Typically arthritis is just one of the many symptoms of rheumatoid inflammation which affects the entire body. Very important to note that the genes which affect Rheumatoid can be DEACTIVATED with the right interventions, thus alleviating symptoms without the need for medications.
A blood test for Rheumatoid Factor and auto-antibodies may assist with the diagnosis, but oftentimes the test themselves can be unreliable or misleading.
With Rheumatoid it may take several years for a blood test to turn “positive,” so oftentimes there is a delay in diagnosis and a delay in treatment. What often gets missed early on is the ability to successfully address triggers.
70% of the body’s immune system is housed in the GI track, the intestines. So gut health is one of the first things that needs to be optimized to reverse rheumatoid disease and beat symptoms. Regrettably, you may not get good information on how to follow a regimen that is best suited to stopping your disease. You may suffer for years and years, before finding a way to alleviate symptoms for good; but once you know the right information, the inflammation is gone within weeks.
You may have questions regarding your diagnosis. Fear not, Mind-Gut-Immunity is here to help you understand and accurately treat your symptoms
When your symptoms worsen
Symptoms that do not resolve, can change or worsen over time. Save time, save sanity with the Mind-Gut-Immunity Clinic approach to treating conditions correctly.
When your doctor misses something
Doctors can miss something with your diagnosis due to many patients or they miss it, With Mind-Gut-Immunity you can be assured we review each case as its own.
When you are tired of medications
Medications can be tiresome, and annoying to refill and keep track of. Mind-Gut-Immunity brings a whole new holistic approach to your diagnosis.
When you want relief fast
With Mind-Gut-Immunity, we offer a holistic approach that uses science backed data to bring you relief based on your symptoms fast.