Real Recovery, Within Reach. Discover Mind-Gut-Immunity

Complete Crohn’s Disease Reversal. Stopped Humira, and Mesalamine. Tried Carnivore diet for Crohn’s

Jeff reversed his Crohn’s disease in a FEW WEEKS, after suffering for 44 years, using the Mind-Gut-Immunity Method. He is now symptom-free and off all of his medications! His newfound energy has allowed him to go out and play golf and hike again.
This is a recorded video-conference at Month 3 discussing his progress, recapping his long journey dealing with severe Crohn’s disease, which did not respond to conventional therapies for many years.
00:00-01:27: Introduction
01:28-04:22: What were your symptoms before, and what treatments were you trying before the MGI clinic? Did Humira, Mesalamine, and other medications work out for you?
04:23-05:52: Did other doctors mention anything about diet or just want to prescribe medications?
05:56-08:25: Without doctors’ help, how have you managed your Crohn’s disease for so long?
08:26-10:53: Fecal transplant consideration and is it worth it for you?
10:54-12:53: The carnivore diet, did it work for you, or did it not?
12:54-14:52: The phytonutrient diet, how has it worked for you, and what improvements have you seen?
14:53-19:40: What has the healing process been like since joining the MGI clinic?
21:01-24:05: How has the newfound energy allowed you to do things you love once again?
24:06-26:15: What advice can you give to someone who has Crohn’s disease or an autoimmune disease?
26:16-26:55: Outro
There are a whole host of conditions associated with dysfunctional immune inflammation. The list includes: Eczema, Allergies, UTIs, Irritable Bowel (IBS), IBD, Crohn’s/Colitis, SIBO, Candida, GERD, Viral illnesses, Autism, Multiple Sclerosis, Lupus, Rheumatoid Arthritis, Mixed Connective Tissue Disorder, Sjögren’s, Autoimmune Thyroiditis, Migraine Headache, Neuropathy, and Fibromyalgia.
[Music] 44 years of suffering with crohn’s disease taking biologics that’s the story of Jeff my latest patient to solve Crohn’s disease inflammatory bowel disease in just a few weeks after joining the Mind gut immunity clinic now this interview is a bit slow paced but there’s lots of valuable information and you’re going to want to watch till the end hi there I’m Dr chanu dasri a surgeon who specializes in reversing gut microbiome dysfunction and autoimmune inflammation my technique for reversing symptoms in as little as six weeks is called the Mind gut immunity method and it has helped thousands of patients over the years overcome their condition if you’d like to learn more visit and request a discovery call with me now in this upcoming video you’re going to meet Jeff he’s a retiree who spent 44 years dealing with crohn’s disease here you’ll see us discussing his progress in the program at around the four month Mark he’s symptom-free and has been off all of his medications for most of that time and that’s a great achievement considering he’s had this disease for 44 years and has been on biologics steroids and mesalamine up to this point all of these results were achieved using the Mind gut immunity method a program that optimizes diet digestion sleep stress and exercise to achieve a healthy gut microbiome and reverse autoimmune inflammation so let’s get started all right Jeff how we doing I’m doing great doc great no complaints thanks for joining me now um we’re now in month four right basically correct we’re working together and um you’ve been symptom-free for like almost like the entire time I think you had like some minor symptoms when we first started and then they kind of resolved um I wanted to ask you tell us a little bit about your journey with inflammatory bowel disease um over the years like before you found the program and what sort of challenges and things that you encountered well it started 44 years ago um I was diagnosed with crohn’s and I have ingested everything that the pharmaceutical industry can throw at you um you know I could start rattling off these things like this all for Dean prednisone um and just the most recent pharmaceutical product was Humera none of those items really if if anything they mask the underlying symptoms and they don’t really uh in in my estimation they’re they’re certainly not a cure and um they um every pharmaceutical product that I’ve ever taken has you know you got away the good with the bad I think there’s more bad than than good that comes from them with long-term use so I’ve I’ve not really impressed the Humira you tried mesalamine what else have you tried um in addition to the the pharmaceutical things I’ve tried a number of diets um Elimination Diet but I didn’t really have a structure uh to follow and um it didn’t have the you know somebody to call upon when I had a question so that’s um you know I was given a uh you know a diet and I I would follow it you know with great deals rigor and you know they they were difficult um but it just I had varying success but none of it was probably truly sustainable what were yours what did your doctor say to you were there any discussions about risk factor modification you know optimizing things like Diet digestion sleep stress exercise did you have what was that like and what where where did those discussions lead they they LED absolutely nowhere because that never really happened in with the gastro uh doctors that I had talked to in the past as a matter of fact um the the my most recent gastric doctor um you know he told me whatever you want because dial has no influence on near Crohn’s I just take the Humera and everything will be okay um and when Humira didn’t work he just wanted to put me on another biological um and that I you know I I wasn’t willing to do but um it it’s just something that the uh no uh if you if you’re going to a general doctor they’re they’re not going to really talk to you about those things um that’s been my experience and it was yeah so these sort of you were kind of left so my understanding is you’re kind of left to figure this stuff out on your own so to speak um yeah and and I I did more than you know I was I’ve been looking for you know ways to control my crowns for years I think I’ve done Hyperbaric and that did have some positive benefits but I I think the Hyperbaric you would have to go weekly and it um and that that’s probably not very practical for very many people but as of November this past year I weighed 110 pounds um you know I’m up to 130 pounds and um you know it really within days of following the protocol I could tell something that I was on a I was on a path that was going to take me to some place better than I had been in uh you know in recently how did you find my protocol well um I I lost my gastric surgeon and who would do my uh colonoscopy please every a couple years and through he retired and um my uh his replacement um this is a young surgeon who um was pressuring me to uh you know go the route of surgery and get a bag and that was something that is just totally unwilling to do as a matter of fact the previous doctor had told me that I had to think long and hard before I ever did that because along with the bag there are other complications that um you know it’s sort of like buyer beware and I uh cost me back the colostomies ileostomies they’re they’re not yeah that’s great yeah no it and it’s something that you know I was you know chasing all kinds of various uh potential remedies um the the other one that I was I was contemplating going over the UK to do was the um fecal transplants and um they it scared me quite a bit because um you know they’re if you look into it a little bit there’s some possibilities some pretty catastrophic things happening you’re gonna get it um it was too high I don’t know who your donor is better know who your donor is but the fecal it sounds like the fecal transplant for you was a no-go because it was too high a risk too many unknown variables and and that I couldn’t really get it done here in the U.S I guess the Mayo Clinic was doing it and the the university here uh UVA was um they’re tinkering around with it that you know I was on a wait list and I got a call well I’ve you know we had this discussion I’ve had people with that have been that thought that the fecal transplant would fix everything and it doesn’t right because you know one of the downsides of fecal transplant is you’re not getting just one or two organisms you’re actually getting an entire set of organisms and you don’t know how much of it is helpful versus not right it’s it’s kind of it’s a literal crap shoot you know and you’re just hoping and praying that the new set of micro uh microorganisms will replace the old ones and and kind of create a a healing environment but you know in my in my uh opinion I think having more focused replacement with good clinical data is probably a better plan um especially you can get more consistent results with it for sure um so I think you know the more targeted approach my opinion gets more consistent results but you know I also I’m seeing the people that are failing the fecal transplants I mean you’re I mean I’ve had tons of patients that that that try and fail and so yeah it’s it’s just a very interesting area I think you know they’re they’re now coming out with more and more studies about these patented strains which I think is a more promising Avenue and that’s sort of what my philosophy has been is the more targeted replacement well I was in a very desperate place and I I would say I was pretty much a carnivore and probably 75 to 85 percent of the food that I was ingesting was a protein a meat protein oh you did the carnivore yeah the carnivore diet oh I did I didn’t do the carnivore diet but um I I might as well have been um I I had contemplated the carnivore diet but it’s just I that that question actually comes up a lot about the carnivore diets carnivore diets they work for one reason and that it’s a low glycemic diet right and the low glycemic index can lead to lower levels of certain types of bacteria we know that but it requires it to be a sustained nearly 100 percent kind of compliance right so you can’t just do carnivore on occasion or even like most of the time you pretty much have to do it all the time and even those people that do quote unquote carnivore like you said not all of them get better and so you know it’s it is good for reducing inflammation but in terms of a long-term strategy I don’t know how successful it’s been I just know that people in my clinic have done better on a phytonutrient diet which is like kind of almost even the opposite but I have I mean I’ve had tons of people have good success in the past with carnivore types diets but the real question is how long they can maintain it and for what duration so yeah it’s it’s a very interesting topic and I get that question a lot like do carnivore diets work answer is yes they do right but it requires a higher degree of compliance than you may even think you can you’re not going to get those results with the 75 compliance right you’re going to get those results with maybe 100 compliance and but it’s not guaranteed you know so um yeah I I Echo your statements now I think a diet that’s low glycemic right is always a good idea right so the phytonutrient diet the one we really you know lean into it’s a low glycemic diet so you get a lot of the benefits of carnivore plus you get obviously all the plant-based micronutrients that most people are deficient in and as you know when you’re deficient in those phytonutrients you get inflammation you get autoimmune and so these things are very important for resetting the gut microbiome for reducing inflammation and if you’re not getting these things in the diet in large amounts it can be a problem and I I see how this potentially you know could work on things other than um you know Crohn’s uh and other ailments that I I the things that I had neuropathy I had a botched surgery from a fissure that had had seat or oozed fluid for half a dozen years um I had aches and pains and you know it just you know I’m missing I’m leaving out a number of things on Craig but it it’s amazing how many things have improved um and it’s the um you know it’s when when you struggle with something for the amount of time I struggle with it to to um you know get to this point it’s a uh it’s just you know I can’t put it in words frankly yeah so I wanted to do this it’s life-changing yeah yeah you notice you notice basically a complete a complete remission I mean so you basically solve the inflammation in a very short period of time um take me through what that process was like you know you started the protocol you started doing some things we we started working together and um take me through what that healing Journey was like because it happened very fast for you and um and you saw res as you said you saw resolutions of symptoms that you didn’t even think were related to Crohn’s right their neuropathy there was other issues with your uh you know anal sphincter there were things related to fatigue obviously the blood and mucus in the stool that’s a given right most people with inflammatory bowel they see that go away but um yeah take me through what that initial process was like for you well it it you know it took me you know just a couple moments to get my head around the the diet itself but once I committed to it and and you know that was immediately and I I just went at it a hundred percent and it really was within days I started to notice uh um improvements and I really I had no idea how addicted I was to sugar um and you know in it’s so many things I turned to to snack on you know there was sugar and and sugar uh for me was definitely a trigger I’m some very certain of that and I I really thought that I you know would have trouble um staying away from sugar but it was day 17 or so I I remember this because I put it in my journal that I said to my wife you know it’s crazy but I I don’t even have a craving for that anymore um you know and that’s usually around week two or three exactly what you said yeah where you stop creating the terrible Foods you know and and that you know it was a pleasant surprise and um the the diet and and you know there are so many things that I’m eating today that I was told to avoid um you know like like nuts um you know I’m not eating peanuts of course but I’m eating a wide variety of nuts that I incorporate a bunch of different ways into my food and I I have absolutely no problem with nuts and um there’s you know I like like beans and lentils and things like that I never ate I I it wasn’t that I didn’t like vegetables I just looked at vegetables as like sort of garnish the my meal was based around that meat protein and a little bit of vegetable I mean a very small amount of vegetable and a potato or starch I I also think that the potatoes and starches I I ate a lot of rice um and you know I have don’t miss it don’t uh it’s just something that uh you know after you start feeling better and you see the results um your body tells you what to do and um yeah it it makes it makes it very easy for you and and the the difference in in feeling good um versus feeling bad you know any you know any normal person is gonna you know I would think veered toward feeling good yeah and um it’s it’s just it’s it’s simple and the you know and I will say that you know you can if you just look at the and I almost consider it like an ingredient list you look at it and you say well it’s going to get really boring really quick um but if you look into it and take time and um hit plan out menus and and whatnot it’s um I think taking it it’s not that not that difficult yeah I agree I think taking interest in the preparation of foods and we help people with that right it’s like you know we give meal suggestions ideas you have like a you know even a coach that helps you with that kind of stuff with meal meal planning and things and recipes and we found that that really takes down the learning curve as you say you know like you know the learning curve could be something it could this could be a really hard thing to do but it’s not I mean I do it as a surgeon as a busy professional we get people that are traveling that are doing this and the diet is obviously just you know it is one component of this whole thing right we’re also looking at digestion we’re also looking to sleep we’re also looking at stress and exercise right but um I think the diet you’re right it probably has the largest um learning curve which is not insurmountable it’s actually pretty easy if you kind of put your mind to it and and you notice obviously you got better within days if not weeks and um and so if what did you do with now that you had all this energy like how did you notice some other changes in your life like how have you been enjoying this time have you been enjoying your recovery you know I um I play golf in college and you know it was throughout my adult life but you know I played a lot of golf I’m not even that crazy about it anymore but I I’ve been able to go out and play golf I hadn’t played golf and over every year okay um that what I what I really enjoy doing is hiking and I you know I’m doing between five and eight miles a day and um if you ever get to Richmond there’s um Native Trails uh along the uh James River it’s beautiful and it’s uh you know every day is something different yeah that’s great I know when we first work together the fatigue was pretty bad like the fatigue was insurmountable at that time yeah I just I felt like I had trouble keeping you know I had no stamina whatsoever and it was it just it made doing uh you know some pretty mundane things difficult but um you know I I am not walking as much as I even could I’m trying to limit it because you know I don’t want to burn too many calories but you know um when I’m when I’m only doing five hours a day I’m doing it with some intense climbing yeah so I walk a mile and then I’m I’m you know climbing what would be the equivalent of you know seven eight flights of stairs so it you know it’s just um I don’t know I I I enjoy getting out being in nature and that’s something that I was pretty much um sequestered to my home for a long period of time and I was fortunate that I could do my job from home but um it would I would have had to have um you know go on disability or something if I had a normal job yeah um I mean it was you know it it yeah back when I was 110 pounds in the November I didn’t think I I was about ready to cash it in um yeah I just didn’t think there was anything that was gonna improve my plight foreign thank you for sharing your story um you know if you could give some bit of advice to people that are struggling with autoimmune disease digestive dysfunction and or inflammatory bowel disease um what do you think would have been helpful what do you think is helpful for people to hear I I I firmly believe that today if you’re going to see a even a specialist um Pharmaceuticals are not the answer they’re gonna maybe mask or um mitigate your symptoms to some degree but they’re not a long-term solution but eating you know the proper diet and and following the protocol his it it’s not difficult it’s it um it’s far better than taking a handful of pills or injecting yourself with Humira um there’s no uh I don’t see any downside to um eating eating right and there’s um the upside is just so um if you if you do it and you stick to it for uh just a couple weeks you know you’ll be able to make up your your own mind quickly and it’s um the once you start feeling better you you want to continue down that path yeah and um anybody that has struggled with crohn’s and it’s it can be real bad with time um could well definitely appreciate it well thank you I will we’ll probably end it on that so I hope you enjoyed that segment now I realized that the interview was a little bit slower paced than usual but his story has a lot of valuable lessons for people suffering with inflammatory bowel disease also if you enjoyed this video don’t forget to like And subscribe and if you think this video will help someone you know please share it with them as always I’m Dr chanu dasri with the Mind get immunity clinic and I’ll see you next time foreign
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