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IBD & Underweight: Stunning Reversal of Crohns’ disease Fistula and Anorexia Malnourishment

Phil reversed his ulcerative colitis in 6 weeks and is now medicine-free using the Mind Gut Immunity method! He was dangerously low on the BMI (Body Mass Index) scale, only weighing 110 lbs at 5’10” and considered to be at the anorexic level! He was able to gain 30 lbs back within the first two months and has regained his strength.
00:00-01:29: Introduction
01:30-03:49: What was your starting weight and height when first joining the MGI Clinic, and where did you fall on the Body Mass Index scale?
03:50-05:35: What is your weight now?
05:36-08:15: How did you gain back the weight and get back to a normal BMI?
08:16-10:01: Did the dietary changes affect you and give you symptoms?
10:02-11:38: When did you realize that your appetite returned, and how difficult was it to get there?
11:39-12:36: After your appetite returned, how quickly did your energy pick up, and when did the pain during stools subside?
12:37-14:23: What was the most helpful part of the Mind Gut Immunity clinic?
14:24-15:02: Outro
There are a whole host of conditions associated with dysfunctional immune inflammation. The list includes: Eczema, Allergies, UTIs, Irritable Bowel (IBS), IBD, Crohn’s/Colitis, SIBO, Candida, GERD, Viral illnesses, Autism, Multiple Sclerosis, Lupus, Rheumatoid Arthritis, Scleroderma, Sjögren’s, Mixed Connective Tissue Disorder, Autoimmune Thyroiditis, Migraine Headache, Neuropathy, and Fibromyalgia.
he was profoundly underweight CTIC and avoiding eating completely because he had a Fula and uncontrolled Crohn’s disease now his inflammation has healed and he’s back on track for Recovery that’s the story of Phil my latest client to solve Crohn’s disease [Music] [Music] hi I’m Dr chanas and I’m thrilled to announce we’re celebrating our 12th Year and have expanded our reach throughout the US and Canada we now have clients in every state stretching from Hawaii all the way to Maine people across North America have successfully managed gut inflammation in autoimmune disease without medication through our approach to learn more visit mgcl and request a call we’ve updated our protocols and diets for 2025 2026 and Beyond based on the latest IBD research findings our Protocols are constantly refined to achieve the best outcomes this information has the power to transform lives so come check us out here you’ll meet Phil who came to me with a fistula from Crohn’s his doctors didn’t believe him when he said he fixed his inflammation without medication he was profoundly underweight when he started with a ktic BMI it was a challenge but he managed to put on weight by eating a lot of food each day on the protocol come take a look at this story when you you first joined the program U what like what was your height and weight um probably like 510 or 510 and a half for the height um weight I think the lowest was 110 so yeah yeah yikes that’s pretty low we had your BMI at like very low mhm yeah yeah and I think the thing I was most concerned about I you know I get into this discussion a lot with people it’s like a lot of people with crohn’s disease inflammatory bowel disease the there’s a there’s a two-part problem first part of the problem is you actually feel better when your bowels are empty right and we know that because the root cause of Crohn’s Disease and ulcerative colitis is gut microbiome dysfunction so you eat less you feel better um or when you don’t have a um when you don’t when you’re doing the colonoscopy right and you’re doing your bowel prep you actually feel pretty good because you’re empty right um and the other thing is actually food fear right so a lot of people have food fear that when they eat certain foods they might exacerbate a problem or they might cause an issue and so it causes them to like eat less and um have problems and you can get to very dangerously low bmis even to the point of severe extreme um anorexia really is kind of what it is right the BMI cuto off yeah because it goes like you know BMI until BMI body body mass index as you know when it’s high it’s it it can be variable it could be muscle or fat but when it’s low it’s pretty accurate right means you’re pretty sick and so if you’re below 18.5 and you can go on a BMI calculator and check all this um you fall in this anorexia range and the further and further you go you go from mild moderate severe extreme anorexia and what that correlates to is um protein calorie malnutrition and that’s actually a medical diagnosis that’s when your alumin is lower that’s when your pre-albumin is lower and um you have an inability to heal your ulcers you have an inability to heal your intestine um so the thing that impressed me about you what’s your weight now what was your weight now basically 140 pounds so a 30 pound game pretty cool how fast did you gain those 30 pounds see I’d say 20 pounds came on very quick like um maybe the first month or two I know you’re putting on about like five pounds a week some weeks and we were all we were like this never happens right like most of the time we have to go off protocol to achieve those results right it’s really hard to be on protocol eating all these healthy foods and gaining that weight yeah I mean part of the problem before I was on the protocol I was trying this carnivore stuff and like yeah not having any carbs at all um it just did not work so I guess it’s like starving for some some carbs what was your feal cow protecting back then and I know you you were struggling with some other issues as a result of your Crohn’s but how high was your feal count proteced so I think a month before or maybe two months before um we got together it measured at 200 um I’m not sure how high it got after that but probably wasn’t very good yeah highest ever was like 1300 I think yeah that’s when you SI yeah and I know we got that down pretty quickly um so give me so really the reason I want I really wanted to have this conversation with you was I wanted and I’ve seen your food Diaries and I know exactly what you were doing but I want you to describe how you gained the weight how did you do it how did you go from being profoundly underweight to being a normal BMI how’d you do it well I guess to start I had the sort of discipline in place from doing the uh revious diet wasn’t working so I could really you know force myself to eat if I needed to um it’s just that I had the right stuff now so I did uh you know what was it Oak brand every single morning sweet potato protein shake yep how sh did you have I did three um for a while I managed to come down to two which was and how much fat did you add to each Shake uh like a tablespoon of olive oil so not sure how much fat that is but it’s a decent amount and you had three meals on top of that right yeah take me through like your typical day you were started off with like oat brand sweet potatoes protein shake what else what else yep so lunch would be uh um bunch of quinoa yeah um black beans salad like arugula kale spinach that sort of stuff and you were adding olive oil to all this too on top of it right yeah of course times of Olive Oil okay yeah sometimes I’d have like a snack of maybe some more oan like a serving in the afternoon kind of depended on my appetite um and then dinner would be kind of a repeat of lunch sometimes but um it’s kind of funny I started experimenting having like mushrooms like Bellows and oyster mushrooms and um I don’t know all sorts and for me that kind of became like a dessert in a way I just kind of got into it I was looking at your food logs from back then and I mean some days I mean you were hitting 3,000 pretty regularly but 3500 to 4,000 calories I mean I was just I was amazed I was like because normally what happens is when people have undere eaten for a long period of time they get really tired when they eat like they feel exhausted they get really bloated they get um acid reflux you know it’s just very uncomfortable and they get abdom viseral hypers sensitivity they get sometimes they even get diarrhea you know because they’re not used to processing that much food or that much fiber right how did you man like what did you encounter in terms of your symptoms and then how did you manage them I’d say know probably the worst symptom along those lines was gas which is I mean it’s not bad um just a little awkward socially um a bit of bloating comes with that but I don’t know I didn’t get like really tired necessarily I remember you know years ago if I went back out to eat and you know I eat a bunch I get very sleepy but strange with this uh this kind of stuff I just that didn’t happen yeah so you know what it worked pretty well I was able to start weightlifting quite a bit I know you actually started weightlifting you gained muscle I I’ve seen your after photo that was pretty good yeah I told you I needed to go on a dating profile but yeah um I know what it’s like I can see my veins popping and muscles moving it’s uh yeah I haven’t seen that in a long time so it’s pretty cool that’s good how soon would you I know there’s that initial difficult period right where it just literally feels like you’re forced feeding yourself most people describe that they don’t really have an appetite and they’re really just it feels like they’re Force feeding themselves when they shouldn’t be eating that much when did you start to notice your appetite pickup and your hunger cues return like how soon after Force feeding yourself did you notice that I think maybe two weeks maybe three weeks I started to notice that just became more natural um you know a lot of this stuff was before I got with you it was kind of stuff I would be like at the end of the night um and I could wish I could have some carbs or something like it’s kind of already very hungry for this stuff but I was like forcing myself not to eat yeah which was know um kind of depressing not the right so it was like um a big morale boost to fin have more energy and actually eat yeah I think there’s a lot of dangers with undereating um especially Rel you know there’s all this stuff about like intermittent fasting or you know doing these like these specialty diets for Crohn’s and Aller of colitis but one of the things that people Miss is that that you know if their weight’s going down and it’s going down to a dangerously low level um it’s not helping anything you know how soon after so around two three weeks obviously your appetite picked up how were your energy levels how will the rest rest of your symptoms doing I those resolved pretty quickly thereafter right yeah [Music] so I noticed my schools were like mainly I struggled with diarrhea um so I for the first time in a long time I noticed them to start to form up um and that was to me probably the best sign um so a while ago you know the diarrhea got painful and um pretty unpleasant um just to like carry that around in your stomach it’s hard to describe but it’s not something you want yeah um what did you think was the most helpful part of our program that we did together I think the most helpful part is to have somebody who’s like Medical Professional who you can like coach you know yeah approach with some things like um hey I’m seeing some blood here is that normal or um is this normal or um it also just adds like a level of trust um comfort like sticking with the protocol because it’s quite tough um it’s not an easy thing um to stick with it when you know you know have someone who knows their stuff you can really keep with it I think probably the toughest thing is like psychological and also stress if you don’t have like trust in what you’re doing that can cause a lot of stress turn lot of second symptoms right yeah yeah I hear you well that’s great uh I really appreciate I think a lot of people can learn from your experience and um I think that you know you’re you’re the one we brag about we say Hey you know you can gain weight if you sort of put your mind to it it’s going to be a tough couple weeks things will not come easy especially if you’re underweight or haven’t been eating or have been dropping weight or you know can’t tolerate large amounts of food you will get across this Finish Line one way or another right so yeah I think your story is going to inspire a lot of people so I appreciate it thank you hope so hope so thanks all right that’s the end if you think this video will help someone you know be sure to share the link with him leave a comment below discussing your experience dealing with gut inflammation and autoimmune disease and some of the challenges you’re facing also if you can follow for more content it helps this channel reach more viewers as always it’s Dr Chan oser with mind gut immunity clinic and I’ll see you next time
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