Best Probiotic Supplements for [Multiple Sclerosis]- Gut Surgeon Explains

99% of the genetic diversity in the human body comes from microbes.

Ratio of "good" and "bad" bacteria impacts the level of inflammation experienced throughout the body, including the brain

Probiotic Concepts

-The number of strains, or colony forming units, don’t typically matter

-The FREQUENCY of administration is the most important variable (aim for 2-4x daily)

-Yoghurt is a decent option for many people (yes, I realize it’s dairy), otherwise a probiotic capsule supplement. If you choose to go with yoghurt: try grass-fed A2, or fat-free/sugar-free Greek


There are a whole host of conditions associated with dysfunctional diet. The list includes: Eczema, Allergies, UTIs, Irritable Bowel (IBS), IBD, Crohn's/Colitis, SIBO, Candida, GERD, Viral illnesses, Autism, Multiple Sclerosis, Lupus, ANA+, Rheumatoid Arthritis, Mixed Connective Tissue Disorder, Sjrogrens, Autoimmune Thyroiditis, Migraine Headache, Fatty Liver, Neuropathy, and Fibromyalgia

very useful tips on exact dosages and frequencies and how to plan your approach for addressing ms now before we go any further don't forget to like and subscribe and hit the notification bell to keep up to date these are must-see videos for anyone with ms looking to reverse their symptoms for good and it's really helpful information that you probably won't get anywhere else now on to the topic of probiotic supplements for ms the mistake i see most people 03:09: Mistakes made with probiotics Multiple Sclerosis (MS). make is that they just pick some random probiotic off the shelf at the grocery store and expect it to do something great but then they get disappointed because it doesn't do anything and you may be thinking are probiotics even useful for ms now i'd like to point out this research article from a few years ago that shows altered intestinal flora is closely associated with the immune dysfunction seen in multiple sclerosis you shouldn't be surprised by this because 70 to 80 percent of your immune system is in your intestines so when you have an immune disease such as multiple sclerosis you can be sure that there's also something wrong with your gut so before we dive in if you're serious about finding the right probiotics for ms and achieving results fast don't forget to grab my supplements guide where i walk you through the specific brand choices that have helped my clients with ms achieve health within six weeks you can grab it at the link below the video and i know it'll help you so much the link will take you to a page where you enter in your email to receive a free training on how to reverse multiple sclerosis everything you need to know is in there including a free supplement guide with specific probiotic recommendations tons of helpful case studies of people just like you who have reversed their conditions for good and are now healthy it comes with a complete actionable game plan for how you can do this yourself at home so just enter in your email at the top of the page and get started so be sure to check it out now check out this video i recorded earlier explaining the concept of probiotics for multiple sclerosis 05:16: Understanding Genetics and Bacteria effects on Multiple Sclerosis (MS). believe it or not if we take the sum total of all the genes in our body only one percent is actually human the other 99 come from bacteria and other microbes mostly living in our intestines and airways for the people that like to blame genetics you may not even have terrible genetics your genetics may be just fine you may just have a bacterial imbalance and that's what's causing a significant problem again this is another thing that most doctors don't talk about and here you have ever changing ratio of good versus bad bacteria so let me give you a few examples we've seen this with depression we've seen it with obesity we've seen this with ibs we see with inflammatory bowel disease and other autoimmune conditions such as lupus rheumatoid ms psoriasis eczema and chronic allergies in each of these conditions bad bacteria plays a significant role so you have to get rid of them and replace them with good bacteria there's a pretty famous study from china that shows if you take a stool sample from a depressed individual and feed it to a mouse that mouse that was once very social and happy and well adjusted becomes closed off and anxious and depressed here's another study which looked at a mom and her daughter the mom was a marathon runner thin lean and in shape she needed a stool transplant and her daughter donated the specimen her daughter was 30 40 pounds overweight not really in shape over the course of the next three months the marathon runner mom gained 40 pounds after receiving the bacteria from her overweight daughter that's pretty powerful stuff by the way at harvard they're using stool transplants for weight loss now and even depression similarly there are several studies from university of california which show that if you take a stool sample from an inflammatory disease patient you can induce the same illness through a fecal microbiota transplant this is true for most inflammatory conditions such as lupus ibs crohn's colitis rheumatoid multiple sclerosis eczema psoriasis fatty liver and even allergies so this brings us to 07:01: Probiotic concepts and "microbiome hacking" for Multiple Sclerosis. the section on probiotic concepts also known as microbiome hacking before we dive in i want to clear up some misinformation about probiotics a lot of people spend an inordinate amount of time talking about colony forming units number of strains types of strains some even talk about buying refrigerated aversions versus soil based spore forms there's even companies now that will take a sample of your stool analyze it and send you custom design blends and i can tell you as a physician i've studied over 300 scientific articles on this subject and my findings can be summarized as the following the three main bacteria in a good probiotic are lactobacillus saccharomyces and bifidiobacterium and of these three bifidobacterium are the most important with the best scientific evidence next it's important that you introduce good microbes into your system at least twice a day but ideally four times a day so even once a day is not enough also as you introduce good microbes into your system you need to get rid of the old microbes and the way you do this is to have bowel movements ideally two to four times a day turnover is important most people just assume if they take a probiotic they'll be fine but if you're not constantly expelling waste and only taking probiotic maybe once a day then that's not enough and in my opinion they may be missing out on a full potential of these beneficial microbes so don't get too obsessed over the number of strange or colony forming units and don't waste your money buying expensive probiotic supplements which are generally not useful the frequency of probiotic intake matters more Best probiotics for Multiple Sclerosis (MS) and where to find them. so which probiotic is the best well if you're looking for the most affordable option than yogurt or fermented foods and you only need a spoonful if you're allergic to dairy you can also try non-dairy yogurt now yogurt is fine so is fermented foods but some people do better just taking a probiotic supplement there are lots of probiotic supplements out there i would keep things simple and just get on one that's affordable and comes from a reputable brand i'll drop some recommendations below so that you can take a look just a reminder the most important factor is not usually the number of strains but rather the frequency of administration and this is the one thing that most people miss you want to keep introducing good microbes into your system throughout the day not just once but two to four times a day in fact you want to constantly introduce good microbes into your system so that as your body gets rid of the old microbes the new microbes have a chance to flourish and populate so remember i said there was scientific data here it is a small list of conditions that improve with probiotic intake eczema psoriasis allergies utis ibs inflammatory bowel disease like crohn's and colitis small intestinal bacterial overgrowth candida gerd viral illnesses including flu and covid fatty liver autism multiple sclerosis lupus rheumatoid arthritis if you're looking to solve inflammation 10:28: Yogurt do's and dont's for Multiple Sclerosis. then probiotics may be helpful okay before i conclude this section i have a couple things to say about yogurt if you're vegan obviously this is a no-go and if you have a dairy allergy and can't tolerate it then fine but if your only issue is lactose intolerance or fear of dairy then hear me out lactose content in yogurt is lower than that of milk yogurt contains bacteria that helps break down lactose fat-free yogurt is great but make sure that it doesn't have any thickeners or sweeteners if you like full-fat yogurt then grass-fed source is probably best yogurt still has casein milk protein which can cause allergies in some people this is prevented by getting specific types of cow's milk yogurt called a2 or switching to goat's milk yogurt so if you want to try dairy yogurt just keep in mind these four things if you're in doubt just take a supplement capsule i have clients that do both and many of them do fine just adding a bit of yogurt as you probably know by now i usually recommend avoiding all dairy altogether but yogurt does have its benefits especially if you choose wisely it's easy and it's helpful for getting probiotics and all you need is a spoonful two to four times a day if you do this and remember you also want to have at least two to four bowel movements a day if you do this along with the fiber maybe even a stool softener the first couple of days you'll start to notice within a week that the population of bacteria in your gi tract will start to change and many of your inflammatory disorders and allergies and immune dysfunction and digestive problems will change if you want to go into detail with this i have a blog post called decoding milk and dairy it's part of a larger series that describes the nutritional profiles of controversial food groups like eggs fish and meat in general i realize that there are very strong opinions regarding the healthiness of these foods so i try to stick with the facts and give you what i think is the safe zone of functioning for every day 11:07: Outro alright i hope you enjoyed that video now i want to know what types of probiotics have you tried and did they work let me know in the comments below also if you like this video help support my channel by sharing this video with fellow loved ones and be sure to subscribe for more useful tips on multiple sclerosis this is dr chandu dasari with the mind get immunity clinic and i'll see you next time [Music] you

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