Florence reversed her Irritable Bowel Syndrome in 6 weeks, using the Mind-Gut-Immunity Method.
After terrible experiences with general medicine and prescribed narcotics, she knew matters had to be taken into her own hands. After finding the Mind-Gut-Immunity clinic, she was able to rid herself of all medicines and narcotics and take back her life. No more brain fog, neuropathy, inflammation, weight issues, psychiatric issues – all subsided once she found the Mind-Gut-Immunity clinic.
00:00-01:27: Introduction
01:28-07:26: How did Ativan & Clonazepam affect you negatively when prescribed it for pain and inflammation?
07:27-09:30: What symptoms of inflammation and Irritable Bowel Syndrome were you experiencing?
09:31-11:06: What are some of the best aspects of the Mind-Gut-Immunity Clinic?
11:07-14:38: How has your weight, brain fog, neuropathy, inflammation, and sleep improved since joining the MGI clinic?
14:39-17:17: How the system of the MGI clinic works for you and your inflammation.
17:18-18:02: Irritable Bowel Syndrome affects 1 in every 4 people in the United States.
18:03-25:34: The importance of phytonutrients, the photo-diet, and microbiome restructuring.
25:35-26:06: Outro
There are a whole host of conditions associated with dysfunctional immune inflammation. The list includes: Eczema, Allergies, UTIs, Irritable Bowel (IBS), IBD, Crohn’s/Colitis, SIBO, Candida, GERD, Viral illnesses, Autism, Multiple Sclerosis, Lupus, Rheumatoid Arthritis, Mixed Connective Tissue Disorder, Sjögren’s, Autoimmune Thyroiditis, Migraine Headache, Neuropathy, and Fibromyalgia.
IBS neuropathy and headaches all caused by medication that’s the story of my latest client who struggled with new symptoms after experiencing side effects from prescription medications this story gets pretty wild and you won’t believe some of the things that happened to her so stick [Music] around hi there I’m Dr chanu doer a surgeon who specializes in reversing gut microbiome dysfunction and autoimmune inflammation my technique for reversing symptomss in as little as 6 weeks has helped thousands of patients over the years and is called the Mind gut immunity method and if You’ like to learn more visit MGI clinic.com and request a discovery call now in this upcoming video you’ll meet one of my clients who develop irritable bowel syndrome neuropathy and headaches after being prescribed benzo dipene medications these medicines included Adavan and clap Pam which also caused her to be hospitalized in the psych ward with suicidal ideations and depression she underwent electroshock therapy endured stomach pain nerve pain headaches and sleep problems once we started working with her it became quickly apparent that most of these issues were exacerbated by her medications now she’s completely symptom free gaining weight and able to tolerate most Foods including the ones she was previously sensitive to and she was able to achieve all this using targeted microbiome therapies so let’s get started okay I I have a couple questions um you’ve been doing this program now for several weeks if not probably like we’re at month two or so and I wanted to see what were some of the positive benefits you’ve seen since joining the Mind gun immunity Clinic okay do you want me to talk about what happened to me beforehand oh yeah just go into whatever you want to talk about it’s fine yeah um this is sort of a catharsis for me because I’m able to share for the first time carefully and publicly um the trials and tribulations that I’ve been going through the past four years before joining the mind got Clinic um I had gastroenteritis and it was extremely severe I didn’t know what was going on but um I couldn’t eat anything for a week it was during the Christmas holidays four years ago and I had no access to a doctor and um it was impossible to go to emergency because it was so clogged up with people waiting to see um doctors for emergencies and um finally after the holidays um my um general practitioner uh said that um the best thing for me after trying a number of um medications was to put me on Atavan which is a h benzo and um as a result of being put on Adavan I developed a very serious suicidal ideation I’m uh 74 and I know now that um you don’t give benzos to older people or younger people and it’s become one of those drugs that um should not really be given to anyone I believe well um I ended up an emergency and from emergency I ended up in the psychiatric ward of the hospital and um this is all from Adavan really because you had never throughout your life never had problems with I’ve never never had depression anxiety or even I’m an extremely I’m an extremely positive person I was put on Adavan because um it seemed to control the the aches and pains that I was having and gave me kind of a Serene feeling but of course you have to take it again and again again and being addictive it’s impossible to get off of it and so uh in the psychiatric ward um because of my suicid ideation I was treated like a psychiatric patient I was amongst um drug dealers that work that that that had the choice of either going to prison or going to the psychiatric War to get off their drugs and also some people that were very very ill so it was certainly I can say positively it was certainly um an interesting experience for me because uh what happens is in a psychiatric war that you completely lose power and you’re treated like um a a nonperson unfortunately uh what the psychiatric psychiatrist did was um rather than taking me off of Adam ad right away he decided to try another benzo and that was um fasap Pam and that exter ated my condition I never found out from um the doctor in the psychiatric ward or from any other doctor that Kazaam can cause this it was actually my husband who was desperately searching online that discovered this and so um it takes a long time for kassam to get out of your system so I was in an psychiatric ward for um for for three months wow and what they did was they put me in a coma or a semicom to get me off the cazap Pam that was only the uh beginning um while I was in the psychatric board they were zapping with me with um ects um which I really really did not need is that like Electro that’s Electro electroshock therapy basically right electric yes electric shock therapy that’s right and I had um 12 episodes of electric shock therapy uh every one one a week over the course of that period so finally I was uh released um they kept giving me the Min Minnesota test and I said this is ridiculous you’re giving me the same test over and over again don’t you realize that I can I can just make up any answer that I want but carefully the psychiatrist or the assistant was chicking off you know um I spent 10 days in isolation because um I didn’t there were no private rooms in this hospital and um I shared a room with um a woman who um developed Co and after being in isolation they gave me the Minnesota test and I said please this is absurd of course I’m depressed who wouldn’t be after being in isolation for 10 days they released me and I was kind of on my own um trying to um get off another drug which um I finally have been able to get off off of with your help but then I decided that I I really had to find a way out of this because I was just not myself I was totally uh uh confused I wasn’t able to concentrate I felt like my body was just arguing with me and that um I was going to be like this for the rest of my wife my life what were some of the symptoms you were dealing with because it wasn’t just psychiatric right I mean you were dealing with a I was with severe um uh stomach pain um I was dealing with um this this terrible and now I know what it is it was neuropathy throughout my body and uh Furious headaches yeah sleep sleep issues as well right sleep problems yes I I would say that the three months that I spent in the hospital um I don’t most of the time I I seem to have been on my back sleeping and all of these conditions including including the irritable bowel syndrome and all of these other symptoms you’ve had the headaches the neuropathy the um the Sleep issues all of these issues they they started after these medications right I mean these weren’t things that had existed prior to all this that’s that that that’s right it was exacerbated by the by the medication but certainly the uh inflammation of my body um was result of the IBS and and the and the stomach aches and so it gave me temporary very relief so I decided on my own um I should say in the large city where I live which will stay unnamed um there is only one IBS specialist and um I was put on a waiting list and I was told that it would take me two years to see this person I tried on my own to see a gastroenterologists um privately and um one of them suggested to me that the only way that I could overcome this condition was by eating um boiled bananas including the banana pill yes and also fasting um uh every few days I did find on the my my own the F map and I did try F map on my own and it simply didn’t work so by the time I came to you Doctor um I wasn’t I was hardly eating anything and my weight I’m usually 130 but my weight was down to about 100 13 um I have to say that it’s been um a blessing having you as my doctor um I found you um online and at first I was very suspicious of the fact that you weren’t going to meet with me in person but this was going to happen online and I was wrong because you have been incredibly attentive through um uh uh meeting with me um quickly answering uh any issues that I had and um you haven’t left me this we’ve been together for nearly three months now and I um just the other time that we spoke um or or that we emailed one another or we do this through um through through uh what’s it called text um me well I don’t think you should be taking um that uh new probiotic right away we’re going to wait until the fifth and the sixth me me fifth or sixth month and I said oh my goodness he’s going to be with me until I am until I am really uh better I just have to say that um what I’ve learned from you is um number one that I have to be attentive to my body number two that you really have to watch the videos you are a student of your body and there’s a lot that you must learn and the documentation that you send this is not a cursory document it’s something that you must must read again and again and again I’m not being factious in order to um digest as a result of my um experience with you thus far I am now from 113 to 119 pounds and the weight is going up um I am I’m obediently following the diet that you’ve recommended and um I’m at the point where every few weeks you are asking me to experiment by adding uh one food or two foods but not more than twice a week so it takes persistence it takes patience it takes guidance and um I can now um think clearly um I am um happy again um I find that um I’m not spaced out when I’m talking talking to people and finally some of the peripheral conditions that I had including um inflammation in my back uh seems to have uh sub subsided because the inflammation is not chasing throughout my body what percentage of your symptoms would you say are resolved at this time um I would say that um about um 80% of my syst symptoms have been resolved but um you are very um but you’re very careful in terms of explaining to me that um you know you have to be attentive to your gut you have to take in my case milk of magnesia you want to keep your gut relatively empty you have to keep a food diary so you know what foods you can tolerate and what foods you can’t occasionally what could happen is that a food that initially you couldn’t tolerate you can reintroduce tolerate later M and that’s the problem I see with a lot of these food sensitivity tests is um there’s a lot of false positives when people take them when they’re inflamed but on that list there’s a bunch of foods that people can tolerate you just have to reintroduce them at a time when the body’s not inflamed and people do just fine exactly and um what I also appreciate is that um um it was actually in our last call you said to me well Lauren I seem to have become your your general practitioner because and of course you’re not I mean you’re excessively busy I see that you’re wearing your surgical Garb you probably were in I’m sure you were in surgery this morning um but it’s true that if you’re having um other difficulties they may be Associated uh with with with with the IBS and there was one day where you promised to get in touch with me and um you uh texted me in 5:00 and you said I’m just closing down my practice do you mind if I just um contact you when I get home and it was delightful because there were there you were um babysitting waiting for your wife to come home and there was the baby noises in the background so it’s it’s you’ve got you have you have the human touch yeah you have t touch and you have assistance so I’m not bothering you it’s just with the necessary question through text um that your assistant uh uh emails me back or texts me back I know that you prefer text yeah well you’ve done exceptionally well and I want to commend you for really um internalizing a lot of the lessons um most people when they start this program they get the onboarding process as you know is can be a little bit overwhelming you get all of these these these food these food suggestions these Diaries these recipes then you have a bunch of like supplements then you have protocol things you got to review you got to send us records then you got to watch 15 videos um about how to fix IBS naturally and these are all just classic risk factor modification type things but I would say most Physicians ignore it in the sense that they don’t have time to cover all these things very hard to cover all that there’s a lot of information right and it used to be very challenging to do this in a traditional clinic setting when you just have about 15 minutes of face to FaceTime with people and you know you only see them every you know few months or whatever and then you’re in a rush right you’re in a rush to just see patients and um I think this new format at least for people um people who are suffering with infl inflammation digestive dysfunction even autoimmune disease has been able to boil down what used to take almost a year year and a half has boiled it down to matter of like weeks to months right I mean you started feeling better almost immediately it was very I mean it’s very fast and um so we see that typically and this process used to take a much longer used to take much longer because the transmission of information you know the the you know perfecting of the diet and the protocol the you know and then all obviously also the medical record reviews and things like that it’s um we personalize in every single case we personalize it for each individual person but this process used to take a long time now with this new system it’s been um been a lot better faster it’s it’s really it’s really a substantial breakthrough and what I tell myself is in fact the way that I’m I eating is the way that our ancestors ate right we’re going back we’re going back to the basics we’re going back to um almost like when we were grazing yeah and and these are basic food foods and that unfortunately what’s happened because there’s so many people living on this planet that there have been um some very dangerous shortcuts that um producers are taking and um they are simply bad for us and um I was shocked I had no idea what IBS um was and once I got it and I mentioned it to some other people it’s rampant it’s rampant and 25% of the of the population some estimates they say it’s like 20 it’s almost it’s almost one in four people have some kind of irritable bowel syndrome presentations that it’s so high in a developed country such as ours um you wonder right it it must be the food it must be the lifestyle must be a lot of these these things and to Echo what you said the phytonutrient Prof profile of foods have diminished considerably in modern diets and it’s the number one nutritional deficiency now is not whether you’ve had enough carbs fats or proteins but if you’ve had enough phytonutrients and most people don’t even know what a phytonutrient is so you know I got to make all these videos explaining what things are explaining how the Diet Works explaining the Phil philosophy behind this and um you know even presenting the data like bunch of research papers on this topic I mean this is this topic has gotten interest from Big research universities I’ve given lectures at uh Stanford University and you know different medical colleges about these sort of things it’s it’s getting a lot more interest because I think people are recognizing that the phytonutrient deficiency it’s what’s causing a lot of this chronic inflammation it’s what’s causing the irritable bout it’s what’s causing the autoimmune disease it’s what’s causing some of these other conditions and it’s very hard to treat those conditions with a medication it’s very hard to treat this condition with without addressing this deficiency and so I think um and it’s not there’s no shortcut unfortunately there’s no like you know secret pill you can take there are some that’s it we we’ve been taught that there that there is a secret pill and that is just a matter of of um one of the research institutes coming up with a secret pill but that isn’t going to work I have to say that um um I used to be um a research librarian before I became a professor I’m now retired ired and so I was really using my skills to find everything online through U Med journals and so on and um you are ahead of the curve you are definitely ahead of the curve because um even the recent literature that I’ve come across is still more questions than than answers and up with answers I agree I think there’s this big area research uh regarding the gut microbiome and I would say that you know it’s in a lot of this is in the research phases I’m already I would say in the application Phase because I’ve fixed this problem in in virtually 100% of my clients it’s using targeted microbiome therapies that you don’t need a prescription for by the way okay but it’s using targeted strains of bacteria which have certain um you these things have they’re patented actually so they they’ve got these like very distinct characteristics that help the gut heal and to replace them in very large enough quantities and to know which ones to use at which time and the timing of it I think that is an art I don’t think a lot of people know how to do it properly I think a lot of people do it um har do it with harm right I’ve seen a lot of people fail probiotics over the years and um you know that combined with with the phytonutrient piece you know you fix these two and then you you address the Sleep the stress and the exercise and you combine these all in a program where you’re getting I mean it’s like a three-on-one program you have like three coaches and you’ve got open access to me and we’re constantly you know we’re texting like sometimes multiple times a day right just trying to perfect trying to troubleshoot things and customize things and I think people people deep down in side they know that this is what it takes to get better because in traditional settings it’s it’s very hard right they’re just being you know told to do a test told maybe something’s not wrong or something is wrong they maybe being given like one or two supplements by a doctor and then it’s the wrong thing but there’s no like cohesive kind of a strategy to fix these problems long term and I think people are beginning to recognize that it it will take a little bit of hard work but if you have the right guidance and the right expertise um it’s it’s really helpful I have to say that I do appreciate the the diet I’ve develop a certain Rhythm and um it’s kind of nice that I know what I’m having for breakfast what I’m having for lunch what I’m having for dinner and it’s really a huge variety of of of fresh fruits and vegetables right and and blueberries and um it’s really taken the um anxiety after out of having to figure out what am I going to have for dinner every night or lunch so that’s that’s my attitude and now with the new foods that um you told me I can introduce it’s become a nearly normal diet except that people are surprised that how nor how normal the diet is you know people are like how restricted do I have to be and I say hold on listen this is when you’re inflamed let’s get you out of the inflammatory phase then let’s start introducing all of the foods that you miss you know let’s let’s slowly introduce them and get you back to a normal diet so to speak you know and um it’s just I’m very careful when I tell you at Foods I’m missing that I don’t say well you know doctor I’m really missing those potato chips because I know that is that is like a no no yeah well once you’ve been educated about the way some of these foods are produced you end up making better food choices that do not exacerbate things like IBS or autoimmune disease and um that’s part of the Ed by by the way that’s you know the self-interested part of me the reason I I spend so much time asking people like hey look through the videos look through the the um you know the articles that I’m sending you look through the the paperwork I’m sending you is so that you get educated about these topics because I want you to be an expert and it take it offloads a lot of this burden from me right I don’t become the referee anymore you are in charge of your own health you actually understand why certain things are good are bad how they work how they plug into a greater model of things and I think when you develop that working understanding then the IBS just kind of becomes it’s it’s gone because you want you understand how it works you understand that it’s first gut microbiome dysfunction phytonutrient deficiency right you fix those two things and then obviously in your case medications huge huge huge contributor right and then and then the other things sort of fall in place the Sleep stress exercise all of these things tie into gut microbiome dysfunction and IBS and um to effectively address all of these requires a very holistic approach I would say it’s also help me understand some members of my family better I’m sure that my my father had IBS I know that my sister has a variation of IBS and my son has um has a IBS and I I guess IBD and so I I think that um we have to recognize that there is some as you say in your video that there is a genetic component of course and and not blame yourself for um not taking care of yourself it’s you know in my case I’m very fortunate that this didn’t happen to me until I was um 70 years old right yeah well great I appreciate you uh sharing your story and I think this will probably help a lot of folks thank you very much this has been fun so I hope you enjoyed this segment and if you like my content don’t forget to like And subscribe if you think this video will help someone you know be sure to repost a link to this video and as always I’m Dr Chan oser with the Mind gut immunity clinic and let me know if I can help you out