Year and have expanded our Global footprint we’ve assisted clients around the world in different time zones and these individuals continue to successfully manage gut inflammation autoimmune disease without medication if you want to learn more about our approach visit MGI to schedule a call we’ve got exciting updates for 2025 2026 and Beyond on based on the latest research findings for IBD these updates are getting great results as you’ll see here my client was able to become disease-free in Just 2 weeks he had perfect execution starting day one and here you’ll see a little bit about what we’re talking about like like you’re saying um you know I was diagnosed like five years ago with alternative colitis but uh I was suspect that I really had it for many years uh I had the symptoms um I just didn’t know it till I got my clone opy when I turned uh 46 I think at the time and I’ve had it for a long time you know I’ve had uh the abdominal pain and uh it was debilitating for many years so got the diagnosis and I been was doing Whole Foods for a while and trying to stay away from problem foods and it was okay for a while but then um you know flare up still happened and then my most recent flare up um was really bad the worst I’ve ever had so that’s when I reached out to you I came across your videos and I was like this this sounds a lot like what I need you know because I I believe you know a good part of it is the nutrition along with the balance of um getting your mind in the right place and how you deal with stress you know because that’s so so much triggers the gut you know um so and your plan has been really helpful in doing that kind of a holistic look at everything uh but but to your to your question I have never felt better uh I feel awesome I got my energy back um back in the gym working out and I’m anxious to get riding my bike this season that’s great and I just wanted to tell you so so we’re we’re in week four right now right but I wanted to ask you because I was I was stunned by how fast your symptoms disappeared like you’re symptom free now but how from take take me through this journey like when if you could if you could pinpoint a a day or a date or like a time span when you realize like hey I don’t have any symptoms when was that like what week was that in the program I’d say it was as early as a couple weeks in yeah I’ve heard other people you know three we’ve had that by the way we we’ve had people within two weeks like symptom free and we’re just like wow I mean we know it’s fast but sometimes people even exceed our own expectations on that yeah um I’m glad to be on that side of it um yeah it was miraculous you know how much better I felt um in the last flare up you know I’ve never I always hear brain fog but I never knew what it meant until my last flare up I mean I’d be sitting here I’m like who am I what am I doing like that it got so so bad and um I just didn’t wasn’t feeling good either you know and when you don’t feel good it affects you in every which way you know in a visceral way um so really the second week was a big turnaround for me you know this uh my symptoms just kind of went away I know I was looking at your poop picks right because you you send me these things every day right every time you poop you got to send it to me and I’m looking at I’m like Ron like like I was looking at these photos I was like how are you feeling man and you’re like actually really good I was like man that’s fast was so fast you know really was and like you know and I didn’t send you pictures of you know of before I had it you know and you know it was bad and and to to speak to that um it’s pretty amazing like the the the poops I have feel healthy now too like not you know I’m there’s a decent amount that’s I’m delivering if you will it feels like a healthy amount like I feel like a kid again you know whereas before it was always like a struggle um or you know I’d get a little bit out and 10 minutes later it still feels like I have to go again um it was just kind of always there but now I you know I empty my bowels and it feels complete you know that’s that’s different that’s really changed in my bow movements I want to I want to brag about you for just a minute right because you’re somebody that’s like super organized right when we kind of gave you marching orders you were like okay done it’s a done deal right I’m G to um I’m going to do a little screen share if you don’t mind I don’t usually do this but this is like this is your log that you literally just texted me like two like what was it like 30 minutes ago your weekly log I want I want people to see and understand like the types of stuff that we track and what we ask for because it’s it’s a little crazy if you’re not used to doing it right but um yeah let me let me hit share screen real briefly here and here we go so here we’re looking at your Daily Journal right and um you know you obviously got the days of the week here but we check your daily weight we’re checking the sleep not only the time that you’ve slept but if you’ve had if you’re able to calculate how much deep sleep or recover recovery sleep you’ve had right the types of exercise you’re doing and we do like exercise um obviously your supplements and then here you got your food journal right and and and we’re also tracking the water and we’re also tracking the poops and the the stools are like not only are you describing them but you’re actually sending me photos every time it’s it’s happening and you’re sending this every single day and the cool thing is about these food Diaries is that you know we’re checking to see like are you getting enough fats proteins and carbs these are the macronutrients but more importantly are you getting the fiber the polyphenols the tpin thiocyanates like these are the micronutrients the the phytonutrients so to speak and this is really critical as you know because phytonutrients are um very very important um in terms of the diet but and for and for decreasing inflammation but you know people always like ask me it’s like hey what is actually involved in this program we track everything and we track everything every single day and it’s not something that I think some people are like oh like you know some people get a little scared by that but the whole point of it is like hey if you’re making a if if there’s a problem we don’t want to wait a week or two weeks or three weeks or a month to identify what the issue is in terms of execution on this plan big time even even the first week you know the first week when I first sent you the journal that’s when you know there’s a learning curve yeah because you know I’m preparing some new foods and you know a lot of foods I’m not used to making and it was awesome the first week because yeah you were you are looking at all that and those are all the important details I think that help our condition um and like you had some good comments of like let’s you know let’s dial up your leafy greens um I had a little bit of an overdosing of cinnamon if you remember I know right you gotta back off on that was a little too excited right there yeah yeah so I I I did that um and so that kind of feedback is really comforting you know to to to know that you’re looking at all that and responding to it so that was super helpful yeah I think optimizing the regimen is really key especially in the first couple weeks and that’s why it’s a lot of work like the first month of the program is work because like you know we’re texting back and forth sometimes two 300 times in a week and like we’re making these little minor Corrections we’re like oh do this at this time or like hey change this supplement up or like you know we were hyp specific about what kinds of probiotics we use and so there’s all these like there’s all these very nuanced things that matter that we’re hoping to like sort of correct so that you don’t like and we want to correct it in real time we like we want it because if we put all the work up front you get results such as yours where it’s like you know now we’re just chitchatting about your progress and talking about what the next stage of the game is right so yeah the discussions are getting easier of course that they’ve always been easy you know you’ve always been very helpful easy to talk to uh so that’s been great yeah what would you say was the most helpful part of this program because a lot of people maybe watching this they um they were like you a month ago right they didn’t really know what they didn’t know well I the um you know the setup guide I’m referring to it every day um and it’s got those great recipe ideas but it’s also got like things to make sure you’re doing like I keep going back to that you know and it’s your daily checklist that’s been super helpful to always have that and then um the videos I’ve seen them all and I’ve been uh almost through them again a second time uh because I kind of catch things you know it’s it’s a lot of uh you know um a lot of smart stuff there and it kind of help helps to revisit it sometimes so it’s really nice to have the videos too it supports a lot of the stuff that’s in this in the guide setup yeah I spent a long time putting together the MGI Academy course and um it’s not the stuff you find on YouTube I mean some of it’s just in the course right but it goes into the hypers specific details about about what the research says on some of these topics and I try to make it as accessible as possible but sometimes I do get into the weeds um the but the reason is I kind of want you to understand what I know about this condition that’s kind of what it comes down to right if we can have intellectual conversations about things that we sort of uh understand together it makes our job a lot easier because then we can say hey we’re going to do this for this reason and you know like you already know what’s in that video so you already know the why behind it um it it’s a lot easier to coach individuals that have really internalized the lessons in the in the actual video course yeah I I really geeked out on the information you know it’s it’s not like it was um too hard to understand you know you kind of broke it down for the common person um but I really like hearing that information you know to me it kind of reiterates why I’m doing all this stuff yeah yeah to your point yep what advice would you give to somebody who is struggling with UC or autoimmune disease um and it’s just trying to look for answers on the internet what like what would you what would you tell them yeah um well I’ve been trying you know different protocols you know whether they’re supplements um I’ve been trying everything you know and trying different diets um but in the end I think what I would tell anybody with UC is you know you really need to take a holistic look at everything you know because that’s you know I know that the the cause of UC is unknown technically but I think we’re kind of unlock unlocking the reasons why people get UC see you know and the mind gut immunity kind of covers that you know because it is very much a visceral internal thing you know um with your tied into your Vegas nerve and and how how you react to things you know going into fight fight or flight mode something that you know me sometimes uh I can stress myself out and you know and that that contributes so I think taking a holistic approach is the way to go you know I think food is very much important but also you need your sleep I’m a big proponent for exercise um so all that together really is what you need you know it can’t just be just food although food is a big thing yeah um yeah so that’s what I would say to anybody you know is it’s really a whole holistic appro approach yeah yeah what are you looking forward to the most now that you don’t have any symptoms or signs of UC yeah um I’m excited to get into a mountain biking season I’m on the east coast in New York yeah so I had a tough time we do a 24hour race I don’t race all 24 hours I’ll do four or five segments an hour piece but I just remember getting you know it could be really tough you know at the time you know I was suffering from a minor flare up and when that’s happening I’m not getting the nutrients that I need and I also can get anemic at times and especially my last flare up I got really anemic so you know even in the last few weeks in the gym uh I’ve noticed a lot of my strength and power come back um and that’s pretty awesome and I finally have been gaining weight because this last flare up I lost 15 pounds and you know I work really hard because I’ve always been thin I work really hard to put muscle on especially in the winter time um and it’s really defeating when you put on five pounds and then you lose 10 then I’ll put on 15 and I’ll lose that again like it’s a constant battle uh with flareups you know I hear you I think the Focus right now um and you usually we we we roll this out when the individual is symptom free right we focus on muscle growth and endurance that’s kind of going to be the name of the game going forward um so some of the things I would like to do is sort of adjust your diet so that it’s optimized for muscle growth at this point um it’s a little bit early in the process usually we do this around month three okay but you’ve done exceedingly well and everything I’ve seen from you has just shown me that this thing is like pretty much resolved so I I want to shift the focus towards that um and I’ll I’ll get offer some suggestions on how to do that um and then that’ll be really good we’ll put you on like a little biohacking program too for longevity that’s going to be really nice so I like that yeah I I definitely can see um you know I’ve seriously made a pivotal tweak in how I eat you know and how I approach food you know I used to be really concerned because I’m a lift lifter at times most of the time um is my macros but boy I never really thought about it’s a lot about the micronutrients too you know know the pH pH nutrients right yeah I mean I never heard the word phytonutrients until I met you and saw your videos um yeah I gave a whole lecture at Stanford University on the topic on this because it’s the thing that moves the needle right like you if you look at traditional Chinese medicine ayurvedic medicine even these native healing practices from the world or herbal medicine and all this stuff the stuff that like you’ve heard of people like fix their illnesses from the reason all of these things work are because of the phyto compounds the phytonutrients inside that herb or whatever it is um it used to be we used to eat these in very large amounts we and we used to get a ton of diversity if you look at the actual studies Behind these phytonutrients these phyto compounds will decrease tnf Alpha I 6 I 12 I 23 um these are all inner loop glucans these are all inflammatory markers they will decrease oxidative damage they’ll decrease arachadonic acid all of these PA histamine Pathways a lot of these inflammatory pathways are the same targets as the medications that they prescribe to treat autoimmune disease and to treat ulcerative colitis for example right like all these biologics and all this stuff what are they they’re basically block they’re monoclonal antibodies that block these inter lucans and so instead of assuming all the risk of all those medications and going down that path of just like you know who knows where that leads you know sometimes it’s it’s not all good right you’re able to get the same effect by just optimizing the diet and even not taking a ton of supplements either like I’m not really big on supplements as you know yeah yeah just kind of like you know it’s it’s a novel concept but it’s an old concept too it’s it’s sort of what we used to do we just don’t do it anymore you know yeah well and on the the probiotics you know there’s a million probiotics out there um and you’ve done your research yeah people get offthe shelf kind of a thing and like it’ll make it’ll work and by the way I’ve had gastro urologists try to prescribe probiotics that just cause so many problems I see all the failures out there because they’re non selective about the strains you know they’re just they don’t understand which strains that need to be replaced in order to get the res result that’s desired and even these people that come in with like like these these gut microbiome analyses they get it wrong all the time yeah what were you going to say that’s probably your experience too on it right yeah for sure um you know I was trying a lot of different probiotics and then you know I know food is you know food is medicine and I was trying to get in probiotics via you know sourkraut and and but um and you reminded me I wasn’t really my microbiome wasn’t really ready yet for some of those um because I remember I try to get sauerkraut and um and Greek yogurt and and they would often cause problems I’m like these are supposed to help me I thought you know I thought these were supposed to be good for people with UC but because my microbiome was in such kind of disrepair if you will um your program I thought I think what was really helpful is the first week you know is about kind of is is Det toxifying um and making sure you’re pushing out that’s why we drink all that water um and you know that’s a big part of it too we re-calibrate the microbiome within the first week this is what gives me an edge people ask me like what’s the one thing you’re good at um back when I had this condition inflammatory bowel disease uh this was almost 15 years ago we didn’t have the patented precise probiotic strains like we have now um and so back then I was doing it kind of like you tried to do it with like sauerkraut yogurt all this stuff and it took me two years to fix my problem back then so I know the diet works right but the interesting thing is that ever since these new probio and I’ve tried all like a ton of different probiotics over the years right to like even all the big big Brands the ones that the GI guys want when I when I found these four particular strains and they’re coming out of Japan um and I found that they had patents and I found that they um if you look at the clinical papers like the white papers surrounding these things it’s like it’s very specific about how they digest sucrose and fructose and lactose how they generate short chain fatty acids which heal the colon how they lay down a biofilm to prevent competitively inhibit the bad bacteria how they can pass through your gastric acid and and actually colonize and get to the place that they need to get to oh yeah and they have tons of data for visceral hypersensitivity and these symptoms that are associated with inflammatory Gile disease as well as autoimmune disease it dawned on me that not a lot of people have this knowledge and actually even like practitioners doing this on a research level or at like these big universities they don’t actually even have as much experience as I do as on modulating the gut microbiome in such a targeted fashion you get what I’m trying to say yeah yeah I think I’ve developed now like a like thear largest data set um to date for these types of for these types of kind of approaches and so it’s just very interesting um very inter and this was just you know kind of something that I’ve been doing in my practice for a number of years and it’s now available to everyone now which is which is great you know I noticed too though the I don’t know if it’s the food I’m eating um or very much the probiotics that is my mind it’s both Ron yeah thech effect yeah I I feel a lot I’ve never had such sharp thinking and I’m also um you know things don’t phase me like they used to like I I was in a crowded store the other day super crowded and it would freak me out but it I was fine you know like I’m it’s amazing how much I feel at ease with everything now too I think it’s you know taking the holistic approach making sure I’m getting my sleep and exercise I got to beat myself up in the gym a little bit but you know I think the human body wants to be pushed a little bit and yeah that’s where you get you have to muscle when you build muscle mass the muscle itself everybody thinks of muscle as being like this mechanical organ it’s it’s actually it’s an it’s its own endocrine organ it secretes these hormones it secretes anti-inflammatory cyto kindes so having more muscle also means that you have more resilience against autoimmune disease against inflammatory bowel disease it will help you in the long run and that’s why we shift our Focus later in the program like you know beginning of the program’s always like well let’s get the symptoms under control yeah um as as I mean you’ve you’ve just you you were you were there at two weeks right like two weeks later you’re you’re pretty much there so now our entire Focus needs to be on increasing lean muscle on doing things that will increase your longevity um so some of these little biohacking things they send to you but um and these things are evidence-based these things have very good data behind them they are a little bit basic but they are very high yield um and I think that when we focus our our our energy and attention on that long term on this is like you’ll never this will be in your rearview mirror I like that yeah I I like what you said too about you know it really you need to concentrate on your fast twitch muscles those are you know which is different than you know in the summertime I do a lot of writing and that’s slow twitch it’s like like similar to running I know the continuous cardio man it’s I’m not a huge fan of of steady state cardio um and I think there’s data on this now like there’s a bunch of you know these gurus on the internet talking about it to yeah I’ve seen it yeah yeah it’s it’s not good for muscle building or cortisol uh it’s it’s not good for anything actually um it’s good for writing competitively I think but I think in the in the health scheme of things we need to really focus on increasing muscle mass and not and you know really just strength training resistance training hit training fast twitch that sort of thing yeah and I’d like to continue um continue lifting all year round is I think is what I need to do a lot of times I would kind of taper off and then I’d be just riding and then I’m like all my muscles are gone I have to start over again in the fall um so yeah because writing writing is actually a catabolic process resistance TR is an anabolic process right and if you pair with that a diet that’s optimized you’ll you you’ve been through this before right like you you’re through you know when your muscles are going up you know when they’re coming down you actually want to keep your muscles up even when you’re writing you know yeah yeah that plus you’re just healthier and stronger too you know when I really push myself sometimes you know I can get sick easily if I don’t get enough sleep if I’m doing just too much too much C you know so it’s really yeah I think it’s the the the biking is fun for me you know so leave it fun and make sure I get my get my you know strength training into that so I don’t lose my muscle mass especially now that I’m 52 something I think about all the time well that’s great you’re doing great um we’ll keep working at this all right that’s the end if you think this video will help someone you know be sure to share the link with him leave a comment below discussing your experience dealing with gut inflammation and autoimmune disease and some of the challenges you’re facing also if you can follow for more content it helps this channel reach more viewers as always is Dr chanas with mind gut immunity clinic and I’ll see you next time