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Dr. Dasari MGI Program Review- Ulcerative Colitis reversal in Africa; with bleeding Hemorrhoids

Franco reversed his ulcerative colitis in 6 weeks and is now medicine-free using the Mind Gut Immunity method! He had both hemorrhoids and ulcerative colitis at the same time. His GI doctors missed the hemorrhoids, and once his fecal calprotectin count was correct, he still had bleeding. After treating this, he has become symptom-free and is using a probiotic strain that is working incredibly well for his gut microbiome.
00:00-02:06: Introduction
02:07-09:45: Describe how dealing with hemorrhoids and ulcerative colitis affected your healing process.
09:46-12:42: With being in a foreign country, how was it working with the Mind Gut Immunity Clinic?
12:43-20:16: The probiotic strains matter when choosing the best solution for your particular condition.
20:17-23:26: How has the Mind Gut Immunity clinic helped you since joining the program?
23:27-27:35: Knowing what you know now, what advice would you give to someone with Ulcerative Colitis?
27:36-31:05: Dr. Dasari and his understanding of probiotics and diet for ulcerative colitis and the gut microbiome.
31:06-31:44: Outro
There are a whole host of conditions associated with dysfunctional immune inflammation. The list includes: Eczema, Allergies, UTIs, Irritable Bowel (IBS), IBD, Crohn’s/Colitis, SIBO, Candida, GERD, Viral illnesses, Autism, Multiple Sclerosis, Lupus, Rheumatoid Arthritis, Scleroderma, Sjögren’s, Mixed Connective Tissue Disorder, Autoimmune Thyroiditis, Migraine Headache, Neuropathy, and Fibromyalgia.
he had hemorrhoids on top of ulcerative colitis we fixed the colitis pretty fast but then the hemorrhoids flared that’s the story of my latest client to solve ulcerative colitis using the Mind gut immunity method he also fixes hemorrhoids [Music] too hey there it’s Dr Chan oser and I’m excited to announce several updates to our International coaching program which has helped people around the globe solve gut inflamation in autoimmune disease over the past decade if you would like to learn more visit mgic to request a call we’ve integrated some new updates for 2025 2026 and Beyond based on some recent published data on ulcerative kidas these updates will transform your life so come check us out in this upcoming video you’ll meet a client from South Africa who is misdiagnosed by his GI doctors who thought he only had ulcerative colitis it turns out he did in fact have ulcerative colitis we fixed that but he also had internal hemorrhoids which produced intermittent bleeding hemorrhoids cause bleeding especially after physical exertion Sports and exercise so getting them addressed was a challenge because his doctor kept blaming his ulcerative colitis even though his fecal cow protectant test was now low and normal he did not have mucus or cramping finding the right probiotic strain was also a big deal for him due to the administrative difficulties in South Africa their mail delivery system was compromized we had to use some Creative Solutions to find him the right strains to recalibrate his microbiome and I also want to point out we’ve done this for other clients too who live in remote areas of the world without access to typical infrastructure if we’re able to get these people better imagine how much easier it is when you have access to better resources we’ve had dozens of clients in what would be considered Rural and remote parts of Africa solve their inflammatory bowel disease and autoimmune inflammation there are some great lessons in this one let’s get started hey Franco I wanted to sort of talk about the the experience with recovery from UC while having hemorrhoids because I think your case was a little bit tough right um we were kind of wondering we were kind of going back and forth like why do we still have bleeding right when everything else is feeling good and you’re you know and so I wanted to like kind of um cuz this actually I had I’ve had three clients in the past I don’t know three months with the same exact issue right where you know you’re getting normal feal cow protectants no mucus but really it’s just every so often the exertional bleeding or especially the burning right because you don’t really get burn classic burning symptoms with UC um so I I kind of wanted to talk to you about what that experience was like and um yeah and just sort of describe it yeah kind of cool thanks um yeah definitely so I think since I was diagnosed with ulttis a couple years back um it’s probably not even exactly sure time moves so fast it’s probably six six years now [Music] um I I’ve always been struggling with with symptoms um like after I’m supposed to be in in remiss MH um and you know to geologists about this and nobody ever really told me that it could be because of hemorrhoids mhm um so you know for example you you kind of have like like this full feeling in your rectum um it’s not really it’s not really it’s painful it’s irritating you know it’s like almost like you have a there’s like something there but you don’t really know what it is you can’t explain it um you know sometimes it causes um you know burning burning sensation I haven’t really had issues with bleeding um the bleeding started like I would say last the last year or so the bleeding started um yeah so I always thought you know like I always thought I just I was just never Mission I always thought that there’s some information there um where I think now I think there were stages where I actually was in remission but due to the hemorrhoids I thought I was not in remission right and that’s confusion right yeah yeah massive confusion yeah massive confusion I mean that’s what that’s what I told you before before I Jo your program that you know I’m extremely frustrated because um I through diet and other means I’ve been able to to recover from um you know UC UC a flare yeah and when I get a lot better like that what I thought was inflamation in my rectum just doesn’t want to go away it’s so frustrating I don’t understand it you know we went back and forth we went back and forth for weeks probably I would argue months by the time and then you finally got a FAL cow protecting and the number was astronomically low it was so low very low 25 which is very low yeah yeah 25 um so yeah it was 25 um which is actually L well below average um so I think that that kind of showed me that wait a minute there there’s something going on yeah and then I looked at my previous colonoscopy report and it and even see it on remember like on On’s On’s written um um what do you call it um how did I call theit again it’s it’s say or what do you call it zero internal and I think they were stage one stage internal stage zero well it do they start it starts at zero right or one I can’t remember now anyway it’s basically it’s it’s the lowest one like it’s it’s not really supposed to be an issue you know stage one it’s not really supposed to be an issue I think that’s why that’s why they never mentioned it because they they don’t always mention it you know I’ve seen so many gastro reports especially from colonoscopies and I see it you can actually physically see the picture with a tiny hemorrhoid there okay yeah and then the gastos some of them don’t even put it in the report they definitely don’t talk to people about it and it it sort of confuses the picture because you’re like okay well clearly it’s there like like what are we how are we dealing with this you know so it’s a very interesting kind of a thing because when so you ended up getting banded right for the for the hemorrhoids you got them so you did our protocol correct which was great and we’ll talk about how that experience was too like in a little bit but um you got banded once you got banded the bleeding and all the inflammation got better right in about two three weeks after that what I is that is that a fair kind of a description yeah so the bleeding stopped so the the surgeon told me afterwards that I had four bleeding emids mhm um so I think you can only have three but I guess you had four I can’t I can’t remember like first maybe maybe City but I remember I remember I do hemorrhoid surgery so you know it’s um I remember four but but not in not in South Africa you know yeah maybe we are genetically differently I don’t know anyways um yeah so after that the bleeding definitely stopped however it was wow it was painful I didn’t expect that really really painful like for a week g wow that was an experience I didn’t expect that it’s not it’s just the the surgeries and the banding for hemorrhoid um it’s not a great it’s not it’s not very pleasurable it’s a very painful because there’s a lot of nerve ending there so it’s yeah of course and even afterwards you can have like you can have these things come back even the burning um you know I give everyone a hemorrhoid cheat sheet it’s a way to decrease hemorrhoids without surgery and usually that’s that’ll fix 80% of people but in your case that clearly was not the case and um but yeah it’s uh it’s very interesting like the I’ve I’ve recommended a few people in the program go get um what are called anoral exams under anesthesia or have a coloral surgeon just take a look and see and maybe just band grade one grade twos and in your case obviously you got better um because that is the primary explanation when you have a normal cow protectant when your stools are looking normal when you’re feeling good then you kind of know the UC is gone because the UC is like a global like the symptoms from UC are very obvious right it’s like you have Mal you have you have uh dry eye you have maybe even some joint pain maybe inability to eat you you feel the inflammation higher up going up your body in belly um you have brain fog you have fatigue it’s like all of these things are all with the UC symptoms hemorrhoids don’t have that hemorrhoids feel like burning they feel like itching they feel sometimes bleed right sometimes you see clots in the toilet you’ll see the bright red blood and it’s so it’s a subtle kind of a thing and sometimes you can have both right there’s people with both which which you had um so even after the UC gets better um hey I wanted to ask you so you’re in South Africa I get this question a lot right people around the world asking can we do this protocol from anywhere and I think I told you you asked me this question too and I said actually I had I have a patient I have I have several patients in Africa you’re or uh several clients in Africa right and um and uh they were able to you know they were able to go there and get it done so um we did some creative things with the probiotic right but I wanted to ask you kind of what that experience was like because I know it’s been a little bit of a limitation in terms of like you know finding the right products getting stuff shipped getting things done finding things in the grocery store dealing with the um the infrastructure shall we say in mild terms of uh the country um tell me about kind of that whole experience all right cool yeah so I mean uh when when I joined the program you obviously showed me which Pro probotics I should you know Source you gave me a a few options um from the state as well as from Europe however uh in the meantime we we tried a local one that that was kind of similar uh to I think it worked pretty good to well actually not but we will get to that now um yeah so so I ordered and it was a bad time it was like mid December you know it’s like the holiday season Christmas New Year all of that um so it took like took like 35 days to get you you know it was for me that was very frustrating um I ordered the brand from Germany MH uh so yeah it took exactly 35 days yeah it was actually stuck at the airport for three weeks wow and um unfortunately DHL in in in South Africa is partnered with local post office they accept the package um from the airport and they handled it internally and the post office is is a collapsed organization like they are basically bankrupt and um completely mismanaged uh yeah so I took them like three weeks you know to my local town and after when it arrived here I just received like a report from DHL like like okay your your package has arrived but it didn’t tell me where so I had to like figure out where the house my package but yeah uh fortunately I I found it and the South African fol office I didn’t even know that you know they were handing the package so found only found out afterwards yeah so then fortunately I I I got a hand of real stuff however the interim probiotic that be used um remember when when I joined your program I was technically in remission I had I had the Hemorrhoid um symptoms which I thought was know UC but it ended up being not so after being like uh you know 3 four weeks with with the the other probiotic I I relapsed again into a flare mhm if you remember that um so I I don’t think although the probiotic was from the the same strain um yeah all the difference yeah yeah well just the small difference there however we don’t really know what the difference is like the scientists are still figuring out how these things work but there was obviously that’s why I’m so specific about you know that’s why I was so specific about choosing these things because there’s a lot even within strains within species of probiotics there can be such a wide difference in terms of uh how they work you know what I mean yeah and so when you’re using kind of like a backup probiotic while you’re waiting for the real one to arrive that is it’s exactly what you said it’s kind of the Gamble um and I think you know you know 30 waiting 30 we’ve never had to wait 35 I mean 35 days is a long time to wait for things um I think you hold the record okay you hold the record on that but it’s frustrating Africa yeah um but it’s frustr it was a very frustrating time you know you can see yourself kind of not went the wrong probiotic not doing so well and then even even the same species of probiotic but not the same patented strains you can see a big difference and I think um you know that’s a very I guess that’s an important lesson too I would say yeah no no definitely and look I mean uh looking at the the real product that that I’ve been using now you know from a scientific point of view um just looking at the short short chain fat assets produces in the colon um you know that specific mix you know provides all three important short chain fatty assets like vrate and forgot use names where the one yeah acetate and propan right the other the other one that um that I used not not exactly sure um if it was able to provide all those and there’s obviously another straining there as well that also has some other mechanism yeah um so it’s a it’s a I think it’s a a very Qui mix uh for for like me I think the critical some of the critical features is that it survives gastric acid it will um lay down a bofilm so the bofilm is like uh you know we normally think of biofilms as being a bad thing um but this is a a beneficial type biofilm that competes with bacteria and then you you mentioned the white papers right you have berate proprionate you know a short chain fatty acids these so the probiotic will metabolize fiber and in the colon it will produce short chain fatty acids these are called postbiotics some people think that by taking postbiotics orally like taking short chain fatty acids orally that it’s going to get to the colon that’s not how that works that’s what work I tried it that’s work yeah they get they get dig they get digested in the stomach and then they get absorbed they don’t get to the colon if you want short chain fatty acids in the colon you really only have two options either one the bacteria has to make it or two you can do an enema right those are pretty much the options and the reason why short chain fatty acids is so important is because the colonocytes the cells of the colon of the intestine that’s their fuel that’s what they use as fuel so that’s one of the critical features of you know these these probiotics and then I would tell you the other ones are beneficial sucrose metabolism lactose metabolism fructose metabolism right and then if you look even further down at those white papers you know it’s decreasing inflammation it’s decreasing visceral hypers sensitivity um some of these inflammatory Pathways associated with UC autoimmune disease and so yeah it’s like it’s very hard like even if you were to find the same species which is what we tried for the first 35 days right how do you know all of these features are there without seeing the research and I think that we had a very intellectual discussion about this right back and forth we’re like texting we’re like you know we don’t really know you know we don’t know if yeah yeah I mean I I was I was really because I’m this just my nature I really would like to understand the mechanisms and now this things work because I myself have a lot of interest in also healthy living and and I mean I’ve been on this probiotic bandwagon for a very long time now that’s actually the and most of them don’t work right most of them don’t work really yeah well I I can I can I can talk a lot about this my history but when I was first diagnosed this I wanted to give me you know all these mats I just I went to science direct and I just downloaded every single Paper I could find and every single Paper it was clear microbiome microbiome microbiome every single Paper you know spoke about it back then I didn’t know much about it and so the first thing that I took back then was was ke or K I don’t know how you pronounce it states and that actually well from I tried I tried a lot of Meed Foods kir um helped me a lot back then I had the worst Yu I ever had was the the first time I got it it was pretty bad um and um kir actually put me in a mission back back then 15 years ago 15 years ago when I fixed my condition I did it the same way you did before we had these patented strains of probiotics yeah yeah yeah it was it’s very hard to do it that way though it takes a long time long time me it took me like two whole years would just die so I know the Diet Works independ of the probiotics but it it’s a it’s a lot harder right it’s very it’s very hard it’s not it’s not sustainable because you know it’s takes a lot of effort to to to do these things and for me like like I’m I’m a vegan I don’t like milk I hate milk yeah know then I have to every single day I have to down this freaking you know stinky milk um so yeah for me like the moment I felt better I I stopped taking it and and and that that’s the thing with prob with probiotics when you have this condition that I have you every single day you have to introduce the good stuff for some reason for some reason Genetically speaking um don’t know why I guess in a couple years we’ll find out but the moment you have this bosis in your gut that’s when the jeans kick in and then that’s when inflammation starts um so your gut has to be every single day our ancestors used to get this every day though they so our ancestors used to get daily probotics you know in a lot more like functional strains too it wasn’t like this random stuff it was like like from soil from the fermented foods yeah this is why like you know this is like you you were the first in your family with this problem right exactly only one that I that I know of right even though it’s they genetic you know right I don’t know man it’s yeah I mean how this why why me like that’s the question like why is this you know impacting me and not somebody else my family as well if there’s a genetic factor to it but I mean some of the some of the papers that I read definitely show that there are some genetic markers but my personal belief is about jeans I don’t I don’t believe like jeans uh make sick normally there’s a trigger that activate the gene yeah and um in in my case it’s it’s it’s got theosis by far I can I can tell you when the flare is going to come I know it’s going to come because I can feel I can feel uh my gut is changing um like it’s going going to sound disgusting but my stillo smells different yeah I’m I’m more I’m more bloated mhm and the moment I reach that point it’s very difficult to to track again yeah I’m talking now I’m talking now before the prootics um I’ve not been in that situation again with the probiotics I hope it’s never going to happen again but yeah your program um that that’s how I knew um you know and um so so that’s when I knew for 100% certainty that this is definitely microbiome treat it there’s no question about it I was just frustrated that I couldn’t find like a sustainable recipe from a food and lifestyle point of view because there’s I mean there’s so many products on the market there’s so many different fermented foods yeah and like you just get so freaking tired with all the fermentations going on all over your house you know like everywhere sourkraut and cafe and then and the wife’s like what the H this next thing you know you have like a whole supplement drawer of like or shelf yeah exactly exactly I mean like my my drawer here my office you know it’s it’s back with robotics I’ve literally tried like every freaking one on the market you know um yeah so it’s it’s frustrating so for me the the real benefit of this program is you have something that you know works if you’ve um tried it probably I don’t know probably hundreds thousand Pati yeah thousands thousands of patients so you know it works and it’s it’s easily accessible um well not that easy for me but still I can get it um I think you were you were the exception to the rule yeah probably and obviously you know the mentoring uh you know being with you there every single day and um just sharing the support that that that helps a lot um thank you hey I was going to ask um you know just just a few months ago you were kind of not you didn’t know what you know now right um if you could tell someone else with inflammatory bowel disease or maybe even autoimmune disease what what advice would you give them um just knowing what you know now yeah so I think you know today you know there’s there’s so much information out there with social media on YouTube there’s so much conflicting information out there it’s really it’s really difficult to make sense of all the noise um I mean you can you can literally study this topic for for months and months and uh you will still be confused um just just apologies for the noise here if you hear any background noise the kids are not I’m not I’m not I’m not don’t we don’t really edit this down at all we just oh okay put it’s a crazy hour before bed you know so keep rning in the house and cats are mowing and dogs are barking and you know anyways um yeah so so what I’m trying to say there’s so much information out there it’s extremely difficult to find a credible that’s going to work for you you be just do with yourself uh believe me i’ I’ve tried many years um and yeah it’s really diff ult so it’s good to find a mentor such as yourself you know that deal with many clients and they make use of natural methods um to bring you to recovery the MS it’s not the answer it’s not I’ve tried that as well it’s the the side effects are absolutely horrendous medication I mean I’ve only been on the the light stuff you know mamine um that’s probably as far as I went but but that alone for me was just the side effects for me personally was wasn’t acceptable I would rather live with the LI lot of people problems with steroids they have problems with mamine they certainly have problem steroids are awful I don’t know how people live on those things like I tried that for six weeks it’s insane man I can’t believe people live live taking that stuff chronically um rough I I I generally feel I’m a very healthy person I generally feel good and the moment I take that stuff I feel I really feel bad um you can’t live like that so so what I would say is there there is an alternative there’s a natural alternative that works and um you know just try you know give it a shot um and you you were initially skeptical and we kind of went back and forth a little while right like yeah well we went back and forth a few weeks maybe I don’t know I don’t how long was that yeah yeah I was I was skeptical because there are many programs available gu it’s not only do that you know they have program so and every single one of them have a different method the ones that I know about um you know so I mean even choosing the right program is difficult you know not even all the programs agree on on how to do it and like I said you know I’ve come a long way with this I’ve done my own research for many years I’ve experimented on myself um for many years so so I was I was kind of skeptical that you have this like this very special prootic that you know will solve all your problems turned out out to be true huh it does it does you know because I’ve spent I’ve spending so much money on on different probotics out there that I was kind me too kind of so much money on so actually I I actually was convinced that no off thehell probiotic will ever work I was convinced but you said you said you said otherwise so I’ve had one of the most extensive experiences with Precision probiotic therapy to modulate the G microbiome to actually fix autoimmune diseases I mean I’ve been doing this type of work I think for the past 12 years or more in clinically and obviously myself for much longer but um you know I was I was like you man like trying all kinds of stuff and before and these strains really only came out about six seven years ago so it was a game changer right if you looked at like the first 10 years of when I had when I had this you know when we had we’ve had these conditions it’s it was like you had to be super strict with your diet you had to be like you you like very restricted anytime you kind of did anything different you’d see a little bit of inflammation or see some problems you know it was always like so you know the Diet Works but it’s like what what’s the other what’s the other piece of it and the other piece of it the missing piece I think was Precision microbiome therapy I think that’s like that’s the Cutting Edge and I I really think we’re still at like the ground level on this I think we had a lot of discussions about this like eventually people what it’s going to take to fix these things but the thing is I mean you’re a medical doctor right so I mean you are one of the few who actually have even tried these things tried like Diet tried probiotics if you go to the average position out there they not interested they’re not I mean even like in South Africa we actually have a very good private medical um system the side we have some very good doctors and I’ve only met one um doctor that that say that okay yeah they they know that the microbiome plays a big role but he he prescribed the what what is that it’s pretty it’s Prett pretty famous one man it’s in the first literature on probiotics um they use that one I forgot the name now anyway is it a vssl or Vis biome oh my God I’ve seen many vssl failures you’ve tried vssl and it didn’t work I mean I’ve got like tons of clients that are V sell failures Vis biome failures I’m like these don’t work man they don’t they sell it they sell it under a different brand in sou Africa they call it Vio mix that’s a brand the European brand that they sell locally um so that’s the one that he prescribes to his clients and he says no you know take this wonderful life it’s going to help you uh I’m pretty sure definitely people with very compromised microbiomes will definitely benefit from it yeah um but it’s but I don’t think you know it will solve your problem but but at least that that’s a start right that’s at least a a gastrologist that’s actually you know trying to in the right direction you do something but the other the other guys are just like what the hell you know what do you do we don’t believe in this Stu just take sound me you’ll be fine and uh yeah so I mean uh you know congrats to you whove actually you know tried a different tried Avenue and you found your answer and you you’re helping a lot of people so that’s that’s excellent thank you all right that’s the end if you think this video will help someone you know be sure to share the link with him leave a comment below discussing your experience dealing with gut inflammation and autoimmune disease and some of the challenges you’re facing also if you can follow for more content it helps this channel reach more viewers as always it’s Dr Chan oser with mind gut immunity clinic and I’ll see you next time
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