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Natural Cure for Ulcerative Colitis? Older woman tries IBD home remedies with Dr. Dasari’s Clinic

Doris reversed her ulcerative colitis in 6 weeks and is now medicine-free using the Mind Gut Immunity method! Her weight dropped as low as 92 pounds, and her BMI was dangerously low! She had constant diarrhea and began avoiding food in hopes of curtailing it. She has since normalized her eating habits and gained back some of the weight she lost!
00:00-01:44: Introduction
01:45-04:50: What weight were you when you joined the clinic, and what were some of the symptoms of ulcerative colitis that you exhibited?
04:51-08:32: When you first started the clinic, what was the toughest obstacle that you had to overcome?
08:33-10:36: With the positive weight gain so far, how are you currently feeling?
10:37-13:31: Has any doctor you’ve seen mentioned nutrition as a method of treating ulcerative colitis?
13:32-16:19: With your ulcerative colitis symptoms subsided, what are you most looking forward to?
16:20-17:57: With the knowledge that you now have, what advice would you give to someone who is suffering from ulcerative colitis?
17:58-20:46: Once your inflammation was gone, how was the transition back into a healthier lifestyle?
20:47-21:25: Outro
There are a whole host of conditions associated with dysfunctional immune inflammation. The list includes: Eczema, Allergies, UTIs, Irritable Bowel (IBS), IBD, Crohn’s/Colitis, SIBO, Candida, GERD, Viral illnesses, Autism, Multiple Sclerosis, Lupus, Rheumatoid Arthritis, Scleroderma, Sjögren’s, Mixed Connective Tissue Disorder, Autoimmune Thyroiditis, Migraine Headache, Neuropathy, and Fibromyalgia.
she was down to just 92 lb her body mass and weight were dangerously low but she bounced back and gained 16 lb that’s the story of my most recent client who reversed ulcerative colitis using the Mind gut immunity [Music] method hello Dr Doss here I’m thrilled to announce that we are in our 12th year and continuing to expand our services for clients around the world these folks have been able to resolve gut inflammation and autoimmune disease without the need for medication to learn more about our approach visit MGI and request a call also to let you know we’ve made some changes and updates for 2025 2026 and Beyond based on the latest research findings for IBD we’re continually updating our protocols to achieve the best results possible this information can transform lives so come check us out here you’ll meet one of our clients who started the program underweight being underweight is a challenge because you don’t heal from your ulcers normally being underweight means that you have protein synthesis and wound healing that is compromised so we spent a great deal of time addressing the fact that she was underweight she became this way because she avoided eating food food avoidance unfortunately is a strategy many people with IBD use because they don’t have any other way to manage their symptoms especially with the pain and the bloating but long-term food avoidance is not a good strategy and can cause problems this was a very challenging case but some important lessons here 108 pounds that’s really good yes it is what was your starting weight it was when I was uh very bad when I was in the middle of my flare I was uh no towards the end of my flare I was 92 pounds that’s when from 117 I was 117 and went down to 92 wow when you were down to 92 do you remember when we were like uh you know we were talking back and forth you were having a lot of difficulty oh with um not only eating but also the diet right the food wouldn’t digest a lot of blow of reflux yes I was not I was no no I wasn’t having reflux I was just having diarrhea like during the day many times and how many times night I would say maybe seven or eight or more times in the day I I never counted but it was a constant going hurry to the bathroom and how long did that go on until it started getting better I started having the first signs of a s of the flare symptom maybe in March and I call you I found you in November yeah so from the time we started though you were still having these problems oh yes I I still had that problem for a while yeah how long because this after after I started your program yeah after I started the program about let’s say two month or maybe even less I no two weeks or maybe even less I started having a little bit of like Improvement MH but it was not as fast as I you know wanted and so I I kept bothering you and and and the reason the reason I wanted to talk talk about this topic Doris is this topic comes up as has come up actually in the past few months probably like 10 times there’s a subset of patients you know like when you’re in a flare you don’t want to eat right and then when you’re undere eating and plus everything’s running through you sometimes sometimes you go 8 10 12 20 times in a day it’s very hard to gain weight even after you go on our regimen right you still have those difficulties actually you’re not the first person to complain about this I’ve actually have a lot my most of my difficult uh clients have this issue they’re underweight and they’re having lots and lots and lots of loose stols how do we get past that even after they start the regimen they don’t feel good right away no yours was the same case right you were struggling at the beginning and I was like just hang in their doors just trust me on when you gain the weight when you gain the weight things will be better when you gain the weight things will be better which is kind of like crazy to say right because it’s like to gain the weight you have to eat you’re like I can’t gain the weight but but the reason ask you the time frame yeah I wanted to get your perspective on how hard it was to transition from being underweight and having loose tools all the time to finally gaining weight and finally recovering like how that was a long process for you yeah it was like uh like nine weeks or something like that it was a long time uh but I in the very beginning the first two three weeks I felt like this is not going to happen because I had had my colitis for so long I thought it was like a natural thing and I my body was so so weak that I was not that this was probably going to be my last bad flare I I thought I was dying I I really thought that I was dying that’s how bad I felt and I how bad I even looked you know when I looked in the mirror it was like a person with anorexia nervosa you know and you were anorexic by weight criteria remember I told you I kept yelling on the I was like you’re underweight you’re anorexic your BMI is super low your BMI is so super and then you had all of the you had all of the symptoms of anorexia which include like brain fog low energy when you ate you felt bad you know like when you eat you feel bad because you use so much energy just to digest the food and then even after you started eating it felt like you felt really full bloated um refle I mean you had everything every possible yeah symptom of anorexia you had it you had it you know this topic keeps coming up though Doris I’ve had like at Le every month I usually have two or three people that are like really underweight and I’m and I give them sort of the same speech I’m like go go to one of those BMI calculators type in your height type in your weight and see what your BMI is and if your BMI is less than 18 or less than 18.5 you have a pretty bad problem you cannot heal ulcerative colitis you cannot heal Crohn’s disease you cannot heal autoimmune disease when your BMI is so low because the body needs to produce protein in order to heal right and that protein building metabolism is just not there because when you’re undereating and you’re underweight your body is trying to break itself down it’s in a catabolic metabolism sometimes it takes nine weeks of you felt like you were forc feeding yourself right I kept saying more eat more eat more eat more and you’re like I don’t know if I can eat more it it didn’t feel like I could have it bite more because I felt to full know I know in I I’ve been wanting to talk to you about this for a long time because once we saw you doing really well we would always talk to the other clients I said hey we got this client okay who is who started off just like you believe it or not having all this like difficulty with the fiber difficulty with the fat difficulty with the protein and you know what she struggled she struggled for a very long time and until she gained weight she gained like the first 10 pounds really you know when you that first 10 that first 5 10 pounds is so critical but once you got up in weight then things got easier yes then the weight just kept going up yeah when I got to 100 when I got to a 100 then it was easier to put the other more weight in right yeah and I always I tell people I usually give an estimate like it takes around 3 to six weeks to get there sometimes a little bit longer um and now your current weight at 108 how are you feeling oh I feel strong I feel I feel a lot better than I have you know that I have felt for a long time because um like I said I when I was diagnosed with this it was like 24 years uh about 24 years ago and um you know I I was young at that time you know a lot still we still young years younger but you know as I get you know as time went along uh and I I maintain I try to keep my flares from coming by um with the diet because I never had I never had any medications so with the diet I I was able to I had maybe a flare once every year or twice a year but it was short and it quickly went away um but this the last two were awful and the when I call you it’s because I I like I said I thought I was dying and then I saw one of your in you know one of your videos and I said oh this is godsent let me try this and um and thank God yes it worked yeah and but even after you signed up it was not a quick fix and and this is what I tell people is we have a reliable methodology to fix the problem but it requires a lot of work up front there were times when you were like I don’t know if I can finish this program you know yeah but but that transition once you see some progress then it just happens very fast you know you start seeing some the real results and it’s it’s um it’s nice that you’re on the other side because now you know oh you know you you even remember what how things were when you first joined it was it was pretty hard was did your other doctors ever talk to you about nutrition did they ever talk to you about they never do No in fact I had one that um when I told it was a himm when I told him um no I’m not going to use any medications uh you know I don’t want to use those medications I’ve read too many bad things about the effects of this medications I don’t want to use them uh and he said well don’t come back to me you know that’s the way they are because they said and in another one uh when I went um he prescribed some type of enema uh I used it once and it was so bad that I said no I’m not using this so I started doing something else but he gave me a followup appointment and I went to the followup appointment and he said how are you doing I said I’m doing great so he said oh so you used the ENA I said no I used it once stopped it because it didn’t do good yeah so what did you do I said I did it with some herbs and I I also you know um changed my diet and I I it worked he says oh no no that’s just a coincidence that has nothing to do with it food has nothing to do with it so even when you went even when you went back to the the doctor when you were healed and you showed him and you told him hey look at me now yeah I did this all naturally without medication he still did he still did not believe you right yeah and no and he said are you allowing would you are you willing so that I I can do a sigmoidoscopy are you willing you know uh to to go over a sigmoidoscopy right now and I said sure because you probably are still doing bad he said sure I will so I changed went to the you know room for the sigmoidoscopy he did it he was very quiet during the sigmoidoscopy and the first time he was talking a lot oh this is bad oh this that that the second time he was very quiet and he finished put the instrument down and he said you can get ready and see me in in my office that was it he left he was sort of upset and so he said I don’t know what you did but that’s just a coincidence uh so I said something and he said don’t come back I don’t you know so I didn’t go back well you don’t need you don’t need them anymore yeah but so you’re completely symptom free right 100% you said even said 108% better that’s good um I I have a couple questions question s now what um what are you planning to do now that you don’t have inflammatory bowel you don’t have UC what do you what do you want to do like what are you looking forward to the most uh in what what aspect what are you talking about before all this when you came to me you were losing uh you lost a lot of hope you really were like hey it’s either I get better or I’m going to like you in your own words die right but um now that you have like this totally different perspective what are you looking forward to the most like it’s that’s kind of the question well um I am retired I’m I’m an instructor I teach nutrition and stuff like that believe it or not and I was trying to um totally um you know I I am retired but I still volunteered to teach some classes like every quarter every trimester I teach a class or two uh because I love teaching and I want to be busy I don’t want to sit down in the home doing nothing um uh but I was ready to do you know to retire because I I it was so difficult to teach while having you know this urge to go every 15 minutes is it was U very difficult uh but now I am back to teaching to classes and stuff like that I I I feel like why did I you know I’m I don’t feel like 7 71 I am 71 I don’t feel like 71 I feel like I’m in my 50s that’s great you know my mind my strength my enthusiasm everything I I don’t feel like in my 70s I I feel 50s that’s great and and you teach nutrition um what are you are any of the lessons that you learned in this program is it carrying over to what you’re teaching in your nutrition I teach a lot about you know how important it is to to make sure that you have a lot of colors and that people that we try to help that they understand that colors in plants that the these colors and and the fiber and all these things have a a very important role in health uh and so yes it does yeah and I and that’s what I’m kind of known for is this phytonutrient diet it’s a diet that’s very high in a lot of these plant-based mic nutrients that most people are deficient in it turns out if you replace those in high enough quantity the disease will get better and sometimes go away um is in most cases I would say go away and so that’s really um that’s really nice that’s really um that’s great hey what advice would you give to someone with ulcerative colitis or some other autoimmune disease um or some kind of GI issue what advice would you give them knowing what you know now well um first I would tell them make sure that you you know have a you know a plate full of colors from plant Foods you know whole plant Foods stop all that Ultra process and and the so-called you know vegan Alternatives vegan junk food the vegan Alternatives like like impossible and all those things uh the cheeses and all that you know Ultra processed because I can make my own cheese from potatoes and carrots and things like that and they are delicious and I make them on at home and I don’t have any preservatives and things in there uh so I would tell them about that and you know about uh for example my favorite fruits were like bananas oh it was my favorite thing bananas and bananas and mangoes and things like that I still like them not saying I don’t like them but I am enjoying more and more the berries uh my husband used to be the one eating the raspberries and the blackberries and the blueberries and I was the one eating the mangoes and the and the uh and the bananas bananas bananas my favorite thing bananas uh now uh now it’s the kind of the other way I get all the berries yeah I know I know our Focus Chang changed after about month three once you were kind of out of the inflammation we I really we really stressed the building of the lean muscle and you put on quite a bit of lean muscle I was very excited you even said that like you’re getting like really strong what was that process like for you well it was not that bad because in the beginning it was I thought you know I I’m never going to put on some weight after this but I as I insisted and because you insisted and I you know went ahead and continued I and I went to the gym and started exercising and then we even bought some equipment in in the house a leg press and stuff like that we bought that it was like a$ thousand dollars but I you know it’s worth it for your health yeah yeah yeah so we have our own little gym now we don’t have to go to the gym over there and um and I I feel it my legs you know uh my legs have muscled now it’s not this this skinny and the muscle is protective the muscle protects against inflammation building the muscle long term is a great idea yeah that’s good well I you know I really appreciate it and I think hearing from your story is going to help a lot of people I think there are a lot of people that struggle to eat I think there’s a lot of people that avoid eating um there’s a lot of food fear there’s a lot of people intermittently fasting there’s a lot of people that are underweight anorexic who deal with inflammatory bow who deal with UC and that’s the only thing that they know there’s a lot of people that struggle with fiber there’s a lot of people that struggle to eat calories there’s a lot of people that struggle to gain weight and I think um I think you are a successful example of someone who despite the difficulty because not everything was easy not nothing came easy to you but despite the difficulty you just kept moving forward and you kept moving through that that very difficult transition phase and here you are on the other side very healthy very strong robust uh almost 20 pounds higher and just feeling great you know yeah symptom free even your gastro neurologist doesn’t need to see you doesn’t even that you’re doing so well um so I think your story will inspire a lot of people I hope because um it it would make me happy to see that you know other people um will benefit uh from my story because it it it it is sad sad to you know go through something like this and not have any help yeah I would agree all right that’s the end if you think this video will help someone you know be sure to share the link with them leave a comment below discussing your experience dealing with gut inflammation and autoimmune disease and some of the the challenges you’re facing also if you can follow for more content it helps this channel reach more viewers as always it’s Dr Chan oser with mind gut immunity clinic and I’ll see you next time
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