Michael reversed his SIBO & Candida in 6 weeks, using the Mind-Gut-Immunity Method.
His brain fog, fatigue and other symptoms have gone away. He even got accepted in to nursing school, which he credits to the success of this program allowing him to even want to apply!
This is a recorded video-conference at Month 3 discussing his progress, recapping his long-journey dealing with severe Crohn’s disease which did not respond to conventional therapies for many years.
a nursing student who beat candida sibo brain fog and chronic fatigue in just two weeks he solved all of these symptoms using the M gut immunity approach lots of great lessons here you’re going to want to watch [Music] this hi there I’m Dr chanu doer a surgeon who specializes in reversing gut microbiome dysfunction and autoimmune inflammation my technique for reversing symptoms in as little as 6 weeks has helped thousands of patients over the years and is called the Mind gut immunity method and if you would like to learn more visit MGI clinic.com and request a discovery call now in this upcoming video you’ll meet one of my clients Michael who is diagnosed with small intestinal bacterial overgrowth and histamine intolerance he also had candida overgrowth chronic fatigue and brain fog all of his symptoms improved dramatically once he started our program also just prior to our interview he just got accepted into nursing school and you can even see him in his interview shirt and tie from earlier in the day okay okay okay okay tell me tell me tell me what’s up uh but yeah so uh should it be yeah it was like in like a matter of four weeks I just got everything together and um so yeah congrats yeah it’s four so so you’re starting nursing school right yes yeah when when is that it starts on the 23rd so in two more weeks that’s great yeah it’s it was like just everything fell into place and um like starting with my health because this wouldn’t have been possible without me like putting implementing everything and like fully believing in it because I feel like I went through patterns of where I was like okay like you know I would feel good but not that good and then but I wasn’t committing as hard and like these past three weeks the diet has just been like on point nothing but shakes and like everything’s just been smooth and so I know that I know what I needed to do I just didn’t I didn’t do it sometimes like slacked off and then I was mad because I slacked off I crap so this is awesome what uh I guess what do you even know I mean this is all new we this whole plan to go to nursing school is like a new thing right I mean oh yeah this was like a span of like four weeks like a month because I mean this I wouldn’t even be thinking about nursing school at all if I wasn’t if I wasn’t feeling better like it was just I was I couldn’t even like could you work a job or do anything like you know I was struggling I was on The Struggle Bus so and then what were some of your symptoms that got better and now you’re you’re perfectly fine now but like you were you were dealing with a lot of stuff like just a few I mean brain fog fatigue like bloating Beyond no other like I woke up today and then um my girlfriend was like is your was your stomach always that flat and I was like this is how it’s supposed to be like you should wake up and your stomach is flat like you you don’t like that’s that’s just bloated like if you wake up and you’re wake up with blo it’s like that’s that’s not normal so well that’s great I wasn’t expecting to hear any of this by the way I didn’t know I didn’t know this plan of yours I know you were taking some exams and things I I wasn’t quite I didn’t quite get I didn’t realize like you took the last spot you got yeah like I was literally biting nails like I had my interview when was your interview just like literally just now just now yeah it was at they told you you got in and told you you took the last spot in the school yep yeah they were like so um there there was actually another interview with with another candidate and thank God she didn’t make it because uh something with her babysitter or something so I’m like well that’s already a bad indicator like that she couldn’t get a babysitter for just an interview and you got to be in class Monday through Friday uh you know 8 to5 so um but yeah either either way like I was just like it just all fell in a place the um the financial aid lady was just like um she’s like it was an active God that you got in so wow it’s meant this is one of those meant to be kind of things right it’s like you couldn’t you couldn’t have even made a plan more perfect really oh it it really could of it just it fell into place perfectly I’m so Happ for couple weeks and with having my clear mind and just my my general happiness too like my happiness is back too uh I feel like the the candida was probably like lining my lining my intestines and you knows worse making your brain fog wor I mean you were I mean you had a lot of symptoms like what were all the symptom you had well it’s like what didn’t I have I literally felt like I was dying like I just I was like okay I I didn’t know if I was going to make it like a couple maybe a couple years I was like okay am I G to make it a couple years now I’m like with the diet regimen and just like everything that I’ve been opened up to with like herbal stuff and just like it’s it’s just so it feeds your body so well and the antioxidants and just everything keeps you from aging and so now I’m looking like okay 90 is not that bad like that’s great um I know before you joined this program you had a lot of doctors involved in your care off and on what would you say uh what were they doing for you and what would you say were some of their limitations um I would just say just their their lack of knowledge on on it I don’t think any of them were really familiar with sibo or candida like they just I think it was like a foreign thing and they they were gastron neurologists are internal Specialists so it’s really surprising that it’s kind it was really overlooked by them and you know they were going to more drastic things like Celiac or yeah um you know like even HIV she was like let’s get you tested for HIV I’m like I’ve g hi STD tests and you know that’s it’s not HIV like um so it’s it’s just scary going from that to like knowing this knowing what it was um like especially as I went because I was like At first I was thinking that it was more sibo and like I was just focusing on sibo sibo sio and then once I started focusing on I think maybe I had a combination of the two it could have been like this all falls under I know people subdivide it out right like if you have bacterial overgrowth you have sibo but if you have fungal overgrowth you can have candida so it’s all it all falls under the window of or the overarching theme of gut microbiome dysfunction right so a lot of the things a lot of strategies that we’ve used uh together and even ones that you’ve discovered on your own you combine them all together and you see and and you get better pretty fast it’s not like you got to wait like years and years or months two weeks like literally like two weeks ago I was like yes I was like if he all of these things mushrooms and stuff like that oils and yeah right the mushrooms the phyto oils these all fall under the category phytonutrients and it’s like uh you just find the right kind of milu the bright pattern and then and and everybody’s different as you know like we had to customize everything for you and you know go through this long process long back what what happened but um when you know that it’s dialed in and you and you feel it and you feel it almost immediately and the results can be uh can be very uh exciting I mean it’s just it’s very it’s very encouraging oh yeah it’s so so much and now like it’s like the diet and like it’s it’s just not it’s something that you can do anytime like antibiotics you have to go or antifungals you have to go to a doctor they have to like diagnose you they got to um to make sure it like two or three days and then like you’re back to square one because you don’t have a long-term maintenance strategy yeah exactly yeah and and the best way to beat candida is you know beating it for like three months Sol like you got a dial months and uh you know you kill it for like three months basically so it’s completely eradicated um from from what I was reading I’m sure the same way the longer and longer you are symptom free the more resilience you build up you’re not as delicate anymore you know so um and I I tell I talk about this all the time you know like once you’re feeling great let’s keep this going for a little bit and then like see and then slowly transition back to you know some of the other things that you’ve been doing um oh I have a question okay so now so you’re going to be you’re going to be involved in patient care you’re going to be in I mean you’re going to be elbow deep in like health care now yeah taking care sick patients I normally ask as the last you know kind of a wrap-up question I’m like what are you looking forward to the most but I’m going to ask you a little different question I’m going to say how has this experience how has how is it going to change your medical practice how how are you how is it going to change your approach to Patient Care um I’m just curious I’m I’m curious I was thinking about that too honestly I was like honestly I was like this knowledge that I’ve learned um just so like from this the supplements and and the diets and yeah especially like the nutrients I think that’s like the best thing you feed your body the best stuff and you just like your skin changes like every like you could heal yourself from the inside out with like this is honestly like kind of a not a kept secret but I just think nobody nobody really knows about it like no one knows that they can fix their bodies I mean you could probably fix I’m not not gonna like have a a black helicopter come and get me but you could probably fix like cancer or something like just with this diet in you know feeding your stuff like feeding your body the right probiotics I mean probiotics they build your immune system um to allow you to like your your body to function properly um so I mean it’s it’s just it’s a it’s a potent treatment that is um way underl because everyone’s so busy relying on antibiotics and that’s how we’re getting all these resistant you know strains of you know candida or whatever it is because super bugs yeah they’re like we’re just throwing like antibiotics in it and it’s like well that’s not going to kill candida that’s going to like you know that’s just going to make you worse and even when I asked you I was like please give me antibiotics you were like no I was like and I told you just wait just give it a chance you know and um so now I’m like kicking myself in the ass like trying to convince people like I will get rid of sibo or I will get rid of your candida without antibiotics oh my God that is a conversation unto itself like just trying to convince people that there is a way to fix this problem that does not involve the temporary like you know kind of like a you know temporary antibiotic it’s like I have to almost justify my reasoning and educate them every time and I know you were skeptical now you’re not but oh yeah I was I was for sure skip I mean that was like a month ago like literally I was like um I was just like oh yeah and then but I mean that’s that’s when I was still like kind of leaning into sibo um and then once I was like okay this for for the candida I like looked at my stool and I was like okay this is that that looks like a fungus that doesn’t look like a bacteria that’s um so and just like apple cider vinegar and stuff like that to like help break it there’s a lot I mean break it down there’s just’s kind of thing whole regimen for it right I know yeah there’s a there’s just so much um out there that and even before I didn’t I didn’t realize that I was taking apple cider vinegar like maybe a couple years ago so I may have had this for a really long time and um like probably like three four years may maybe even longer maybe it just took a long time for it to build for it to build up to where or get into my digestive system um and like my digestive system um but I I could have had it you know since I was young and then just my immune system was so good it was fighting it off or right whatever I because we we all have we all uh an amount of used it’s just there Baseline amounts right yeah it’s just once it gets out of hand your body starts freaking out so what are you looking forward to the most in nursing I mean congrats first of all this is hot off the press like you just found out you got in like literally before you got on this call right I mean like I’m it doesn’t feel real to me honestly I feel like I literally feel that’s great I actually have to I have to go take my drug test which which I’ll be fine after this but um I have to like submit that and um you know my high school diploma and all that good stuff um but I’m like it’ll feel real when all that’s submitted and done you’re starting nursing college I know tomorrow I’ll be like yes I’ll wake up and I’ve been waking up early too like I when when you’re on the diet and you’re just like following it rigorously you feel great you you wake up I I wake up like I don’t even need an alarm like these past couple weeks just been like popping up out of bed at like you know 6 o’ like I think I think hearing your story is going to inspire your patience I think hearing your story is going to inspire a lot of people out there suffering from sibo candida IBS um even chronic fatigue brain fog a lot of these things and you know in my clinic I see people with autoimmune disease I’m seeing people with digestive dysfunction these really hard problems um and not hard in the sense that hard to fix that there’s actually a pretty reliable fix for it but I I feel like you know the the discussion’s always about like the medical side of things and and while all of what we’re talking about is in the literature there’s plenty of research to back it up I feel like a lot of these sort of uh very effective strategies for fixing these are not all in one place they’re not like um easy to find they’re not easy to understand they’re not easy to vet on the internet um and so I’m trying to increase just like you like you know trying to bring out some like success stories and and talk about things in a different way so that um so that people get a more balanced view of what’s going on oh yeah I mean I always knew that this was the approach that I wanted to take um I just didn’t know like where to go you just don’t like because I mean you go to having guidance helps yeah oh yeah exactly and but when I saw you and I like saw your videos and stuff I was just like okay this is the guy and then when I met you I was like this is even more the guy like and um yeah we we clicked we clicked off right away and um so it’s it’s cool honestly like you had a lot of patience with me well don’t worry about it I have a lot of patience with most listen there’s a back and forth with everyone that we have to customize the plan for everyone you know it helped that you know that you were playing along you were giving us feedback you were G you’re telling us what worked what didn’t work it’s not a like onei everybody thinks it’s like a one-size fits-all kind of a thing and it’s really not there are a bunch of core principles and there are a lot of strategies that I utilize and I I don’t know of any other people that that utilize them and get the results that I do but but there is that customization piece that I tell people it’s not as easy as just looking at a piece of paper and following a protocol it’s very in depth there’s a lot of handhold I mean we’re I don’t even know if I had to Tech count the number of text messages and phone calls and meetings that we’ve had I mean it’s easily possibly in the hundreds thousands I don’t even know the numb it’s okay because now you’re better and guess what you’re going to be a nurse and you’re going to be helping other patients and this is great like this is I love this I mean we couldn’t have timed this check in any any better really L could have timed this any better like it was it worked I mean because these past couple weeks I was just buried in in the teas just studying and studying because exams and things that without passing that I would wouldn’t even they wouldn’t even consider me good so but um well congratulations thank you and I’m really looking forward to the next chapter yeah me too and thank you for giving me these like lifelong tools like literally you gave me a lifelong tool that like can help with my like my entire family like literally to anyone that anyone that I come across that is like not feeling good I’m able to be like okay well you know try this out or try this out or you know look look at look into herbal like the herbal side of things rather than um just going straight for antibiotics and um I picked up a part part-time job at uh with t do and so I I started that recently and so I was like I’ve been getting all these people and they’re like I just need MOX cicilian I just need Mox cicilan and I’m like you have mean test like how do you know you need MOX cicilian I’m like they’re like I always take it and it and like I’m just like yeah I’m not a doctor I’m not here to give you medical advice let’s schedule your appointment but um very good I’m very proud PR of you this is awesome this is great so I hope you enjoyed this segment and if you like my content don’t forget to like And subscribe if you think this video will help someone you know be sure to repost a link to this video and as always I’m Dr Chan oser with the Mind gut immunity clinic and let me know if I can help you out oh