Stop Crohn’s Disease in its Tracks. Learn how to treat it the right way
The gastro-intestinal system is home to 70% of the body’s immune system. So when immune dysfunction occurs, the gut is the first organ to deteriorate.
Not surprisingly the inflammation affects multiple organ systems and is not just isolated to the GI track.
The diagnosis of Crohn’s can be confusing at times, but usually involves a colonoscopy.
The colonoscopy will reveal patchy areas of inflammation throughout the colon, and possibly even the small bowel. This is the typical presentation of Crohn’s, but important to know: Crohn’s does not always present typically. Genetic screens can reveal common gene clusters involved as well, but again—these tests are not perfect.
Diet, Digestion, Sleep, Stress, and Exercise all play a very pivotal role in disease prevention. However, most doctors, and most internet resources do not provide clear recommendations, and end up creating confusing and frustration. Finding a system that is reliable, and works, is very important if you want to avoid lifelong medication, invasive tests, and uncomfortable symptoms. Finding a physician who has successfully managed and alleviated people of their ailment is an equally challenging task. But once you have the right tools, Crohn’s quickly becomes just an after thought. Meet the Real People who Overcame Illness.