Real Recovery, Within Reach. Discover Mind-Gut-Immunity

An ICU Nurse reversed her Multiple Sclerosis in 6 weeks! – Neuropathy, Brain Fog Improvements!

Anna reversed her Multiple Sclerosis in 6 weeks, using the Mind-Gut-Immunity Method. Her brain fog and fatigue has improved drastically. She works the overnight shift and has been feeling more energy during and after her shift now! This “lifestyle overhaul” has been a huge success for Anna!

This is a recorded video-conference at Month 3 discussing his progress, recapping his long-journey dealing with severe Crohn’s disease which did not respond to conventional therapies for many years.
an ICU nurse in a rural Town who overcame multiple sclerosis that’s the story of my latest client to solve Ms all naturally in just 6 weeks using the Mind gut immunity method lots of important lessons here you’re not going to want to miss [Music] this hi there I’m Dr chanu doser a surgeon who specializes in reversing gut microbiome dysfunction and autoimmune inflammation my technique for reversing symptoms and as little less 6 weeks has helped thousands of patients over the years and is called the Mind gut immunity method and if You’ like to learn more visit MGI and request a discovery call now in this upcoming video you’ll meet a nurse who lives in a rural Town who was able to overcome her neuropathy brain fog weakness and fatigue all for multiple sclerosis she was 60% improved at just 6 weeks and over 90% improved at 3 months she saw such significant changes in her own life that she began to prioritize self-care to fulfill her unmet needs now everyone who knows me knows that I very much appreciate nurses so I was glad to see her do so well Ms can be a crippling disease that gets worse over time so seeing Victory stories such as these are very encouraging so let’s get started okay great right before we started this we were just laughing about a couple things right so you’re a nurse in Canada right what so tell me a little bit and you don’t live in like some huge town right like you live in some like really small area moderate sized city that’s not definitely not the biggest yeah um how like Healthcare in Canada is that what you’re kind of asking or well we the one thing we were talking about is like you you started as a regimen right and you you did really good and one of the things we were talking about was how hard it was to uh get some of these items but you were able to get most of these things Shi right like yeah so I was lucky enough to find the majority them on Amazon but then like the um the probiotic one that we used um that one had to get shipped so that one took a couple weeks um there we don’t have a what’s that good store you guys have the Walmart we have a Walmart no no no Whole Foods that one yeah we we don’t have that if we do it’s only in like either like Toronto or Vancouver or something like the big cities but um so yeah I couldn’t just walk in and get that so that took a little while longer to get started but once I got that it was it was amazing so that was really good um definitely felt better with that tell me um tell me how your how your life has improved what are what are some of the benefits you’ve seen what are some of the symptoms you’ve seen get better um through this process and we’ve been working together now like we’re in our third month second month third month right so yeah tell me a little bit about what this process is like so yeah um big concern that brought me in was like I’ve already tried to eat healthy I already tried to do healthy things but I feel like I don’t do them consistently enough and um I don’t really you know keep track of it or anything like that so what helped a lot was um what can I say here I was so I lost my train of thought but it was mostly um so things that brought me here was neuropathy I was having a lot of neuropathy that was a big one that was affecting your day-to-day kind of it was because it was bothering me and I feel like some days it would be good some days it wouldn’t be but it wouldn’t consistently go away and I felt like it was almost maybe slightly getting worse so that’s why I wanted to join this and see what could be done with that and then we we ended up fixing that which I was like wow this is crazy that there is something out there there’s supplements that can help you actually fix that because that like I didn’t want to go on like those kind of like neuropathy medications or anything because because of side effects and like I just feel like I I don’t didn’t want to go that route so I’m GL to figure that out um brain fog was really bad before just like thinking was really difficult keeping my train of thought like having thoughts that I need just come up memory was an issue so that has been much improved especially with exercise and like keeping track of consistent sleep like that was an issue I struggled with was sleep you work night shift right shift work 16 hour shifts like it’s a lot so it’s a lot but now I’m trying to you know switch it to be like more of a healthier lifestyle instead of just like a grind and make yourself sick kind of Lifestyle so I’m trying to step away from that because you obviously feel better when you sleep well and you cook your healthy food and you eat it so imagine that yeah imagine that concept right so yeah that has been a kind of a game changer for me just kind of so neuropathy brain fog I heard fatigue what else what else yeah weak weakness was somewhat improved with work some somewhat weakness yeah um and I remember you saying and I I’m not going to put words in your mouth I asked you I I think I asked you last time we were on the phone I said what percentage of your symptoms are resolved and this was at like the six or eight week Mark I forget what was um yeah what and then yeah so tell me tell me I feel like we yeah at that at that Mark I think I was saying probably about 60 or so percent and then now I feel like really really good I would say probably like 90 plus per tastic that’s great that’s a win I I can’t even believe it it’s so crazy that that we that this like worked out like I was I was a little worried at the start I’m like oh my gosh is this going to work I got I went to this program and then now I feel so good you I’m not the first doctor you were seeing for this right you were you were you saw a couple other doctors you even thought about I saw like my like neurologist and everything like that and like I’ve yeah no just like online trying to figure things out myself with like you know like supplements and things like that but nothing that really did a significant Improvement at all so like this this is different because it’s a whole like lifestyle overhaul like into like a healthy way it’s not just popping a pill or two it’s like changing your sleep changing like your your exercising and like tracking like what you’re eating and making sure you’re getting the right amounts like all those things so just like a whole overhaul because the first month’s a lot of work right it’s like you’re like why am I sending pictures of my poop and why am I texting my doctor like six seven times a day my favorite thing to be sending no I know I know but people wonder why like how do we get the results we do but that’s how we get them it’s not like from being having this passive attitude about things it’s literally about tracking every little thing every single day and checking in with each other multiple times a day and that’s kind of how we how we do things yeah no the poop thing is not the weirdest because obviously I work in healthcare I’m a nurse this is I nurses AR we can’t be or else we can’t be nurses so yeah um but no it was it’s it’s been amazing and obviously I’m still like going on with everything I’m going to keep keep going with the program and just and the cool thing about this program is you don’t need me to do it right like we were just talking about how there are some Physicians out there even like you know and we’re not talking we’re not saying anything bad about naturopaths or functional medicine guys but there are people that really um promote uh a lot of expensive supplements and um this is something you just mentioned right you had an appointment with one of the um so tell me a little bit about like what that what that is because I’m we don’t use a ton of like super expensive stuff here and it’s not like stuff that I have even a commercial interest in right I don’t even believe in selling my own supplements or anything crazy like that but um yeah I just I just feel like sometimes there could be maybe a bit too many and you know like the prices are a little steep for regular people to be just have you said $80 magnesium right like things like that like I feel like you know people that are ill they they’re probably not doing double shifts all the time they’re probably tired they’re probably not feeling their best they’re probably not working a lot you know so I feel like it’s just not the right way to go about it so yeah it’s not sustainable and yeah the beauty of the program that I try to put together is I try to make it really accessible so you can do it in like a rural area I mean I got people middle of I don’t know middle of Africa doing this program and um you know and even rural parts of Canada you know I’ve got and then because you don’t need so many of these like supplements being ordered and things like that or you can get stuff locally it’s not as um it’s not as bad and then at and then you know we were actually trading back and forth like how many research papers were we sending each other like hey remember this thing or let’s take a look at this thing there’s kind of like a really nice internal dialogue that happens yeah even after you watched all those videos about how to reverse Ms naturally right I mean yeah a lot of content there and then we build on that content yeah no I definitely I’m very very grateful I stumbled upon your stuff on YouTube it was didn’t was very unexpected so I got a question if you had to say one thing that helped you the most in this program what would you say it was um let’s see probably like just like keeping track of everything like keeping track of like I never really counted macros before so keeping track of that just to get an eye like opening of kind of what you’re looking at what meal look like like um yeah probably mostly that yeah I would say tracking Max and and micronutrients are really important right for the first like a lot of bodybuilders they track macros a lot of people in Fitness they track macros so these are like fats proteins and carbs macronutrients right yeah the micronutrients are where most people are deficient especially people with Ms autoimmune deficient in phytonutrients so things like polyphenols derpin alkaloid phyto oils fiber I mean tho cyanates I mean the list goes on and on right there’s about eight eight main categories and to kind of understand where those come from and how to sort of quantify them in a way you know like you know at first it’s like kind of a manual process you’re like doing it you’re saying Hey did I get enough of this food and I get enough of this food but usually by about like week three you kind of have like kind of a just like kind of a feeling of like oh yeah that’s I had enough of that I’ve had enough of this and so then you kind of develop a sense for what that is and you know I would say that’s what separates our diet from a lot of others it’s is one of the only few diets out there that we actually track micronutrients which is like that’s why you don’t have to take all the crazy supplements yeah you’re getting them from food which is what you’re supposed to be doing you’re supposed to be doing I know what a concept yeah yeah exactly so no it’s h it’s amazing that’s good yeah what are you looking forward to the most now that you’re essentially symptom free um I mean you’re you’re doing great you’re in healthcare um and you’re you were just such a pleasure to work with um what are you looking forward to like going forward you know like um I’m just looking forward to continuing to keep up with this just to keep up with you know the diet the exercise I don’t want to fall off the the train of that uh too much um keeping up with like keeping track with of sleep because I definitely want to keep that 8 to 10 hours I definitely feel much better it helps my thinking so I think just just having the knowledge um it just makes it so much easier to go forward because now that you already know what you’re doing you just keep keep on doing it so keeping the motivation yeah what advice would you give to someone maybe with Ms okay that is you know you know just doing their own research trying to figure out what to do um what would you tell them um well for me this program works worked so I I like this program um I did try to do things myself uh I didn’t really get very far I still had a lot of symptoms I feel like I wasn’t if I tried a supplement or tried something it was only temporary relief so I found with this I feel better and it’s sustained so I’m obviously going to keep up with it and I don’t know I feel like this program is a great choice and um I don’t know what else really take care of of yourself mostly yeah and like get get rest exercise eat healthy stop eating junk yeah things like that I don’t know like those kind of things they’re so simple but they’re easily neglected right so yeah that’s one of the things um I think most people with Ms most people with autoimmune disease I’m in this boat myself we have a tendency to not fulfill our unmet needs like we have this giant list of unmet needs and we’ve somehow like told ourselves it’s okay that we’re not like fulfilling them right it’s like oh it’s okay if I don’t get sleep it’s okay if I do like three four night shifts in a row it’s okay that I didn’t hang out outside it’s okay that I didn’t go to the gym it’s okay that I didn’t hang out with friends it’s okay I didn’t get rest or eat healthier or whatever the case may be there’s this giant list right everybody’s got this list right yeah and so um and this list of unmet needs is like one of the things that we kind of f like we started focusing on this last year because it’s so pervasive like even when I fixed my autoimmune diseases more than one right I had like three or four at the same time 15 years ago the disease goes away but this sort of mentality this idea that like hey like I can sacrifice my own needs for a prolonged period of time for literally no reason and it’s okay it’s a really messed up kind of an attitude and I think just sort of coming back to the basic and saying hey no I should get all this stuff done and they are pretty basic they can be as basic as like meal prepping they can be as basic as reading a book they can be as basic as taking rest or hanging out in nature or you know like participating in some kind ofic Endeavor whatever the case may be but that matters right matters a lot they’re huge yeah I feel like yeah everybody’s just so busy right now because just it’s just how life is right so it’s easy to neglect yourself to get you know other things done we told ourselves it’s okay I think I think is the problem yeah it’s normalized yeah being busy and like overworking and all that stuff so yeah it’s uh I don’t know if that’s I feel good because I’m trying to take a step away from that so I feel like this is like turning a new Leaf for me how do you think this has impacted your practice because you you see really sick patients all the time and um you know how do you think as a nurse this is sort of like changed how you’re doing anything or um I just feel like and it’s okay if the answer is no right yeah I don’t know I feel like you’re dealing with like people that are really sick right in the IC yeah they’re intubated like inated yeah I feel like if you’re more rested and you’re just feeling better you can do better care I guess so so maybe the self care element has improved yeah okay yeah yeah well that’s great well you know I’m a huge fan of nurses I think I told you this the first time I told you so you know as a surgeon right a surgical resident right the nurses were everything like especially in the IC like the ICU nurses basically prevented you from making a stupid mistake right they were the ones that like taught you everything you knew you always looking for things yeah you have to bring you bring them breakfast you bring them lunch you bring them coffee anything to get on their good side because they’re the ones that are helping you right and yeah I told you I’ve I’ve got just this immense immense respect for nurses and just what you do and so thank you and I’m saying that from the perspective of a surgeon but also like a former resident you know how much uh you know I’ve been helped in my career you know that’s um yeah yeah thank you for doing what you do oh thank you for for this program this is amazing thank you yeah so I hope you enjoyed this segment and if you like my content don’t forget to like And subscribe if you think this video will help someone you know be sure to repost a link to this video and as always I’m Dr chanu with the Mind gut immunity clinic and let me know if I can help you out
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