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D1 College Football Player, reverses CROHN’S Disease, IBD in 6 weeks, Student Athlete Diet

Yusuf reversed his Crohn’s disease in 6 weeks, using the Mind-Gut-Immunity Method. He has been able to recover his energy levels and recalibrate his gut microbiome. He continues to play D1 college football and is currently applying the medical school.

Yusuf Ahmed – Davidson Wildcats Linebacker @davidsonfootball @yusufahmed_4

This is a recorded video-conference at Month 3 discussing his progress, recapping his long-journey dealing with severe Crohn’s disease which did not respond to conventional therapies for many years.
a division one athlete a college football player with crohn’s disease that’s the story of my latest client to solve Crohn’s disease inflammatory bowel disease all naturally just 6 weeks using the Mind gut immunity method great insight into how he did it so stick [Music] around hi there I’m Dr Chan oser a surgeon who specializes in reversing gut microbiome dysfunction and autoimmune inflammation my technique for reversing symptoms in as little as 6 weeks has helped thousands of patients over the years and is called the Mind gut immunity method and if you’d like to learn more visit MGI and request a discovery call here we meet a college student with a pretty intense training schedule he plays Division 1 football and his schedule is pretty intense he travels regularly for games and balances schoolwork with daily athletic training he started the Mind gut immunity program while still on his steroid taper he had his first infusion of stera a biologic medication already scheduled but he was able to completely avoid it using our method here we talk about the value of understanding diets we also clear up some myths and misconceptions about the carnivore diet which did not work for him instead we talk about the benefits of phytonutrients in the diet and now he’s not so restricted anymore and he’s eating what he wants to all right my friend um how are you feeling at this point in the game yeah I’m feeling pretty good um a lot feeling a lot like healthier feeling like I can you know kind of mess around with my diet a little bit so I can kind of eat a lot more of the things that I want to eat and like have you been cheat have you you’ve been cheating on the diet though huh yeah a little bit uh at least a little bit I’d say um yeah went home for winter break and so seeing my family things like that going on vacation I was definitely uh enjoying how long were you off the diet for and still well I know like kind of off and kind of on but how long how long so I’d say I went home for about a month and during that month I was probably clean like on some of my meals like I was always having my shake that I do every morning regardless and I was trying to have that same shake at night too which was kind of like that blueberry almond butter protein all that shake so that was like a lot of my calories a lot of the time so um that I was always clean on but like lunch dinner like a lot of times I was I was not eting great you know but that’s good right so because your inflammation has been gone for a while and now we’re sort of in that phase of like how can we normalize the diet right that’s whole that’s that’s what stage we are in the game so I’m glad you’ve figured these things out uh by yourself that you’re able to kind of push the envelope and still and by the way no real symptoms that you can’t recover from right I mean You’ yeah no mucus no blood oh yeah by the way just so so describe to me like what are some of the benefits you’ve seen since joining the program like what are some things that got better okay so um so when I joined it was it was during the summer right before or I guess right the beginning of my like um fall like fall spring or fall ball like football sort of camp and um I was in a pretty bad spot as far as like I was eating what they gave us so which was a lot of time like not the not the best food but like just in general like it was kind of hard because I was bouncing around trying to figure out different diets but what I was experiencing was like tons of blood like got to the point where like there was times I was almost like going to the bathroom and the whole whole toilet ball was red like just straight blood and it got to the point where anytime I had a flare up I would lose about like 10 pounds like during the summer after I like um went on a a thing of what’s what’s the uh the the steroid name I forget was it prazone prazone yeah so I went on the prazone round and then you know feel like a million bucks after the prazone and then after a couple weeks soon you stop yeah actually so this was only my because I got diagnosed pretty much a year ago so I got a fir like a round of prazone then and then another round of pred Zone during the summer which was my second flare up and already in that second flare up the first the first round of pred Zone was had me good for about two months no symptoms this one once I started tapering from 40 to 20 I was already having symptoms again and so yeah and so once I got off that completely like tons of blood like I had been I was down about 10 pounds a bunch of mucus and like I felt it was getting to a point where I felt like the I almost felt like the loss of blood like was like affecting me to the point where like I felt lightheaded sometimes like um my strength was poop like it was it was down what did you do like cuz you’re a college athlete you you play football right D1 right D1 college football what like what so how were your how like were you even able to like get practices done how was your performance on the field were you worried about all that or yeah so so I was able to do every all my practices all like games and things like that uh just kind of pushing through like I that was one thing for me was like non-negotiable like I’m gonna play I’m G to practice um a lot of times I felt horrible like um when I first started feeling the issues like a little bit earlier like last season was always super bloated or like I ate the wrong thing before practice and I’m like my stomach’s killing me during practice but as far as like this like this past fall camp like and even in the spring before that there were times where I don’t know how much this uh came from my symptoms but like the whole like brain fog thing that I’ve kind of seen online it was bad like I don’t know if you know maybe that’s maybe I’m making inflammation man I see it all the time with my clients right like people think it’s just the blood in the mucus no it’s the fatigue it’s the brain fog and you know you get other symptoms too like dry eye you get weird joint pains you get like there’s a lot of stuff like the fatigue is is just crazy you know it’s crazy yeah definitely and so like I was I was out there like making the wrong call like I play linebacker making the wrong call and like a call that I’ve known since freshman year that I’m just like I get screamed out like why I I knew it why did I and I just have these little brain farts where like right before the play like yeah kind so things like that and yeah like you said the joint pain and stuff like knee like I’ve I’ve been without knee pain for years like since I’ve like younger like I had some knee pains growing up but my knees have always been super strong and then like recently with this inflammation like my knees are killing me and stuff I’m like why am I need so yeah yeah these are these are like the less often talked about um symptoms that people have with uh with inflammatory bowel and I see it all the time yeah so so that’s 100% improve right um and I know like I wasn’t the first doctor you talked to before this right You’ you’d been seen by some really pretty prominent like university physicians at that point and like tell me walk tell me tell me a little bit about like that experience and like what they told you and as far as what options they give you and and things like so after I first got my first um what is it colonoscopy that’s when they kind kind of told me like you have you have Crohn’s or ort of colitis and then I guess they did the whatever test and then I think they said it was Crohn’s and so um I’m like okay like they gave me the prazone they gave me the mamine the mamine was like twice a day like two tablets per like per dosage and they were like so you’re GNA take this for the rest of your life and the the prazone you’ll take for this long whatever and so immediately like I I’m not a big fan of like having to rely on medicine yeah and so the first time back at the office like a month later after the prazone I asked and I was like realistically like am I gonna have to take this Maman the rest of my life I kind of told him like realistically I’m not going to so yeah what was his reaction what was the reaction so they actually the first doctor he had sent his uh his physician assistant in to talk with me so she was kind of like a middleman and I think he was down the hall so like there was once or twice where she kind of came in and out and so she was like yeah like we really like don’t suggest that like don’t suggest you stop taking it like and then I was like I was like with that conversation I’m talking about things like I like there’s got to be things in my diet correct like I’ve done some things with my diet that I think of help and things like that and then she was like yeah like it really has nothing to do with your diet like it’s really yeah and she’s like it’s really just you know this is the disease this is what you have and like this is the medicine you have to take and then um I guess I don’t I don’t know if she had some question after of the things I told her but she went over to the doctor and then she came back and she was like yeah actually like you’re even on like teetering The Edge between like mild and like whatever the next to where um to where he actually thinks like you might need to be put on something stronger than mamine like biologics or something right so something like that and I was like I’m definitely not doing that and so um and so yeah that was that was the first round about and after the prazone had me feeling pretty good I kind of started different like diets I want like kind of like the carnivore diet for a little bit Yeah so tell me about I get that question a lot you know does carnivore work and I’ve lit I’ve I’ve had this conversation literally hundreds and hundreds of times and I want to hear your take on it because I don’t want to Cloud I don’t want to Cloud the picture because I know I do know carnivore has worked for other people don’t get me wrong and I have my own opinions on it but I want you to talk first then I’ll kind of chime in on this yeah so I don’t know if you’ve you’ve uh heard of I think his name is like Paul saladino no no so he’s kind of one of those carnivore guys he’s a doctor on on YouTube but yeah so I didn’t go pure just straight meat like I was going I was doing a lot I was doing about a at least a pound of ground beef a day um probably about eight 10 eggs a day and the that so that was the majority of my protein and then I was doing things like I pair my ground beef with either Quin or or or like just bananas like some type of fruit tons of honey I mean I love honey so like always kind of tons of honey so more like the Paleo kind of route right like not carnivore but like kind of like a Paleo type type diet okay I kind of looked at it like fruit and meat and honey that’s what that’s what I at it as and to be honest like it’s hard to tell because I was right off the prazone and like even when I was on the prazone like garbage like I was fine and then um so for about two months I was doing that diet and I didn’t have any like or at least I didn’t have much of bloating and things like that I noticed like getting rid of a lot of like the refined carbs that my uh my bloating was a lot better and so I was like this is lit like I felt pretty big too like the uh I think that doing like a ton of ground beef like that red meat like probably the creatine I was probably taking creatine at the time too so I felt good yeah and I got pretty dreed too and um slowly after about two months like I started seeing little like streaks of like red in my stool like little streaks of blood slowly turned into a little bit more blood slowly turned into you know that that progressed and then I think there was the first time um that summer uh the beginning of that summer so this all started like this diet started kind of in the winter like January is uh a couple months later maybe four or five months later in the summer I just had one weekend where I went out with my parents to Baltimore and like kind of ate crappy but not like not anything too crazy like I think I had like a Duncan like a dut a muffin some like food like that and I just the flare up was horrible and like I lost I was up to like 207 when I was like finally I’m gaining some weight back coming from around like 200 uh in the beginning and then like right down to 197 like lost 10 pounds in a week and so that was the first first doctor yeah and I was going to tell you um that’s been my experience with carnivore I think it requires a near 100% compliance to work and even in the cases that it works it’s not fully sustainable because the minute you eat some some anything it can set off a a really bad reaction the other downside is like obviously the meat it has you know this it has arachadonic acid in it and has saturated fat and there’s tons of data suggest that those two things are not very good for the gut microbiome and not very good for inflammation um so what I’ve told people is like all of the benefits that you get from a carnivore diet has to do with the fact that it’s low glycemic index it’s pretty simple but if you can recreate a low glycemic index diet and and also exclude that arachadonic acid and that saturated fat that you get in the meat my opinion is that like you know at least in my experience and in our Clinic we have a we subscribe to obviously the phytonutrient diet right which is very different than a carnivore diet but in the sense but it’s similar in the sense that it’s low glycemic and high protein you see what I’m saying yeah so the interesting thing is like kind of once you shift towards protein more fat less less uh sugar in your diet and we actually exclude a bunch of fruit too as you know like especially the highog glycemic fruits are kind of out um you start to see like the inflammation goes down and guess what you don’t have to be so perfect right right right go home for like two or three weeks and eat whatever you want including of other stuff not on the list and guess what nothing happens right happens so that’s that’s the difference right if we had a diet that required like 100% compliance for people to get better we would have nobody getting better right but we have tons of people getting better and the diet doesn’t require 100% compliance doesn’t even require like it may not even require 70% compliance and as you know you can kind of mess it up for like three or four weeks and still not have inflammation so that’s the beauty of this thing is that it allows for more balanced diet allows you to eat kind of the foods that you want to eat without feeling like it’s going to cause a problem and um and that’s the beauty of it I think that’s um it’s it’s a lot more flexible a lot more uh doable I would say yeah and with that I’d say like as far as like not having like not full compliance like even when I was in like the more stricter phase of like in the beginning I’m I’m a college athlete we travel and like the way i’ look at it was um on uh sat like we travel Fridays and so it’s hard for me to if we’re flying to California from North Carolina like I’m not going to pack my whole bag full of food so like when we get to the hotel when we’re eating dinner I’m like all right this is my this is my day and I I try to stay away from the bad things but like I know like things like chicken were were not like prescribed for the diet and like white potatoes and like that those were the healthier options so I would eat probably about five six pieces of chicken and load my plate with potato you and I’d be fine be fine and that’s interesting I get that’s another question I get asked like hey I I travel constantly we have people that travel full-time on this regimen we have people that are super busy professionals we have college athletes we got like real we got like professional athletes like we got all these people that are like super busy surgeons you know like we’re all super busy people and so if you had some kind of diet or some protocol that was really hard to do or you couldn’t do it on the road that’d be a problem right like it’d be something like that would be very or you doing it from a dorm right like you don’t even have like a real I a true kitchen you know or like you know you get what I’m trying to say right but um yeah I think U that is yeah that’s a that’s important part of this thing I think that’s great yeah and so I just wanted to tell you about the second doctor so like at that point at that point um this was after the second flare and the second flare was a lot worse and I was kind of desperate because I was I was trying different diets and like it wasn’t really uh really wasn’t working and so I went to this guy this was in North Carolina like like where I’m where I was at at that point and um this guy seemed pretty smart like he was like he walked in into the office and like he was just spitting like I’m asking him all these questions and he has an answer for everything and like I and he pretty much tells me the same thing like he wanted me to go on biologics he wanted me to go on I think um stera and okay I’m at a point where like I’m pretty down the gutters and I’m like maybe I just do it like whatever like I want to get healthy and he was smart like I asked him like this question like what are the side effects this that he’s telling me like side effects are very little this that and a third like cancer percentage is little which when I’d go back and I’d look at it like do the math and I’m like I don’t know like this some of this research does isn’t showing what he’s telling me but um he was pretty sounded pretty smart and so I was kind of like all right I’m going to do it and then I I even scheduled my like Stell um infusion yeah my first infusion and uh and this was all before like I talked to you and yeah I got off the uh like towards the end of the prazone bout like or towards the middle of it kind of got my confidence back to where like I wasn’t like down on the gutters and I was like no I’m not doing it so I called them and I cancelled and uh then they’re like kind of like bombarding me like like hey the doctor doesn’t think this is a good idea we you should reschedule like kept calling you should reschedule I’m like and I saw one thing that kind of just I don’t know if this has a factor to do with it but I saw how much that it costs like how I know insurance pays for it usually but just the fact that it’s a drug that’s like $25,000 for like however I was like it’s kind of weird that they they’re really really pressing for me to take this drug and so I’m a little SK skeptical with something so I ended up like just kind of ghosting that doctor and then like that’s when I started talking to you so yeah yeah and um and things went well I mean like you were pretty much on schedule um I think the the the nice thing about working with you is you kind of you already train for a living you already eat for a living like and you’re already you’re already kind of D you’re very good student right I mean like this is you’re you know for someone like you like adding something in like this was very easy for you to do I pretty much told you what to do and you were like doing it like day one day two you know you’re like Bam Bam Bam like getting it done so you know and you saw the results pretty fast too I mean it was like I mean within weeks if not months of like things just getting like totally better and um and you felt different too right and that’s the important thing right like around week three week four week five people their skepticism kind of like uh gets you know it goes down because they start feeling better they start feeling like they did before they got sick which is crazy like people don’t even understand what it feels like anymore to be well and so when they start feeling that way um their whole attitude their whole outlook changes yeah definitely that’s good well now that you are successfully managing this issue and it’s not coming back um what are you looking forward to the most yeah so I’d say now that I’m able to like introduce some more Foods in because one of the big things for me during the season was my weight and like you know I don’t want to get we’ve got to weigh in every day for practice and like lift so like there were times during that flare up before this where I was lying about my weight because I’d lost so much weight but um I got to a point like during the season where like during the kind of the diet where um I got to like a a comfortable weight and um I wasn’t so much trying to gain a ton of weight because I was like let me get healthy now and then let me gain weight later and like you know I was slowly gaining a little bit of weight while I was like doing the diet but like my main focus was like let me get healthy like now that I’m healthy it’s like all right like I’m G to get big now like let me put some more weight back on let me put some more muscle back on and like so I’m just excited to Just Get Swole essentially and we’re and you know at every point in this process I’ve I’ve given you points and tips on how to change the macronutrients to get you there right yeah the beginning obviously it’s a little bit more restrictive right because we’re trying to get you out of the inflammatory phase but once you’re out of the inflammator phase we can go up on some of these carbs fats and proteins and time them appropriately post-workout so that you get the you know muscle protein synth synthesis that you want after your after you’re lifting after your training after your workout so yeah um and I and that’s been great to work with you because i’ I’ve seen the progression right we’ve kind of seen it on both sides of this thing and uh it’s a lot better now yeah I’d say like during the program like could have definitely gained more weight I’d say it just me being lazy at times like sometimes I was like man I don’t feel like making another another Shake yeah my nighttime Shake but like I noticed like when I was consistently doing that I was going up on weight too so that was yeah we and that was on Purpose By the way you know like I have to customize these things for everyone and I do have athletes and performance you know these high performing individuals that need like certain you know macros and things like that so I’m happy and willing to work with people I work with competitive bodybuilders that work with professional athletes um in your case you know D1 I mean this is like a I mean you’re pretty much I mean you practice almost every day you know so it’s um it’s it’s a job and we have to customize the protocol for each person I would say yeah definitely well good um well thanks I appreciate it and um much luck to you so I hope you enjoyed this segment and if you like my content don’t forget to like And subscribe if you think this video will help someone you know be sure to repost a link to this this video and as always I’m Dr Chan oser with the Mind gut immunity clinic and let me know if I can help you out
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