Gut Health Superfood = Fiber
Intestinal Transit Time
a. Foods to avoid: ‘lingering foods’
Make it harder for stool microbes to leave the system
b. Bad microbes stay too long (12+ hours) and cause problems
c. Consider eating high fiber (daily goal of 40-50 grams)
d. Consider taking a stool softener
e. Aim for 2-4 bowel movements daily.
f. Drink plenty of water
There are a whole host of conditions associated with dysfunctional microbiome, the list includes:
Eczema, Allergies, UTIs, Irritable Bowel (IBS), IBD, Crohn’s/Colitis, SIBO, Candida, GERD, Viral illnesses, Autism, Multiple Sclerosis, Lupus, ANA+, Rheumatoid Arthritis, Mixed Connective Tissue Disorder, Sjrogrens, Autoimmune Thyroiditis, Migraine Headache, Neuropathy, and Fibromyalgia
in this video i’ll discuss the surprising gut health superfood that aids eczema naturally you’ll want to stick around for this one hi everyone i’m dr chandu dasari i help my clients solve their immune inflammation and digestive dysfunction using the mind gut immunity method this clinical approach has helped thousands of patients resolve their symptoms in as little as six weeks without the need for complex or costly interventions if you’re serious about finding a lasting solution for eczema and achieving results fast check out the link below you’ll go to a page where you enter in your email to receive a free training where i walk you through the protocols that have helped my clients with eczema achieve health within six weeks everything you need to know is there including free guides tons of helpful case studies i’m going to show you the science behind superfoods and why they actually work for healing the gut in addition i’m going to give you some very useful tips on how to start incorporating this into your diet and how to plan your approach for addressing eczema dermatitis inflammation now before we go any further don’t forget to like and subscribe and hit the notification bell to keep up to date these are must-see videos for anyone with eczema looking to reverse their symptoms for good and it’s really helpful information that you probably won’t get anywhere else now a little bit of background the mistake i see most people make is that they think all food is created equal and that they can just eat whatever they want and expect their eczema symptoms to go away while everyone may be different the truth is there are some significant ways to decrease inflammation on your own within your control which greatly impact eczema symptoms one way the best way is to improve your gut health this is what i teach in my clinic and the material you’re about to watch is taken straight out of my mind gut immunity academy where people just like you learn how to beat their eczema for good even when the diagnosis is unclear remember that the gut contains over a trillion immune cells that’s trillion with a t so certain conditions which are caused by immune inflammation have a strong relationship with gut health now to understand the topic of gut health there are a few useful concepts i’ll share with you in this video now i want to introduce you to a concept called intestinal transit time this is the amount of time it takes for food to travel through the gi tract usually food will travel through the small intestine in four to six hours and the large intestine in about 12.