he called me from a hospital bed that’s the story of Peter my latest patient to solve inflammatory bowel disease Crohn’s disease in six weeks naturally after joining my clinic and using the Mind gut immunity method lots of valuable information here so stick around there I’m Dr chanu dasseri I’m a surgeon who specializes in reversing gut microbiome dysfunction and auto immune inflammation my technique for reversing symptoms in as little as six weeks is called the Mind gut and Beauty method and it’s helped thousands of patients over the years get better from autoimmune disease and digestivedysfunction if you’d like to learn more visit mgiclinic.com and request a discovery call with me now in thisupcoming video you’re going to meet Peter he’s an entrepreneur who had Crohn’s disease for decades he actuallyhad an operation many years ago to remove parts of his colon and he called me from a hospital bed with a near totalobstruction of his bowel he had two surgeons who recommended he get intestinal surgery when he called medespite the initial challenge of getting him out of the hospital without a surgery he was able to bounce backwithin six weeks and avoid an operation here you’re going to see Peter and myself discussing his progress at aroundthe month three Mark Not only was he able to avoid an operation he’s no longer obstructed from Crohn’s diseaseand he’s off all biologics and symptom-free here we go all right my friend we are at week 12right how are we feeling how are we doing feeling good um I was pretty bad uh 12 weeks agoreally bad but now now things are are a lotthey’ve turned around significantly so everything’s a lot better good hey I had a I had some questionsfor you so um how have you been doing recently you’ve been doing okay02:55: How have your energy levels and stomach pain improved since joining the MGI clinic? uh yes for the first time I can say I have energy um I haven’t had energy in a long timelike everything is is has been a mission for me um but like my energy levelsum I am able to not have you know stomach pain I used to have this really bad stomach pain in the lower right partof my abdomen and that’s non-existent um I’m getting better sleep uh buteverything’s just just been a lot really good for me so are you are you in the gym yes I’ve been going to the gymum taking it easy but like I haven’t been to a gym in so long like I forgot what it’s like to go to a gym but nowI’ve been I’ve been going to the gym a few times a week now so good and how’s business you you’re back in the gameyeah so like as far as like working and stuff um everything’s coming together so goodit’s pretty good hey Peter uh tell me this is kind of unusual right like um we were just we were just laughing04:17: From a hospital bed to here, the constant vomiting and complete bowel obstruction, unable to hold down any food.about this uh last conversation so like three months ago you were like you werebasically calling me from a hospital bed right like I’ve never ever had somebody basically sign up from the program froma hospital it was just it was crazy it was ridiculous I was like I I even when I first got I was like I don’t know if Idon’t know if this is a good idea yeah yeah I know um that was a really bad I was in areally bad situation um I basically I couldn’t stop throwing upum I couldn’t stop going to the bathroom but mainly I was vomiting uncontrollably I couldn’t hold anything down not evenwater like I drink like you know a couple gulps of water and I would just we just all come on I’d haveto vomit so I I had to go to the hospital and as soon as I went to the hospital uh they did a CT scan and uhtwo surgeons and a doctor you know they rushed up to my bed and they’re like we have to do surgery right now you gotdiagnosed with a total obstruction you had a total obstruction a bowel obstruction right from yes and my heliumfrom the Crohn’s basically in the ilium right from the Crohn’s and that that’s probably why you had that pain in thatright side right that yeah it was totally strictured down because of the inflammation and you you couldn’t eatanything right like nothing nothing wow yeah and how long have you how long05:05: How long have you been diagnosed with Crohn’s disease and what have you done to treat it? before that had you had Crohn’s disease like how long so I’ve been diagnosedwith crohn’s since I was like I got diagnosed with it when I was 15 years old but I had symptoms uh from the ageof like eight or nine years old and then uh when I was 18 I had intestinal surgery uh yeah in the same exact spotuh uh in the helium and then um I was like symptom-free for a reallylong time no I wouldn’t say symptom free um but it all started coming back likeafter Kobe like right after covet came that’s when all my symptoms started coming back and then it just got worseand worse and worse and the pain became worse and worse yeah I know you’re interested because you hadsurgery already you already know what that process looks like and then now you were like kind of cornered with like two09:29: What have other doctors done to treat your Crohn’s disease and how did they fail you? surgeons like basically saying hey you got another obstruction because of the Crohn’syeah you probably need surgery right well Dave I was based they were like you have to have surgery that’s oh theydidn’t give you a choice right yeah like you have to have surgery they even put an IVum like in my art like a second IV for the surgery like they were it was oh they were ready to take you back yeahyeah it was ready to perform do the surgery you know what happened when youre so what was going through your head at the time like what were you thinking I was scared I was like I don’t want todo intestinal surgery because last time I did intestinal surgery I almost died uh I lost nine pints of bloodum I was I woke up in the ICU uh even during the surgery um they had to cut me back open again tobecause I started bleeding inside so I had a lot of complications um I was in the hospital for all likeexactly I think 25 days oh wow yeah so it was it was really really a badexperience for me so I never wanted to experience that again um and then this is when you were 15right no 18. I was 15 I got diagnosed okay this when I was 18 I didn’t I wentto surgery yeah so when you were so you didn’t want this to have so when when you were in thehospital and you were diagnosed with a total obstruction this most recent time which was basically three months agoright it’s hard to believe this is like early May brother can you believe it not earlyMarch sorry early March I mean it was literally three months ago which is crazyum so like you know obviously they got plant they got plans they put a second IV and you took it to were about to takeyou to the operating room and they had two surgeons there why do they have two surgeons I I don’t know why it was it was the MDuh the medical doctor in there and two surgeons um and both trying to convince me basically like you have to do surgeryand even when I I denied it at first I said I want a second opinionum I know the body has the ability to heal itself especially intestines if you treat them right so that’s one thing Iknow by except the fact was I didn’t have the right guidance I didn’t have anybody to show me this is how you do ityeah so yeah up till up till the age of 15 to now you’ve never had a doctorbasically tell you how you can get rid of this inflammation right you’ve never you’ve never had a conversation aboutthere’s like here’s a medication here’s a colonoscopy and here’s some surgery right I mean that’s basically all you’vebeen on right that’s what it is um like 22 pills a day I was small I was taking uh I used to go in for likeRemicade I forgot that there’s so many different names were you onoh I was on everything um and you’re in I don’t even know what Med cell was on but as of right now I’mnot on any Mets yeah yeah yeah muffin zero medications uh good wellum it was it was bad like when I was in the hospital even when they when I denied it and I asked for asecond opinion they took me up to a room the next day they’re like we’ll just treat you with with IV no food or water for not to see how you react and thesurgeon kept coming into my room and saying you know if you change your mind this is my card like he gave me his cardand everything to do with surgery and I was just like it’s not too late not too late basically he’s like you don’t youknow you can be ready to do it yeah like this is your last chance and I was just like no you know no you were telling youwere joking about so last time I talked to you on the phone was I think like a few weeks ago you were joking like they had a psychiatrist come to you come talkis this true yeah yeah of course yeah when I had a psychiatrist would come in the room and be like this is how you’regonna be for the rest of your life they wanted to make sure you were like sane basically yeah like mentally likebasically they were mentally preparing for me to like accept this like they’re trying to explain to me like this is howyou’re gonna be you’re never gonna be able to hold a job you can’t like do do anything you can’t you know basicallyyou’re just going to be at home bed written like that’s like that’s just how you’re gonna live that’s wild and mepsychologically I’m just like no no I’m not like I’ll I’ll fight it you know like I’m not gonna accept this how doyou how’d you find me where what what motivated you to look for me and then how’d you find me so I’m always on15:17: How did you find the Mind Gut Immunity Clinic? How did my personal story of having dealt with an auto-immune disease myself prove beneficial? Google and social media and YouTube Just researching Crohn’s like how to treatCrohn’s I don’t I don’t want Crohn’s and I’m in denial on the fact that I have it like I I’m diagnosed with it but I stillthink I was misdiagnosed or something you know as funny as that sounds but like I always feel like somebody that’sthat should be sick right yes yeah it’s not a part of your identity yeah no Iget it yeah so like I’ve always denied it I never tell anybody I have Crohn’sever um so but it’s just something I have to live with secretly and I and every dayI’m on the internet and YouTube and looking for it and then I came across your YouTube page uh and I I heard yoursituation you’re like I’m a doctor myself and I had you know I had the self I had inflammatory bowel disease myselfyeah so I was like he’s a doctor and he has IBD so this is the first time I’veever seen this in my life I’ve never met a doctor that has I IBD I’m actually a bowel surgeon like in testing yeah solike the crazy thing is I I operate on people with IBD all the time right so yeah so this is what clicked for me so Iwas like let me reach out to let me reach out to Dr Desiree let me see you know yeah what he can do for me andbehold you’re basically in a hospital when that happened right yeah I was inthe hospital and wow I was like there was like a bunch of stuff there’s a lotof a lot of people on the internet that say like oh I can help you with your crones but none of them are MBS orsurgeons that are telling you that yeah and did you get like was your sense thatlike you couldn’t trust the information or that like it was it was not coming from a reliable source like what was thelike like how like I guess you’ve been researching for a while right like how did you arrive on like hey this is theguy that’s gonna help me get things done like how was it the fact that uh you’re the only one that’s in that’s a surgeonum and one thing I know about surgeons is they don’t have time like their their time is they don’t have time either Itold you we gotta get yeah but you make but you make time for people so to helppeople because you generally because you generally want to help people you know you you suffer with it yourself sothere’s a way you know that you can understand like if I tell you my symptoms you know you won’t like you’rethe only person that can actually relate to what I’ve gone through you know Peter I’ll tell you something interesting likeI was so obviously I’ve been in practice for about 12 years so I’ve operated onpeople that have had Crohn’s colitis that like have failed all their medications have bad obstructions likeI’ve done I’ve done hundreds if not thousands of these operations right and it it’s like when you’re in a hospitalespecially in the emergency room and you see someone with an obstruction you’re like oh my God I gotta get them I gottaget him home right I gotta get them like eating right and so there’s never even a chance or time to talk to folks aboutlike what you can do to prevent that kind of information nation and so it becomes really really difficult actuallylike I fixed my problem almost 15 years ago right and I didn’t think anything of it until like I would say in the lastsix or seven years in my clinic when I started getting folks that were like hey you know I’m getting a little bit obstructed or hey I got adhesions I needsome surgery and I’m like hey why don’t we just try this regimen out you know and when I was doing it in the clinicpeople were getting amazing results even the gastroenterologists were like what are you doing man like you’re putting usout of business right so um and I was you know it was bad for business right because I couldn’t operate either so you know I keep jokingwith people I was like you know if I succeed you won’t need an operation which is a good thing right you won’t need me rightbut I’m also like you I was super I like I am impatient I’m impatient by Nature so I’m like I want to see results fastand so what it used to take me almost a year to a year and a half to successfully like coach people aboutwhat proper nutrition looks like what proper exercise looks like what proper sleep stress you knowum you know all of these you know these these factors that drive inflammation how to optimally manage it used to takeme a year to a year and a half right and then in the pandemic is when I really started like putting together things alltogether and trying to make like a bunch of videos for my patients in clinic and then I was like okay well I have thisthing done like why not like just put you know put it out there that like I do this kind of work right and it’s justbeen um and this wasn’t meant to be like a uh like the the primary focus of mypractice like I’m a surgeon I have actually got quite like a very robust healthy busy surgical practice here inLas Vegas and then I came to find like after you know after I launched some this whole project I’m I’m getting a tona massive amount of people just kind of like you reaching out to me and saying hey like can you help me with this canyou help me with this and like please provide me some education on these topics right and it’s it’s and now likealmost like a you know a year later it’s just been like crazy like in terms of like how many people that are that I’vebeen able to help which is really nice and so yeah I um I I I just started doing thissort of format of like you know um doing uh like these like recording myzoom calls like we were doing now because before I was like yeah whatever I’ve got plenty of people but I thinklike you you were actually saw one of my videos right that was like um someone else would have eaten inflammatory boweldisease yes you know gives a lot of like uh confidence in a situation like this butand so I started beginning I wanted to I wanted to really like get more stories right out there and so that people couldreally see Faith like real people getting better and so that’s you know that’s really been my primary motivationat this point yeah this um this you know plan that you16:22: How has this program been “life-changing” for you? Learning about Anti-inflammatory foods, bacteria and gut microbiome.gave to me is life-changing um it’ll it’s eye-opening in many ways because there’s a lot of things I did not knowum like what like what with the diet exactly like what to eatand anti-inflammatory and bacteria and like like how to change the bacteria andthe microbiome and your gut and all these things like I had no clue I had no doctor I don’t even know what the wordmicrobiome was until I started I’m not joking until I started like doing theprogram like until I signed up for the car I didn’t know a microbiome I’m like what’s microbiome yeah well themicrobiome is the number one the altered gut microbiome dysfunction the number one reason people get inflammatory boweldisease yeah well people like to blame genetics right people like oh you got genes that are bad well it’s not it’snot your genes that are bad it’s the bacteria’s genes it’s the viruses genes it’s the fungal genes in your in yoursystem that are bad right yeah and and those things we can fix we can fix themactually pretty fast like you went from so just so people know this you you went from basically totally obstructed in a19:40: How has your Crohn’s disease evolved since joining the Mind Gut Immunity Clinic? hospital two surgeons asking you to basically get an opera were pleading with you to go get an operation you werelike I’m not really sure they bring a psychiatrist to make sure you’re sane okay this is all three months ago rightyeah let’s go and now you’re basically off all medications with base a very lowfecal cow protection level and you’re eating more or less this a normal diet right I mean I mean it’s a phytonutrientdiet but yeah it’s it’s within reason but you’re not drinking liquids only right you’re eating you’re eating solidfoods you’re going to your your work you’re working on your business you’re like a real person now right I mean yesand then so yeah I get it I mean that’s that’s kind of crazy what what has beenthe biggest challenge you would say because do you remember that first couple weeks we were chatting and thebiggest challenge we had was I we had to every you know we had to personalize each each of these little Pro theselittle protocols for each person and the biggest challenge for you was two things I noticed first one was you couldn’t eatsolids right and you can barely take the liquids because you were totally obstructed right actually modify thediet to where you you were got still got some decent amount of calories but then you could at least pass things throughyour stricture your obstruction right yeah once you left the hospital it was like barely open right I mean like itwas totally closed when you’re Hospital barely open by the time you went on and we basically used that little likepassageway to like yeah um get the results we wanted but so at first you were like highlyrestricted right like we only doing like shakes and things like that and thenum and then remember you you always had like your doubts about certain foods that I would suggest you’d be like no nono that’s a no-go like I don’t wanna yeah it’s not into like so many arguments yeah or like lentils and stufflike that like I couldn’t I was like freaking out about eating it I just had like there I was just in phobia like Ihad a phobia of it because I didn’t want to because in the past you eat these foods and they cause problems rightbecause yeah when you have a messed up microbiome like food like certain foods will makeyou feel bloated it’ll make you feel gassy right I mean yeah so we were having this debate you’re like no Idon’t want to do it and like I was like okay fine don’t do it yeah yeah no I know I had a lot ofdiscomfort and the foods I thought were helping me because I was like this is what I eat this is yeah what were youeating before um yeah just chicken and rice a lot andthen you’re like you’re like the 10th person to tell me that this month yeah I like just chicken and rice and then Ijust that’s what I would eat but in reality that was actually not wasn’t doing anything for me it wasn’t healingme so maybe causing causing your problems to worsen right so yes and base that’s what it did it create it causedmy problems to worsen over time to the point where I ended up in the hospital and they wanted to cut me open so I I needed real help that’s what Ineeded like cutting me open and medications and these things what’s going to happen I’m gonna end up rightback there again and they’re gonna just have to cut me right open again you know it could be a year from now five years from now regardless of the situationit’s going to be the same pattern same thing yeah I’ve actually seen a lot of clients that have had multiple surgeriesThe general treatment around Crohn’s disease is mostly ineffective and can be frustrating. No one ever talks about the “root causes.”over the course of like their entire diagnoses yeah you know the thing that amazes me Peter is like you have some ofthese people have had like five six surgeries and like intestine removed they’ve had strictures removed what haveyou adhesions removed and every single time I ask them has anybody spoken toyou about what causes this problem to occur as I talk to you about dietdigestion sleep stress exercise not even a single conversation right no and thenhere’s the other thing even on the internet there’s not like a whole lot of like consistent information about thesetopics most of them are you know most of the Places You’ll read will be like yeah none of that stuff really matters hasnever been shown to help and like I think in certain like obviously if you look at medical studies right the waythey do these interventions is like they just offer a diet but they don’t offer coaching they don’t offer like feedback there’s no like it’s a controlledsetting right but in you know in my experience it’s always been the exactopposite I’ve yet to meet somebody that doesn’t get better if they if they actually follow the programming likegive me feedback and I give them feedback you know it’s like a uh you know like kind of like a coaching relationshipI’ve never really seen people not get better you know and so the only folks that don’t are like the ones that nevertry or never do anything like you said right like if you’re just like kind of roaming around and stuck in your waysthen it just becomes a problem right but basically like all it is is the doctor is telling me that it’s a mutation inyour DNA um this is what it is uh there’s no cure here are the medications but no likethey give you like a diet plan like a stage diet but everything in that stage tie is bad for you they don’t discusswith you these are inflammatories that this can cause this creates more inflammation what do they have you whatdo they have you eating at the hospital no when I was in the hospital the uh right at ensure shakes or whatever yeahthey put me on like um like they brought out like a spicy bowl of like soup like some spice it waslike really spicy and like whole milk like cows whole milk and like all these this chemical based like protein thinglike all these things that are just direct cause to inflammation didn’t make it worse right I know yeah I was likethey want me like basically like this is what’s gonna I’m gonna stay here like for another month like yeah you werelucky to get out of the hospital I think yeah extremely lucky um I I thought like I was not gonna getout and I didn’t think that like you know I was I was going to be able to make it out within you know within aweek without a surgery so I’ve been trying to avoid surgery but now I’m able tofunction um 100 like I can you know live right now which is good withoutmedications um yeah so it’s it’s shocking um but I’m living proof so yeah so youknow around the three month Mark right around now is when I teach people how to like cheat on their diet right because25:29:With the regimen from the Mind Gut Immunity Clinic, how has your labwork improved? it’s it’s sort of it is a restrict it’s so most of the things people get used topeople get used to getting to working out they get used to getting better sleep and sleeping earlier that you getused to some of the Stress Management things that we work on right I had you meet with like a trauma awareness coach and a couple other people and you’relike I don’t want any of that stuff I’m fine right but a lot of people you know this is you know there’s a lot there’s alot of trauma here right like I know you don’t like you know you’re like Middle Eastern you know you don’t think aboutall that stuff but like it’s a real thing right we all know yeah we’re not allowed to show our emotions and ourculture we’re not allowed to cry you know we’re not allowed to complain when we’re like our role you know as like menin our in our culture like we can’t like we can’t complain basically right what happens to us we just have to keep it inyou know bottle up we can’t like like if we tell somebody oh I’m gonna go meet with this psychotherapist orpsychiatrist it’s like very frowned upon yeah and you know it’s good that like in the program we just have an awarenesscoach right it’s not so yeah a counselor trying to dig dig into like deep dark secrets or anything right exactly but umit’s helpful right because it’s just to be aware of those things not not like you have to like it’s just awarenessright you just have to be aware and so you know diet digestion sleep stress exercise we optimize those and but youknow around the three month Mark you know when you’re out of it we just got lab tests back and the labs look greatright this is like a few weeks ago and I was like we need to film Zoom together so that we can talk about it like thisis these yeah Google Labs your fecal count protection is basically near normal levels right and thenum so effectively you don’t have any active inflammation and that stricture managed to open up to the point whereyou you’re eating normal Foods right yeah when you’re off steroids right no steroids I was on Prednisone in thehospital right in the hospital yeah yeah they were loading me up on Prednisoneum and a bunch of antibiotics but as of right now like as soon as I as with thewith the program um you know with the combination of the program uh as I was tapering down on theprednisones I was not like having the same symptoms I’ve always had which is this is the question about the tape Ihave a question about I get this question a lot about the taper right so obviously the the gastroenterologist whois who is managing the steroids they’re not going to tell you hey just come off the steroids and do nothing rightthey’re usually going to convince you hey start a biologic or something right how did how did you manage thatchallenge like what did you what did you do like what I mean I know you haven’t I27:48: Tapering off your medication could be scary but what has happened since? know gastroenterologist right yeah no the I mean the biggest challengewas I was you know getting scared like how am I gonna you know how are my symptoms gonna react as I’m coming downoff these meds and I just you know told myself like I gotta you know be alittle bit mentally strong during this time um and follow the process and just give it a shotum what is you know what do I have to lose you know giving giving this a shot and just listening to to the doctordoctor sorry because the reason why I was very confident is because one youhave you’ve you know you lived with IBD and you’re a surgeon so I was like I’mlistening to a doctor’s protocols one that’s actually lived through it himself in his shoes so that’s what gave me the confidencethat’s what gave me you know the mindset to be able to follow the protocol and wind off meds and deny taking you knowany extra medications um you basically stopped on your own and switched gastros right I mean yeah kindof what happened right I mean there wasn’t like a like you were secretly telling them one I mean I’ve had I’veheard everything under the sun I’ve heard people just like stop them on their own I’ve heard I’ve heard p and Idon’t remember you asked me I was like I don’t encourage anybody to stop anything at all like it is a independent decisionwhen that when that happens but if you need help and support and how to how to be victorious I’ll tell you how to dothat right yeah and so the interesting thing is like I’ve had people that work with like some gastroes are veryflexible and they’re like okay let’s see what happens some people are like heck no you gotta start a biologic and they give them the biologic right so somepeople go on biologics for a short period of time I’ve had people basically kind of like you they’re like yeahyou’re fired I’m getting another Gastro and in that window of time before they they go from one to another theybasically get better you know what I mean um and I’ve you know so I’ve kind of seen every way in which this is done butit I just wanted to ask you because I get this question a lot and I don’t I try not to give medical advice in thesense of like trying to say hey stop or stop a medication that was prescribed to you because I’m not that’s not my role my role is basically tell you hey I’mgoing to give you all the tools you need to decrease inflammation in your body right so you have the confidence to knowthat at least the the root causes of the disease are like resolved right so yes29:50: How has the diet shifted since beginning the program and are you missing what you used to eat and enjoy? um yeah so what was I guess um what have you been doing last couple Imean you’ve been feeling great last couple weeks right and now we’re focused on in reintroducing certain foods Ithink that was more of a concern for you early on right you’re like when am I going to be able to eat my chicken and rice but now your mentality has totallyshifted right you’re kind of like I don’t even miss some some of the foods that I was wanting right no I don’t thisis the crazy thing for me um about this whole program is I don’t crave what I used to Craveum probably it’s because like right the bacteria in my body like I we we changedit around like we started feeding the good bacteria versus the bad ones so right that’s what all the Cravings were coming fromum what I discovered that’s very true there there’s actually like you know Dr gundry would alwaystalk about how the the bacteria in your gut are sending text messages to your brain about what to eat right that’swhat it is that’s what I used to feel that’s the reality of it but now I don’t crave those things anymore now I justcrave what makes me feel better um which is all the healthy food now like I have a very good understanding offood um I’ve learned that food is there’s a difference there’s two kinds of foodlike there’s either products or food so either you’re going to eat food or you’re going to eat a product and now Iknow the difference between what’s a product and what’s food yeah so we have a lot of products everything is aproduct in the united who told you that by the way who said that to you originally it’s a doctor I found out onuh YouTube I forgot about his name I had to look him up but he has like a bandana he wears like a band Dana and I he um Igotta use that I told you I gotta use that one right yeah eat food not products yeah and then I realized thatlike 90 of everything we eat is a product uh probably more like close to 100 of everything is a product um andthen I realized like this is which this is how we’re supposed to eat you know this is how humans are supposed to eatnow you had 15 videos right remember I said it used to take me a year and a half to educate people on this whole32:12: How streamline is the process for the Mind Gut Immunity Clinic and is it easy to achieve? thing yeah how fast were you able to get through those 15 video modules because Basically boiled down what used to take a year and a half I boiled it down to those videos like how long did it sort of take you to digest that less than a day I would say yeah oh yeah that’sgreat I mean like it’s just videos like I watched in a couple days I think like wasn’t wasn’tum well me I was very like adamant and dedicated I was like I want yeah I was motivated like I wanted to like knockthis out quick yeah I was just on it uh right when I started um so but it wasnot like something that took months or years you know for me it was just instant like I watched all the videosand then I did my own research I did my own due diligence as I was watching them and everything just added up the moreresearch I did with the videos everything just made complete sense for me yeah um and that’s what motivated meand I was like finally there’s a light like I finally feel like there’s a light in my life like I can now like I’ll beable to function without meds and ending up in emergency rooms where doctors are trying to cut me open and stuff sothat’s that’s the good thing but psychiatrists asking if you’re insane yeah and psychiatrist telling me this ishow you are forever are you okay this and I’m like but the the good thing is isall right this program is it wasn’t complicated you know it was not nothing there was nothing complicated about itit’s very black and white you know there’s there’s nothing that’s gonna it’s not gonna mess up your life even ifyou have a really busy life or whatever’s up with your life it’s not gonna cut into that um because you arevery busy you’re like you know you’re you’re working you got a business you gotta I mean there’s a lot of stuff you’re doing right yeah I’m a veryextremely busy guy um I’ve always been very busy um I work full-time and I own a business uhfull-time so I do two things at once um so I can’t I don’t have time for Crohn’s disease you don’t have time tobe sick I don’t have time to be sick no like sick like it’s Gotta it can go besick somewhere else but not with me because I got things to do yeah so all places to go people to see all the timeso I can’t yeah I can’t be dealing with with crohn’s disease and this was perfect for me even as I’m on the goalways I was able to function with this with this uh plan Peter what are youlooking forward to the most now that you’re off all meds no inflammation what do you what do you what what’s what’s34:33: With your Crohn’s disease symptoms having subsided, what are you looking forward to the most? the next big plan what are you doing um right now like my goal is uh well totravel because I’ve never been able to actually travel and I’ve been doing like staycationsum I’m in San Diego so I’ve been doing staycations and I did like a three day one yeah recentlyum and like I nothing bad happens to me or anything which I didn’t think that was possible for me to do is like like stay at a hotel and stuff like that and go have fun like I haven’t been able to do that for a long time I always have to usually worry about like the bathroomlike where’s the bathroom like my friends they always invite me to like desert and stuff like that camping andI’m like oh there’s no bathroom there so like I can’t go but now it’s like it’s it’s crazy because like no I don’tthink about like oh if I go somewhere I have to know where the bathroom is like I literally would Google like where the bathroom is likeyeah that’s how bad it was so yeah forget about those long-haul flights internationally too right yes yeahwell that’s great thank you so much for doing this I really appreciate it and I know like you know we had an updatemeeting things were going pretty good I think we’re focusing right now on just making the diet a little bit moresustainable and I’m just you know getting more labs and then you have a colonoscopy right already scheduledbut yeah I have I have a colonoscopy I’m supposed to do um soon I I don’t have a specific date they haven’t given me adate yet but I’ll just to go through with the colonoscopy soon yeah but even though like your your stricture wasn’tin your colon it was in your small bowel and so so Pro so the colonoscopies Pro Iwould assume gonna be okay because your fecal count protect and all your inflammatory markers are normal soyeah yeah if anything they may see some like old inflammation right from like the years and years that it was aroundbut probably nothing active so that’s uh that’s good yeah I’m I’m stoked so Ilike I get to function that’s the main thing as long as I’m able to function and do you know live my life that’s allthat matters and I don’t need to worry about like I have to take this antibiotic this pill at this time like I don’t I I’m not doing that right nowyeah well great thanks Peter I really appreciate it and hopefully we’ll get an update from you um soon in the nextcouple months also of course I’d love to yeah definitely35:10: Outroso I hope you enjoyed that segment crazy story huh with the Mind get immunity approach we optimize diet digestionsleep stress and exercise also if you enjoyed my content be sure to like And subscribe and if you think this wouldhelp someone you know be sure to share this video If and as always I’m Dr chano dassari and I’ll see you next time