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A Brazilian expat Reverses her Lupus in 6 weeks – No More Joint Pain and Running Again

Marianna reversed her Lupus in 6 weeks, using the Mind-Gut-Immunity Method.
She’s been able to get back into running and has even recently run a 5k in 25 minutes! Her joint pain has completely disappeared as well.
This is a recorded video-conference at Month 3 discussing her progress, recapping her long journey dealing with lupus disease, which did not respond to conventional therapies for many years.
00:00-01:07: Introduction
01:08-05:43: What are some improvements to lupus symptoms or changes you’ve had since joining the MGI program? Joint pain relieved, able to run again!
05:44-06:57: How has the MGI Clinic differed from your normal doctor and Brazilian doctor? Insurance-based therapy limitations for Lupus
06:58-08:43: What are your other doctors saying about the MGI program and your lupus progress?
08:44-10:59: What was the most helpful thing with the MGI program?
11:00-11:26: What are you looking forward to most after recovering from your symptoms?
11:27-12:59: What advice would you give someone who may be suffering from an autoimmune disease?
13:00-13:29: Outro
There are a whole host of conditions associated with dysfunctional immune inflammation. The list includes: Eczema, Allergies, UTIs, Irritable Bowel (IBS), IBD, Crohn’s/Colitis, SIBO, Candida, GERD, Viral illnesses, Autism, Multiple Sclerosis, Lupus, Rheumatoid Arthritis, Scleroderma, Sjögren’s, Mixed Connective Tissue Disorder, Autoimmune Thyroiditis, Migraine Headache, Neuropathy, and Fibromyalgia.
a Brazilian expat with suspected lupus who solved her butterfly rash and joint pain in just 6 weeks that’s the story of my latest client to solve autoimmune disease resembling lupus all naturally using the Mind gun immunity method she has lots of valuable information to share so stick [Music] around hi there I’m Dr Chan oser a surgeon who specializes in reversing gut microbiome dysfunction and autoimmune inflammation my technique for reversing symptoms in as little as 6 weeks has helped thousands of patients over the years and is called the Mind gut immunity method and if you would like to learn more visit mgic and request a discovery call now in this upcoming video you’ll meet one of my Brazilian clients who recently immigrated to the United States she experienced joint pain rash and terrible bloating in constipation it turns out the constipation was causing bacterial overgrowth and gut microbiome dysfunction which was the root cause of many autoimmune conditions including including lupus we were able to solve her issues by addressing the root causes and reverse her symptoms in a short time so let’s get started okay how we doing I’m good how about you good good good well thanks for coming on here I know um I know you’re you’re feeling pretty good since when we first started working with one another I had a couple questions and we’re just getting an update um I wanted to know um sort of what what symptoms um what what changes have you noticed what positive changes have you noticed since joining the MGI program well the the big change in my life that I have I can running and I did the Legacy for 5K oh good that’s great yeah in 25 minutes this is was the big change in my life yeah uh especially because I had a lot of a joint pen MH and right now I cannot feel anything especially my knees joint pain is gone and then the the rash you had like this yeah rashes yeah this like butterfly rash on the face right that’s gone now no rashes anymore yeah that’s great so what per so all of those symptoms are gone right the joint pain totally rash is totally gone and you’re movement I can have a daily oh yeah I don’t need to do yeah I can’t that was a problem that was a big problem the constipation was a big problem with I remember yeah so that’s good so those were some of the benefits and you’re running uh 5K have you noticed your endurance has improved and your energy level and strength has improved also well um I can tell you my energy improved a lot yeah I know I have another the things you know especially in my periods I don’t have energy enough but I can tell after I change you know I have a enish yeah and I know we’re you know you have a couple other diagnoses that you’re um dealing with that have nothing to do with this process but yeah it’s important to know kind of where where we are with things at least um at least you’re able to run a 5k and increase your and you work with a trainer right that’s what I love about you when we first talked to when we first discussed with one you like I already have a trainer I already have a nutrition I was like this is great you have a nutritionist and a trainer this is wonderful you know it’s because I’m trying to different ways before I’m try to do some surgeries or using some medication you know I believe you we can uh help ourself with food you know with Di and change you know or habit is I don’t know it’s just how I think you know and because of this I found you because I was you know looking for um different treatments for loopus and uh and YouTube and I found you that’s great yeah I know they do things differently in Brazil one of the things I noticed was when we first talked you’re like hey I got a doctor in Brazil I was like oh and I was like how do you call how do you contact your doctor and you’re like oh no I just text him he’s like my he’s like my family friend he’s my friend you know we stick with one doctor my whole lifetime so I talked to I got actually a couple Brazilian friends so I called them I said hey is this like a thing like yeah yeah yeah in Brazil when the doctor is like your basically your friend for life it just that’s that’s how it is right so I know he was really excited to know that you know these problems were were fixed and solved right yeah it’s funny because you are the first person that I can see in us it’s more exposed to Brazilian doctors you know yeah I have a good relationship with them and I’m still communica with them yeah and when I need or when I feel struggle with something you know normally I text you and I text them at the same time because I know each of you one have a different opinions you know and this is about my life it’s not I will give to you the decisions about 100 you know about everything I have to stay you know around and see what is better for me yeah but I like it because all the time your opinion and his opinion you know it’s much and it’s okay maybe sounds good for me yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah I know and so the funny thing was I was like I do that for all of my patients already so I was like I guess maybe like I’m more I am closer to a Brazilian doctor in some ways right yeah because the American system we have a different system here you know that right yeah yeah the medican system for me it’s more hard to understand especially because it’s everything through the insurance like I feeling that the insurance has more power the doctor’s opinion you know what I mean like you need a test yeah I have to do couple labs for my doctor in Brazil and for you I have to do in six weeks for my primary doctor I don’t have a reason enough for to do in six week you know and they ask me for twice a year you know the insurance restricts you from getting the labs or getting the tests that you need in a timely fashion right yeah it’s um that’s a challenge I think and that’s a CH the reason it’s so challenging is because it’s not it’s not the way we like to practice you know that right like we don’t like to wait all this long time we don’t like to have all these barriers to care but it just seems like there’s um it’s it prevents people from having meaningful interactions with their Physicians I a big thing yeah but normally we just find well we just looking for some help when we have a something you know we never know but if you have a something severe and you want to change your life you started to looking for something different yeah how did you I know you had spoken to other Physicians or seen other doctors before you found me what were they saying about your condition were they just kind of shrugging their shoulder and say we can’t help you or nothing to do or what happened uh the first of all they try to use a lot of medication MH and I get her reaction I will say reaction after the covid VAC uh booster and when I tried to see the do doctors they say well we don’t have too much for to do and they give to me a lot of steroids and I just you know I was feeling terrible and I say I want to die because this is crazy for me I get a lot of rashes in my body um I get a pain I was so swelling I gain a lot of it pounds mhm and I say this is is not for me you know it’s something wrong is going on in my body and nobody can find and I told you each single doctor that I I saw I told them this was after the the booster vaccine you know and they say no it probably not and I say wellow I have autoimmune disease as well you don’t think he something happening in in my immunity system they said no you know and they shocked me because I say I know my body yeah yeah the immune reaction is a very it’s a when you have autoimmune disease any kind of inflammation is uh is is is a problem right it’s a problem when you have inflammation and uh yeah I think um and what would you say like you know obviously when we started working together we’re texting each other multiple times a day where you’re texting with Mariah you’re texting with Virginia you got all these meetings to do we’re doing a lot of stuff right that first month is very busy but um what would you say is the is like the most helpful what was the most helpful thing you know because we do diet we do digestion sleep stress exercise we redo all the supplements and you know we’re giving you constant constant support what what would you say was the most helpful thing well I think when you have somebody that you can text and ask you some question it’s more helpful yeah through the you know and the entry you don’t have to wait or like get an answer like you know lat on you know when it’s yeah but I’m say like when I go to the grocery shop you know I want to buy something well when I reach the label for me it’s wow it’s the amazing product I for me it’s free to buy you know yeah yeah but I’m say when I sent to you and you say no because of this substance yeah and like it’s something frutos or something like that some sugar you know from fruits or whatever but I oh my gosh for me I can buy you know a lot of this people don’t believe me when I say this but when I tell and I tell people this I’m like this program is so specific that even at the grocery store when you’re taking a photo of a label and you text to us you get an answer which is crazy right like who does that with their like you know with their health Team it’s just it’s Nobody Does that right so that’s how granular how specific we we we try to help people in in real time and try to get answers so well I think in the first month like you said uh it’s more busy because we have to text a lot especially because we don’t know we learn you know but after three months I think he I can walk with myself got the of it no I don’t want you already know yeah exactly you already know you already know good um okay good um I was going to say so now that you’re covered from that issue um what are you looking forward to the most I know you’re making some changes in 2024 2025 you’re really paying attention to your health and things like that what are you looking forward to the most would you say well I don’t have a big goals but if I’m stay in the same weight and still gain some muscles and have a good life that I have right now I’m glad with that yeah and last question what advice viice would you give to somebody who suspects they might have autoimmune disease maybe lupus okay and they’re having all these weird unexplained symptoms um what advice would you give to them well the first thing that I can tell them it’s don’t trust 100% in doctors trust in your feelings if you feel something’s not right go and find somebody that you can talk and can understand you you know after that you can figure out the best treatment or the best way that you can have you know to get a better life MH I think that is important right like sometimes we don’t listen I mean some people they they know something’s wrong but then they don’t you know and I I agree I don’t think I think for the body yeah we ignore our bodies I think that’s a big that’s a big problem you know our body’s telling us something and we ignore it or we’re doing something because someone says oh this is the right thing to do but we don’t actually like analyze or do a de deep dive into it I think that is a problem I agree I agree well thanks I really appreciate you doing this I think your story will inspire so many people and um and uh yeah I’m I’m looking forward to this year and this uh your upcoming like all the great things that you’re going to be doing right hopefully having a thank you so much for everything thank you so much for everything you you absolutely change my life yeah thank you I appreciate it it so I hope you enjoyed this segment and if you like my content don’t forget to like And subscribe if you think this video will help someone you know be sure to repost a link to this video and as always I’m Dr Chan oser with the Mind gut immunity clinic and let me know if I can help you out
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