For our clients, we help design custom diet plans based on several key criteria: Microbiome Specificity, Phytonutrients, Macronutrients, and Food Sensitivity. These four criteria help determine whether any type of diet will work for managing Eczema symptoms during a flare, as well as healing inflammation over time, to reach remission. In this video, we review many popular diets out there, and compare them to the Mind-Gut-Immunity method.
carnivore diet for eczema does the carnivore diet actually work for eczema and how do you see the best result in this video we’ll cover everything you need to know about carnivore diet for eczema including how it Stacks up against other dietary approaches plus we’ll go over other common pitfalls and share tips on how to keep track of your [Music] progress hi I’m Dr chanod doser a surgeon dedicated to reducing inflammation caused by gut microbiome imbalances I myself struggled with digestive dysfunction and autoimmune inflammation in my early 20s and successfully put together a methodology that works not only in me but also my patients my method is called the Mind gut immunity approach and has resulted in thousands of successes over the years if you someone you know struggles with eczema and wants to rid themselves of inflammation for good check out our website MGI and schedule a discovery call with me I’ll walk you through some very practical steps for eczema recovery and how to achieve lasting results in just 6 weeks okay let’s get started with all this back and forth how do we determine what really works for eczema as I talked about in my other video entitled ideal diet for eczema I a strong supporter of customized phon nutrient-rich diet plans and I use four main criteria to determine if a diet is effective for someone with eczema let’s recap these four criteria number one is phytonutrients number two is macronutrient requirements number three is microbiome specificity and number four is food sensitivity and if you’re curious about what each one of these mean feel free to check out the ideal diet for eczema video but I’ll give you a brief rundown here just a review the harmful bacteria and fungus in your gut ferment carbohydrates like sugar starches and fiber leading to bloating gas and inflammation in the skin now let’s take a look at the carnivore diet and how it compares to other diets like the phytonutrient diet that I typically recommend for managing eczema so if you’re wondering if the carnivore Diet Works for eczema it’s sometimes does but that’s only because it removes carbohydrates from this equation reducing the source of inflammation the carnivore diet for eczema revolves entirely around animal-based Foods including cutting out fiber carbs and adding electrolytes for balance by removing carbs the carnivore diet for eczema stops feeding harmful bacteria providing calories through proteins and fats instead and that’s why it helps reduce inflammation in the short term it’s often used as a temporizing strategy during flareups or when traditional dietary approaches haven’t worked the main producer of histamine in the body is gut bacteria and if the gut bacteria don’t have sugar that it can process the histamine levels go down however just because you eliminate carbs doesn’t mean the actual gut microbiome will restore itself to healthy balance remember those four criteria I mentioned earlier I’ll explain how this diet holds up in the long term now let’s take a look at the first criteria phytonutrients phytonutrients are plant-based micronutrients that provide antioxidants and anti-inflammatory properties these compounds can be incredibly helpful for people with eczema or histamine dysfunction by reducing inflammation throughout the body including in the skin here’s a 2021 study looking at the relationship between the gut microbiome probiotics and their interaction with the treatment of eczema and here’s one from 2020 discussing coratin and its bioactive effects on inflammation oxidative stress and wound healing in eczema phytonutrients fall into several categories like polyphenols tur dyo cyanates fiber resistant starches Omega fats and alkaloids they play a crucial role in healing inflammation which starts in the gut and has effects throughout the body including the skin when following a carnivore diet for eczema you won’t get any of these nutrients but if you’re committed to the diet one way to add phytonutrients without disrupting the carnivore plan is through herbal tees these teas give you phytonutrients without any carbohydrates fiber or sugar other diets like paleo keto and low carb plans do allow phytonutrients and if that’s important to you these diets may be worth considering keep in mind though that a strict carnivore diet won’t provide the phytonutrients you need which means you’ll miss out on some of their anti-inflammatory effects for managing eczema now let’s move on to macronutrient requirements the carnivore diet for eczema does a pretty good job at covering the macronutrient Basics macronutrients are carbohydrates fats and proteins by entering and weight and activity level into a calculator on my website you can find out your specific macronutrient requirements if you’re following the carnivore diet for exzema you’ll need to make sure to make some adjustments by increasing your intake of fats and proteins while cutting back on carbohydrates in general an eczema diet that gets half of its calories from fat is normally a good thing although I don’t particularly like the saturated fats in Meats which are associated with certain inflammatory processes like histamine I also don’t like the animal-based cholesterol in the meat which can allow for increases in arachadonic acid in the body I describ both of these Pathways of eczema related inflammation in my other video on my channel so if you need a refresher feel free to take a look at those videos when I design diets for my clients they’re generally lower in carbs anyways for obvious reasons and most of the fats come from plant-based Omega sources so you don’t have these problems from a macronutrient perspective the carnivore diet for exzema may work but watch out for those inflammatory factors tied to the animal fats and cholesterol next take a look at microbiome specificity let’s go back to this equation you have bad bacteria and fungus which feed on carbs leading to inflammation while the carnivore diet for eczema removes carbohydrates does it actually promote the growth of good bacteria the answer is a definite no now I know this might sound controversial to some people because there’s plenty of voices on YouTube saying that the gut microbiome diversity is actually good for people following a carnivore diet and you’ll find even entire Reddit threads debating this issue but let me give you a practical perspective after reviewing hundreds if not thousands of stool studies over the years I’ve never seen a healthy balanced microbiome in someone following the carnivore diet with eczema the inflammation and the histamine associated with eczema often stems from gut microbiome dysfunction in our program we start by introducing patented probiotics from Japan which help recalibrate the gut microbiome and remove these harmful prist bacteria but how do you ensure the growth of good bacteria that don’t produce histamine it’s not by cutting out carbs it’s by carefully selecting the right phytonutrients and this is where the Mind gut immunity method really stands out we design a diet that promotes the growth of beneficial bacteria which form a bofilm and crowd out the harmful bacteria and fungus as these good bacteria flourish over the course of several weeks the body produces less histamine and fewer pro-inflammatory markers like tnf Alpha inter Lucan 6 interlukin 4 the main issue with a carnivore diet for Eczema is that it ignores the root cause of the problem you can temporarily stop feeding the bad bacteria by avoiding carbs but the moment you reintroduce fiber or sugar your symptoms will come back and over time I’ve seen this pattern repeatedly people fail the carnivore diet because it’s not sustainable long term when they go back to eating carbs their symptoms return because the gut microbiome dysfunction hasn’t been addressed in contrast the phyto diet tackles the underlying microbiome issues associated with eczema longterm this means that you’ll have more dietary flexibility and can even indulge in cheat meals without negative consequences I teach my clients how to incorporate cheat Meals by the third or fourth month of the program because by that time we’ve resolved the gut issues in a lasting way I’m not a fan of quick fixes and while the carnivore diet for eczema can help during a flare up it’s not sustainable long-term strategy when compared to the phyto diets we design for our clients over the years I’ve had many Discovery calls with people who tried the carnivore diet for eczema but didn’t achieve long-term success most of them experienced temporary relief but their symptoms return once they reintroduce carbs and this is a story I hear time and time again my hope is that this honest review of the carnivore diet for eczema helps you figure out whether it’s the right path for you while it can help manage symptoms short-term fixing the gut microbiome is key to achieving lasting relief let’s move on to the last criteria food sensitivities food sensitivities play a significant role in managing eczema in my other videos I cover four main food sensitivity tests that are available the skin prick test the IG blood test the igg4 blood test and the newer mediary release blood test for eczema if you need a refresher on how these tests work make sure to check out my video on food sensitivity testing for eczema now let’s talk about complex proteins when it comes to the carnivore diet something I’ve discussed in my previous talks when you consume large amounts of protein they are broken down into the stomach in Upper intestines by enzymes called proteases these break the proteins down into individual amino acids which are then absorbed into the bloodstream however sometimes the proteins don’t fully break down forming small peptide chains that can cause inflammation we see this with various types of complex proteins especially those that are animal derived so the likelihood of developing a sensitivity to one or more types of meat or even eggs is pretty high and this is why adopting a carnivore diet for eczema can be risky it greatly limits your food options and you may develop sensitivities along the way all right that’s my talk in the comments below tell me your experience with the carnivore diet and what has worked for you and what didn’t I’m curious to hear about your experiences as you know I’ve had great success using the Mind gut immunity method in my clients and I’m a strong supporter of customized phytonutrient diets and focused gut microbiome recalibration for our clients to achieve lasting success so if you found this video helpful don’t forget to like And subscribe for more content such as this as always this is Dr Chan oser with the Mind gut immunity clinic and I’ll see you next time [Music]