Real Recovery, Within Reach. Discover Mind-Gut-Immunity

Health Coach Reverses her Rheumatoid Arthritis in 6 Weeks – Joint Pain, Fatigue, Medicines All Gone!

Mary reversed her Rheumatoid Arthritis in 6 weeks, using the Mind-Gut-Immunity Method. She has been able to feel her symptoms go away 100%. From hand swelling, wrist pain, lock jaw, and feet pain has been completely subsided. Her fatigue and energy levels have improved drastically!

She couldn’t even ring out a towel or use salt and pepper shakers. All that is behind her now with the Mind-Gut-Immunity-Method
100% resolution of a rheumatoid arthritis and anap positive autoimmune disease that’s my latest client who happens to also be a holistic clinician and health coach she was able to see complete healing with a mind gut immunity approach stick around for this [Music] story hi there I’m Dr chanu doer a surgeon who specializes in reversing gut microbiome dysfunction and autoimmune inflammation my technique for reversing symptoms in as little as 6 weeks has helped thousands of patients over the years and is called the Mind gut immunity method and if You’ like to learn more visit MGI and request a discovery call now in this upcoming video you’ll meet Mary who runs a chiropractic clinic and serves as a health coach to patients she herself had rheumatoid arthritis and suspected lupus because her rheumatoid Factor was positive and her anti-nuclear antibodies were elevated she previously suffered with joint pain swollen hands fingers locked jaw hip pain foot pain poor sleep and low energy with the program all of these resolved in a matter of weeks and she was able to avoid Penzone and Methotrexate in this session we talk about the value of solving the toxicity deficiency puzzle as she likes to call it so let’s get started well so you’ve been part of this program for a couple months now I wanted to recap kind of your journey and um and maybe explain what you’ve seen seen some of the positive benefits since joining the Mind gut immunity Clinic well to be honest I I really wasn’t sure if this was going to work for me I had tried several different diet programs and um and and had some success and some failures in in those and so I was uh you know I really felt like it was kind of an omen thing how I ended up um seeing you on YouTube and clicking on your information and um was really impressed with everything that you said it made sense to me I still had a lot of questions but uh I was able to do that phone call with you um and you were able to answer a lot of my questions and so I just you know went for it and to be honest four weeks into it I I wasn’t sure if this was working and uh but at the six week point it was transformational I mean my inflammation just started to go down every day it felt like whatever had a stronghold on me was letting go and literally uh it felt just like that a little bit better every day a little bit better and I would almost second guess myself thinking am I really feeling better or I just think I’m feeling better but because it continued M you know I went from walking on glass to being able to walk on my hardwood floors without pain now that’s the last little symptom that I still have hanging on is I almost feel like there is not glass not gravel not marbles but maybe something in my shoe still yeah um but I can function I mean at six weeks I hiked six miles with my husband wow um up you know it was a nice climb it was about a thousand foot climb um and you know literally I have my life back and I have my energy back and I have been sleeping now so good like the last couple of nights and and even at six weeks I had really good sleep and that was kind of one of of the things that helped me feel that I was really my body was really healing like this was this is going to happen and and that was I mean I just can’t even express how how amazed I am at your program and I had a lot of questions I’m a health coach and so I know you’re you’re in you guys are in a clinic right right so we we have a multi-is linary Clinic where we do Chiropractic massage and nutritional counseling and so you know I’ve been trying a lot of these things and trying and I know and I know and I Remember You Came you were on your own little supplement program when you started do you remember that yes yes you thought you knew as much as you could know at that point yes I did and and I was um I was a little bit surprised at the the amount of probiotics you have us take you know that first week but it you know made sense to me and I just followed it like I you know wanted to I just wanted to do every single thing so that I would know for myself at the end if this was really you know a program that was going to work and and it had I’ve had over the years I’ve had like Physicians health coaches nurses doctors like be part of the program and they’ve they’ve kind of said the same thing you have like their their eyes were open to a lot more of what they didn’t know or perhaps they knew but they didn’t know like you know a different perspective on it and um you know all those videos are just full of just really good information you got like I’m pulling from like study after study after study so um that’s great I’m really I’m really glad um and I know information that I got at the beginning was it was a lot of information so it was a little bit overwhelming so I can understand you know if somebody wants to dig into all of that after a while it’s just like almost too much too much and but I felt like and some of the supplements I had never heard of H and so I thought well you know I’m just going to follow the program as strictly as I can which is pretty darn strict yeah um and and here here we are six weeks later and there’s usually like a two or three week ramp up right where you’re kind of like perfecting things and well you’re just trying to get everything in you know because I had to order the supplements and that there some of them come from Canada and that took a little while and so um and you know I was just kind of like okay you know I wasn’t is it gonna work or is it GNA be like one of these other things that I’ve done yeah I was I was really uh you know I thought really like that many supplements but I am telling you it was when I had all the supplements and I was doing everything like within two weeks from that point I started to see some major changes yeah and so I think that first four weeks the reason why I was you know a little bit um you know starting to wonder we were going back and forth we were going back and forth during that time too yeah and it really hadn’t been four weeks of doing exactly taking all the supplements it really of that four weeks only about two weeks of that was where I really had all the supplements that I needed and that’s a big that’s a very important factor like do not Veer off of your and I create a custom you know I I create like kind I customize it for each patient and what specific issues that they have so there’s a lot of thought that goes into that um I have a question so you know you had all these symptoms unresolved symptoms prior to working with me um can you describe some of these symptoms and perhaps how they’ve changed over time oh well we talked about my feet um in my wrists my wrists were very hot and swollen and I couldn’t when I would get a flare um I couldn’t open my hand it was excruciatingly painful I Couldn’t Write um one day I had to go to Seattle for my business class and I was in a flare and I had a brace in on my hand and literally drove with my left hand to Seattle and took some ibuprofen which I don’t like to take anything but it was just a you know I was between a rock and a hard spot so U my hands would hurt I also had swelling in the morning my hands were swollen and sometimes numb um the joint pain for me it traveled uh before I got diagnosed it would travel from my jaw which would just be excruciating PL painful and my my jaw would be locked um for you know 24 to 48 hours I would be in that state and then it would subside and then it would move to my hip in the middle of the night I would wake up with my hip in a lot of pain and then 12 hours later that would subside and then you know a few days later I’d have it somewhere else so once I started to get it in both feet and both wrists is when I went into the doctor and said something’s going on yeah but prior to that I felt fatigue like I’d wake up in the morning and I just felt this intense fatigue all over my body um I I just felt like something was wrong you know like there was definitely something going on and so anyway that spared me to go see my doctor and she took some tests and um and so rheumatoid arthritis was the result that she shared rid Factor positive for rheumatoid arthritis we also saw one other test that maybe even your Ana was positive the anti-nuclear antibodies so possibly lupus possibly mixed connective tissue possible you know a mixed picture there right and I’ve always believed that you know it’s it’s a toxicity and deficiency puzzle that we have to solve but just didn’t have the information and the right supplements and um to to unravel it like you have you know because it is a puzzle and once once you figure it out your body will heal and it will Bloom like a flower again it really I I truly believe that too what percentage of your symptoms have resolved in the last six weeks over 90% of my symptoms I’m like I have my life back like I like to work hard on the weekends and I worked really hard last Friday digging holes and repotting and potting and um so so I would say right this minute I’m probably 100% but yesterday I had a few little a few little stabbings in my wrist um that went away way but no not as severe not nearly as severe as it used to be no joint pain no joint restriction um I can ring you know I couldn’t ring a towel in the sink or a sponge I my husband bought special salt and pepper where you touch the dial and it grinds the you know so that I wouldn’t have to use a grinder because yeah I was very I was very my range of motion and my pain levels were were I would say they would wake up at about a nine and throughout the day they would maybe get down to about a five um and then in the evening they would start to go back up a little bit um and that was kind of my life I would wake up in a lot of pain a lot of discomfort my husband would have to help me get dressed um and then I would just you know kind of hobble into work and and move around as little as possible and then by about 11 o’clock I’d start to loosen up a little bit and be able to finish out my day and go home still still having pain in my feet as I was you know walking out to my car or uh when I got to the house i’ do one step at a time because my feet were just that tender um so 90% plus wow I honestly like today it’s 100 right but 90 today 100 and yesterday you know I had just a few little oh it’ll keep it’ll keep getting better we’re only six weeks in I mean it’s just going to keep getting better yeah I am so thrilled with my results that’s good I just thank I just thank God I thank you I I just um now that you’re now that you’re on your road on the road to full recovery what are you looking forward to the most what are you most excited about well I’d like to build up my muscle mass back up and I think we’re working on that that’s what we’re working on next yes and also get my weight up which building my muscle mass will get my weight up um and and I’m excited to in a few months retake my labs and look at numbers yeah because the ti numbers don’t lie you know and I know already they’ve changed but I’m going to give it a few months of really being asymptomatic yeah and I’m just thrilled for that day to go back into my doctor’s office who told me that you know this is going to be my life forever and the only thing they could give me was methyl trexate or prazone and you know that I could still have a pretty good life on those drugs prazone Methotrexate right yeah they just tell you it’s genetic there’s no cure you’re going to have it forever and you’re just like all of this stuff is a lie you know that’s that’s the truth it’s all a lie and I’ve always felt it I’ve always known it in my gut and I’ve always preached that but I think God has put me in this situation yeah to gotten this so that I could experience for myself the true power of healing of healing and of the importance of diet and this whole toxicity deficiency you know puzzle that that is what is happening in our world all around us it’s it’s this toxicity and deficiency epidemic yeah why we’re seeing all these diseases and and um you know so as a health coach what now that knowing what you know now what advice would you give to someone who is struggling with immune inflammation and it could be from rheumatoid arthritis or lupus or any kind of other autoimmune disease and possibly even Digest of dysfunction what uh what advice would you give them my advice would be for them to call you um because you have the program that is going to make them better that you have the program and you have the knowledge background certainly the credentials um to take them from where they are right now to healed 100% and I did send you a patient I don’t know if she’s called you yet thanks apprciate the referral one of my clients that happens to be a patient of my doctor um was also a nutrition client she she asked me she she said you look you look great you look like you’re doing great and she knew that I’d been diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis and I just sat her down and I said uh let me tell you where what I’ve been doing and she said okay give me his number right now I’m gonna call him yeah so people are finding out Word of Mouth they’re finding out uh you know just um because when people that YouTube that that’s a godsent for a lot of people because people are looking for answers and that’s where they’re going because there is you know a lot of good stuff on YouTube but there then there’s junk on YouTube too but if you’re really looking for the truth I think that you know you can run into Physicians who really are trying to get the word out there that healing is possible regardless of your disease yeah I think that’s great I think we’ll end it on that that’s that’s wonderful so I hope you enjoyed this segment and if you like my content don’t forget to like And subscribe if you think this video will help someone you know be sure to repost a link to this video and as always I’m Dr Chan oser with a mind gut immunity clinic and let me know if I can help you out
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