For our clients, we help design custom diet plans based on several key criteria: Microbiome Specificity, Phytonutrients, Macronutrients, and Food Sensitivity. These four criteria help determine whether any type of diet will work for managing rheumatoid arthritis symptoms during a flare, as well as healing inflammation over time, to reach remission. In this video, we review many popular diets out there, and compare them to the Mind-Gut-Immunity method.
is the carnivore diet a good option for rheumatoid arthritis and what’s the best way to ensure results in this video we’ll be covering the carnivore diet for rheumatoid arthritis how it holds up against other diet options and the common mistakes to avoid plus we’ll give you some tips on how to track your progress and achieve the best [Music] results hi I’m Dr chanu a surgeon dedicated to reducing inflammation caused by gut microbiome imbalances I myself struggled with digestive dysfunction and autoimmune inflammation in my early 20s and successfully put together a methodology that worked not only in me but also my patients my method is called the Mind gut immunity approach and it has resulted in thousands of successes over the years if you are someone you know who struggles with rheumatoid arthritis and wants to rid themselves of inflammation for good check out our website MGI and schedule a discovery call with me I’ll walk you through some practical steps for rhe arthritis recovery and how to achieve lasting results in just 6 weeks okay let’s get started we’ve seen some studies supporting the carnivore diet for managing rheumatoid arthritis but there’s also research showing just the opposite and some even suggesting a connection between the carnivore diet and development of rheumatoid arthritis so with all this conflicting evidence how do we know what truly works for rheumatoid arthritis in my last video titled ideal diet for rheumatoid arthritis I discussed how I develop personalized diet plans based on four essential criteria these criteria help me determine whether a specific diet will be effective for managing rheumatoid arthritis or not and here’s a recap of those four criteria number one is phon nutrients number two macronutrient requirements number three microbiome specificity and number four food sensitivity for more detailed information please feel free to check out the ideal diet for rheumatoid arthritis video but also give you a brief rundown over here now let’s dive into how the carnivore diet for rheumatoid compares to other diets like the phytonutrient diet which I often recommend for rheumatoid or rtis patients just to review you have harmful bacteria and fungus in the gut that ferment carbohydrates like sugars starches and fiber leading to bloating gas and Joint inflammation so does the carnivore diet actually help with rheumatoid arthritis the answer is yes it does sometimes work but it’s just because it removes carbohydrates from this equation reducing the source of inflammation the carnivore diet for rheumatoid arthritis is centered around animal-based Foods cutting out fiber carbs But it includes electrolytes for balance the carnivore diet eliminates all carbs including fiber sugar starches and lactose which prevents harmful gut bacteria and fungus from being fed and only provides calories from fats and proteins this makes it different from keto or low carb diets for rheumatoid which might still allow for small amounts of carbs that could contribute to inflammation that’s why when it works it’s used as a short-term strategy for managing flareups or when other diets haven’t been effective for rheumatoid arthritis however remember those four criter IIA mentioned earlier let’s take a look at how this Diet Works in the long run now while eliminating carbohydrates can provide temporary joint relief it doesn’t resolve the long-term imbalances in the gut microbiome that we see in rheumatoid arthritis and I’ll dive into that in just a bit let’s jump into the first criteria which is phytonutrients known for their antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties these compounds can be incredibly helpful for managing inflammation in conditions like rheumatoid arthritis especially since inflammation is a major factor in this disease here’s a 2022 study about natural compounds used in ra treatment like flavonoids polyphenols alkaloids glycosides and Turpin and its action mechanism here is another 2022 study on the role of polyphenols and their potential as ra treatment due to their antioxidant anti-inflammatory and immunosuppressive properties and their ability to modulate key inflammatory Pathways phytonutrients fall into different categories such as polyphenols tpin D cyanates fiber resistant starches Omega fats and alids they play a vital role in reducing inflammation in the gut and throughout the body which is essential for managing ra symptoms a strict carnivore diet however lacks these important phytonutrients but if you’re committed to the carnivore diet you can still introduce phytonutrients through herbal teas these tees provide phytonutrients without adding carbs fiber or sugar other diets related to the carnivore like paleo keto and low carb diets for rheumatoid arthritis do allow for phytonutrients so they may be worth considering if you want those anti-inflammatory benefits keep in mind that with a strict carnivore diet for rheumatoid arthritis you’ll miss out on the benefits of Fon nutrients which are essential for reducing inflammation in conditions like ra now let’s look at macronutrient requirements the carnivore diet for rheumatoid arthritis actually does a good job meeting these macronutrient requirements macronutrients include carbohydrates fats and proteins by entering your height weight and activity level into the calculator on my website you can estimate your macronutrient needs with the carnivore diet you’ll need to make some adjustments like increasing your intake of fats and proteins while lowering your carbs in general a diet that gets half of its calories from fat is normally a good thing although I don’t particularly like saturated fats and meats which are associated with certain inflammatory processes I also don’t like the animal-based cholesterol in meat which can increase arachadonic acid in the body I describe both of these Pathways of rheumatoid arthritis related inflammation in other videos on my channel so if you need a refresh pressure feel free to take a look at these videos when I design diets for my rheumatoid clients they are generally lower in carb anyways for obvious reasons and most of the fats come from plant-based Omega sources so you don’t have these problems from a macronutrient perspective however the carnivore diet for rheumatoid arthritis works but managing the saturated fats and cholesterol is crucial for inflammation control next let’s discuss microbiome specificity let’s revisit this equation bad bacteria and fungus feed on carbs which leads to Joint inflammation the carnivore diet removes the carbs but does it actually promote the growth of good bacteria the answer is airm no I know this may sound controversial as there are people on YouTube who believe that the gut microbiome diversity improves on the carnivore diet you’ll even find Reddit threads dedicated to discussing this but from my experience proving hundreds if not thousands of stool studies I have never seen a healthy microbiome and someone following the carnivore diet with rheumatoid arthritis rheumatoid arthritis related inflammation often stems from gut microbiome dysfunction that’s why in our program we start by introducing patented probiotics from Japan which recalibrate the microbiome and help push out harmful bacteria but how do we promote the growth of good bacteria it’s not by avoiding carbs it’s by selecting specific phytonutrients this is where the Mind gut immunity method shines we designed the rheumatoid diets to promote the growth of beneficial bacteria which form a protective bofilm and push out bad bacteria and fungus over time this process allows the body to produce fewer pro-inflammatory markers like tnf Alpha and Inter Lucan 6 the problem with carnivore diets for rheumatoid arthritis is that it ignores the root cause of the issue when you are temporarily not feeding the bad bacteria by cutting out carbs the symptoms return as soon as you reintroduce the fiber starches or sugar over time I’ve seen this pattern play out repeatedly people fail the carnivore diet because it’s simply not sustainable longterm when carbs are reintroduced the simp symptoms also come back because the gut microbiome dysfunction was never resolved in contrast the phyto diet fixes the root cause microbiome issues in rheumatoid arthritis this means that longterm you’ll have more flexibility with your diet and can even enjoy cheat meals without negative consequences I typically teach my clients how to incorporate cheat Meals by the second or third month of the program once we’ve fixed most of the gut issues while the carnivore diet can help during flare ups it’s not a sustainable long-term strategy compared to the customized phyto diets we create for our clients with rheumatoid over the years I’ve had many Discovery calls with people who have tried the carnivore diet for rheumatoid arthritis and most of them tell me the same thing they experienced temporary relief but their symptoms came back once they started eating carbs again and this is a story I hear all too often My Hope Is that this honest review helps you figure out whether the carnivore diet is a right choice for managing rheumatoid arthritis while it may help shortterm f fixing the gut microbiome is key to achieving long-term relief let’s move on to the final criteria food sensitivities and rheumatoid arthritis food sensitivities are a major concern for managing rheumatoid arthritis and in my talks I cover the four main food sensitivity tests that are available the skin prick test the IG blood test the igg4 blood test and the newer mediator release blood test if you need a refresher on these tests I suggest watching my video discussing the food sensitivity testings for rheumatoid arthritis now specifically in terms of the carnivore diet we have to consider complex proteins something I’ve discussed in my previous videos when you consume large amounts of protein it’s broken down in the stomach and upper intestines by proteases these enzymes break the proteins into individual amino acids which are absorbed into the bloodstream however sometimes the proteins don’t fully break down and instead form small peptide chains which can lead to inflammation in rheumatoid arthritis this tends to happen with animal derived complex proteins that means there’s a good chance of developing sensitivities to one or more types of meat or even eggs and that’s why the carnivore diet can be risky for rheumatoid arthritis as it limits your food options and increases the likelihood of food sensitivities all right that’s my talk in the comments below tell me your experience with rheumatoid arthritis with carnivore diets and what has worked for you and what didn’t I’m curious to hear about your experience also I’ve had a great deal of success using the Mind gut immunity approach in my clients and I’m a strong supporter of customized phyto diets for rheumato arthritis is and focused gut microbiome recalibration for our clients to achieve long-term success so if you found this video helpful don’t forget to like And subscribe for more content such as this as always this is Dr Chan osri with the mindo immunity clinic and I’ll see you next time [Music]