For our clients, we help design custom diet plans based on several key criteria: Microbiome Specificity, Phytonutrients, Macronutrients, and Food Sensitivity. These four criteria help determine whether any type of diet will work for managing Psoriasis symptoms during a flare, as well as healing inflammation over time, to reach remission. In this video, we review many popular diets out there, and compare them to the Mind-Gut-Immunity method.
00:00-01:25: Introduction
01:26-01:50: Psoriasis studies showing effects of antioxidants and anti-inflammatory diets, how diet change can benefit Psoriasis symptoms and the impact of diet and physical activity on Psoriasis.
01:51-02:30: The Ideal Diet for Psoriasis and how to find it.
02:31- 03:34: The importance of Phytonutrients and Psoriasis; polyphenols, antioxidants, prebiotic fiber and starches.
03:35-4:10: Phytonutrient categories and subgroups; Terpenes, Phenols, Chlorophyll, Thiyocynates, Phyto-enzymes, Phyto-oils, Prebiotics & Alkaloids.
04:11-04:50: Benefits of Phytonutrients in Psoriasis and autoimmune inflammation.
04:51-06:06: Nutritional Requirements; intermittent fasting issues with Psoriasis.
06:07-06:53: Body Mass Index (BMI) importance on Psoriasis and how to calculate it.
06:54-07:40: Macronutrients, how to calculate and recommendations for optimal gut health, weight loss or weight gain.
07:41-08:23: The gut microbiome and how inflammation occurs. (Bad bacteria/Fungus & Sugars/Carbs/Fiber)
08:24-09:31: Carnivore diet, what it is and does it work for Psoriasis?
09:32-10:20: The SCD (Specific Carbohydrate Diet), what it is and does it work for Psoriasis?
10:21-11:25: The Low FODMAP Diet, what is it and does it work to get rid of inflammation?
11:26-12:10: Do any of the “low-carb” diets help with inflammation for Psoriasis?
12:11-13:02: The Ideal Psoriasis Diet Should Be Microbiome-Specific.
13:03-13:16: Inflammatory Foods and Complex Protein Theory
13:17-13:59: The Vegan diet, what is it and does it help Psoriasis inflammation long term?
14:00-14:36: The Mediterranean diet explanation and will it help with Psoriasis?
14:37-14:56: Mind-Gut Immunity Method: Phytonutrient rich diet, macro and micronutrient tracking for a targeted approach.
14:57-15:51: Food Diary and Food Sensitivity Tests
15:52-16:39: Types of Food Sensitivity and Allergy Tests
16:40-16:59: Autoimmune Protocol (AIP) Diet, what is it, and will it help your inflammation long term?
17:01-17:32: Low Histamine Diet, explained and can it reduce inflammation in your gut?
17:33-18:00: The Psoriasis Ideal Diet Recap
18:01-18:57: Mind-Gut Immunity method explained.
have you ever wondered why dermatologists and so many doctors and Specialists rarely mention the ideal diet for psoriasis in this video I’m going to break down the best dietary practices for calming psoriasis from the perspective of a surgeon and gut microbiome expert over the past decade I’ve worked with numerous patients battling psoriasis and the insights I’m about to share with you could be a GameChanger especially if you’re dealing with persistent flare-ups and symptoms these tips are designed to provide real practical Solutions so stick around you’re not going to want to miss this hi I’m Dr Chan oser a surgeon focused on reversing inflammation driven by gut microbiome imbalances for the past 12 years I’ve refined what we call the Mind gut immunity approach which has helped thousands of patients recover from autoimmune diseases and skin disorders like psoriasis without relying on medications you might find this surprising but when you view autoimmune inflammation through the lens of gut health it becomes clear that gut dysfunction is the root cause of conditions like psoriasis and if you’re curious about how we approach this and want to hear real success stories click the link in the description or visit mgcl to schedule a discovery call with me I’ll share some practical tips to help you get started and you can explore our patient success stories for insights apply these to your own health Journey let’s dive in here’s a 2021 study that analyzed the effects of antioxidants and anti-inflammatory diets on psoriasis here’s another study from 2021 that expresses how change of eating habits can improve symptoms and it discusses nutritional recommendations for psoriatic patients this study from 2023 analyzes the impact of diet and physical activity on psoriasis and explains how diet and lifestyle changes can help manage psoriasis inflammation in this video we’re going to explore the ideal diet for managing psoriasis whether you’re dealing with persistent flareups or just trying to keep your skin calm and clear finding the right foods can be tough especially if you’re aiming to avoid harsh medications like steroids or immunosuppressants over the years I’ve helped many people reduce psoriasis symptoms and calm inflammation naturally without relying on creams and medications but what sets these people apart because many dermatologists will tell you that psoriasis is something that you just have to manage with temporary fixes and doesn’t just go away and they don’t address the root cause from my own research and advice I can tell you that a lot of the conventional advice falls short in this video I’ll share the best dietary strategies for managing psoriasis common pitfalls to avoid and how to achieve last skin Health the first major point is the importance of phytonutrients in psoriasis there’s plenty of research highlighting the critical role of phytonutrients in managing and healing psoriasis this 2023 study analyzes how probiotics and Prebiotic supplements can improve this gut microbiome and reduce inflammation in psoriatic patients here’s another 2023 study looking at the use of polyphenols as neutraceuticals for treating dermatologic conditions such as psoriasis and here’s one from 2023 that evaluates how cumin contributes to gut microbiome Improvement movements and decreases skin inflammation there are countless studies showing the impact of phytonutrients on skin health and inflammation especially in conditions like psoriasis I could easily spend hours diving into the science behind it all but let me just tell you the quick rundown of what really matters phytonutrients are powerful plant compounds found in foods like nuts vegetables and herbs that have a significant impact in reducing inflammation these include antioxidants flavonoids and other micronutrients that play a crucial role in skin Health when it comes to psoriasis optimizing your intake of these phytonutrients can be a GameChanger in in calming flareups and soothing inflamed skin the bottom line is phytonutrients are grouped into several key categories tpin phenols chlorophylls and prebiotics among others each one of these groups helps your body fight inflammation and supports healthy skin function unfortunately many people with psoriasis have a deficiency in these essential compounds which can disrupt the balance between the skin gut and immune system the goal is to maximize and diversify your phytonutrient intake from everyday Foods by doing doing this you equip your body with the tools it needs to combat the root causes of psoriasis a diet low in phytonutrients leaves you vulnerable to chronic inflammation and more severe flare-ups on the flip side a diet rich in these compounds can naturally help you reduce inflammation I highly recommend incorporating phytonutrients into every single meal think of every meal as an opportunity to nourish your skin heal your gut and support your immune system and this is especially important for those struggling with psoriasis because the right foods can help you balance your gut microbiome which directly influences your skin Health the takeaway here is simple phytonutrients are key players in modulating your body’s inflammatory response giving you a better chance of effectively managing sasis if your diet is lacking in these compounds it’s no wonder your soras symptoms persist or why you need medication a healthy gut microbiome is crucial for fighting skin inflammation and phytonutrients are a big part of achieving that balance the second point I like to make is nutritional needs and macronutrient counting in psoriasis in recent years intermittent fasting has gained a lot of attention as a strategy for reducing inflammation but I’m here to tell you it’s not what it’s cracked up to be especially when it comes to skin conditions like psoriasis fasting for extended periods of time can do more harm than good in fact a recent 2024 study shows that intermittent fasting increases the risk of cardiac death by an alarming 91% people are literally putting their health at risk by not eating yet there’s still plenty of people even though struggling with psoriasis who believe that fasting is the answer sure in the shortterm skipping meals might seem helpful because you’re not feeding the pro-inflammatory bacteria in your gut but as weeks and months go by new symptoms will start to emerge you’ll have muscle loss weight loss you have thyroid dysfunction you’ll have elevated stress hormones like cortisol you have sleep disturbances and nutritional deficiencies that slow down healing and worsen inflammation you can get digestive issues like nausea bloating and decreased appetite and you can have severe and ongoing fatigue when these problems develop eating becomes even more challenging you might feel bloated gassy lethargic and low on energy after meeting meals and these symptoms can deter you from eating adequately in the future creating a vicious cycle that’s difficult to break especially if you’re underweight being underweight with a body mass index of 18 or lower can be particularly problematic and you can calculate your BMI using a BMI calculator on our website by entering your height and weight if your BMI is below 18 and you have psoriasis you’re in serious risk and I’ve treated patients with BMI as low as 13 which is very severe when you’ve had low BMI and psoriasis it means your body is in a catabolic state breaking down protein rather than building up which makes it harder for your skin to heal thankfully most people I encounter have a normal BMI or are slightly above average the solution to managing psoriasis and fixing your gut microbiome isn’t to avoid food it’s to address the inflammation first then maintain a balanced nourished diet unfortunately many people give up on finding the right foods for the condition and end up skipping meals altogether which just makes things worse when it comes to figuring out the ideal macronutrient balance for psoriasis focus on carbs fats and protein if reducing inflammation is your goal I recommend getting about 50% of your daily calories from fats 25% from carbs and 25% from proteins while this ratio isn’t backed up by specific studies it’s based on my own clinical experience working with countless patients who see positive results and if you’re looking to lose weight reduce the carbs and fats while increasing the protein and that’ll be effective on the other hand if you need to gain weight increasing your overall calories and finding a better balance between carbs and fats is key and again I’ll say this tracking these macronutrients might take some effort but it’s well worth it by dialing in your nutrition you can significantly improve your skin health and overall well-being in the long run the balance of macronutrients you consume the carbs fats and proteins can have a significant impact on your gut microbiome which plays a critical role managing psoriasis the bacteria and fungi in your gut they thrive on sugar starches and fibers all of which are carbohydrates and here’s the tricky part you have simple sugars like glucose and fructose that feed harmful bacteria and fungi making psoriasis flareups worse you can have processed starches and those found in refin flour they do the same thing but on the other hand if you have complex or resistant starches they’ll promote beneficial bacteria growth and you have fiber which selectively increases good bacteria now I know this might sound complicated but you might be thinking why not just cut out carbs completely and that’s what the carnivore diet comes into play this diet is essentially all meat no fiber whatsoever and includes some electrolytes and the carnivore diet can improve psoriasis short term the diet completely eliminates carbs including fiber lactose starches and sugars and unlike keto or low carb diets that might still have a small amount of problematic carbs a strict carnivore approach Cuts them out entirely and if you follow the carnivore diet strictly you’ll exclude all Dairy and fiber creating a gut environment where harmful bacteria can’t Thrive because they have no sugar no carbs no fiber to feed on and this approach can be sometimes useful during flare ups when inflammations at its peak but here’s the catch while the carnivore diet can be effective for short-term relief it is not necessarily sustainable longterm for everyone the original paleo diet which evolved into the carnivore diet was actually more plant-based with occasional meat more aligned with the phyton nutrient-rich diet that I typically recommend so when you’re doing a carnivore diet it might help reduce inflammation during a flare but it may not be the best strategy for dealing with long-term microbiome Health I’ve got a full video dedic at to this topic so be sure to check this out if you’re curious there are other diets that also focus on eliminating certain carbs one approach some people explore for managing psoriasis is a specific carbohydrate diet or SCD the SCD aims to reduce inflammation by cutting out certain types of carbohydrates that are difficult to absorb and tend to ferment in the gut leading to bacterial overgrowth the principles and rationale for the SD is that you eliminate complex carbs like disaccharides and polysaccharides which can contribute to gut imbalances and psoriasis flareups I’ve actually put together a video comparing the S with the phytonutrient rich diet that I typically recommend for managing psoriasis and in my experience it’s far more effective to address gut microbiome issues with targeted probiotics and support them with a diverse range of phytonutrients the sad lacks the Precision needed and often delivers inconsistent results another diet that comes up for managing gut related conditions like psoriasis is a low FODMAP diet this diet is specifically designed to limit certain fermentable carbohydrates that can trigger gut discomfort and inflammation and let me break that down for you you have high and low fod matat Foods as you can see here and the high fod matat Foods include apples pears mangoes and cherries and certain vegetables like garlic onions cauliflower and mushrooms and legumes and dairy products you also have sweeteners like high fructose Carn syrup and artificial sweeteners that need to be avoided fod maps are short chain carbs and sugar alcohols that are poorly absorbed in the small intestine leading to fermentation and gut issues fodmaps stand for fermentable oligosaccharides which are found in foods like wheat onions and garlic you can have disaccharides which present in lactose containing foods like milk and yogurt and you can have monosaccharides found in fructose rich foods like apples and honey you also have polyols which are sugar alcohols which you can find in certain foods like cherries and plums there’s an elimination phase where you have to get rid of all these high FODMAP foods and then a reintroduction phase where these foods are added slowly back depending on your tolerance level you might be wondering there are so many diets that restrict carbs and fiber but which one actually work for inflammation in the gut microbiome the issue with many of these diets is that they don’t directly address the root cause which is gut microbiome dysfunction at the core you have bacteria that process carbs leading to overgrowth and the production of harmful byproducts this overgrowth is common in conditions such as CBO and candida resulting in elevated histamine levels inflammatory cyto kindes and symptoms like fatigue bloating brain fog and lethargy symptoms I’ve discussed in other videos the diets I’ve discussed so far address the carbohydrate sugar and fiber components but they don’t tackle the root cause of the problem which is long-term gut microbiome Health essentially these diets are temporary fixes that delay the real issue kicking the can down the road so this brings me to my third point the ideal psoriasis diet should be microbiome specific simply avoiding carbohydrates doesn’t get to the heart of the issue which is gut microbiome dysfunction the only way to effectively manage this is with targeted phytonutrients and specialized probiotic formulations creating the perfect phyto diet requires a strategic approach and a deep understanding of how the gut works and this is where the Mind gut immunity approach comes into play we start by recalibrating the gut microbiome with Precision probiotics and these aren’t your typical store-bought probiotics they’re clinically backed and designed specifically for gut related issues you don’t need High cfu counts multiple strains or Refrigeration all you need are four precise strains that establish a protective bofam in the gut helping to keep bad bacteria in check and inflammation in psoriasis we down to maintain conin these healthy colonies phytonutrients are key and they’re mostly found in plant-based Foods Switching gears here certain proteins can also trigger immune responses leading to inflammation for example some complex proteins May provoke flareups so it’s wise to be cautious with them however it’s easy to take these dietary approaches too far take for example a vegan or strictly plant-based diet while it can be beneficial it may also be too extreme for some people the vegan diet is a plant-based regimen that excludes all animal products including meat Dairy eggs and honey it focuses on a variety of plant-based foods to meet nutritional needs the biggest issue I see is that many people don’t consume enough protein leading to protein calorie Mal Nutrition a serious problem when you’re trying to deal with inflammation especially in the gut your body needs amino acids and protein should make up roughly 25% of your daily intake another Pitfall is relying too heavily on vegan or plant-based foods that are often loaded with unhealthy processed ingredients like fake Meats fake cheeses and additives with harmful chemicals this approach doesn’t deliver the results that my clients need a more balanced and sustainable option could be the Mediterranean diet the Mediterranean diet is based on the traditional eating patterns of countries along the Mediterranean Sea it focuses on whole unprocessed Foods prioritizing plant-based ingredients healthy fats and lean protein one limitation of the Mediterranean diet is that it doesn’t provide a reliable way to track phytonutrient intake additionally it’s crucial that 50% of your daily calories comes from Omega fats which are essential for microbiome health while the Mediterranean diet features many beneficial Foods the inconsistency in nutrient tracking can lead to imbalances that hinder progress for my clients we use a more precise approach by focusing on phyton nutrient-rich diets and we meticulously track carbs fats and proteins and micronutrients daily to ensure that the diet is fully supporting and optimizing the gut microbiome this level of targeting is essential for Effective management of autoimmune inflammation that promote long-term healing in psoriasis which brings me to my fourth concept keeping a food diary and food sensitivity testing for psoriasis recovery it’s important to understand that tracking your individual food sensitivities can lead to decreased inflammation when it comes to managing psoriasis the right diet must take into account your personal food triggers and I have an entire video dedicated to food sensitivity testing for psoriasis covering which tests are most effective and how to interpret the results it’s crucial that for any diet to address personal food aversions sensitivities and allergies in the case of psoriasis the simplest yet most effective way to track these triggers is by keeping a food diary and I know this might seem tedious but it’s a non-negotiable step for all of our psoriasis clients one thing to remember is that when you’re experiencing a flare up almost every food might seem like it’s an issue however as you heal you might find that certain foods that were previously problematic are fine and this is why it’s important to regularly Monitor and update your food sensitivities because they can change over time as your condition improves there are four basic types of food sensitivity testing you can have the classic skin prick test and this you can do at your allergist office you have serum IG test and this is a blood test that insurance typically pays for you also have serum igg4 test and these are sensitivity tests and you have a serum mediator release test which is the newest test I frequently review these tests for clients guiding them through what the findings might mean for their diet and overall health so if you’re interested in taking a deeper dive into interpreting food sensitivity test for psoriasis I’ve got a detailed video on that topic as well in it I cover the different types of tests their advantages and disadvantages and the best times to get tested for instance it’s usually not ideal to test during a flare due to the high likelihood of false positives testing when you’re in a more stable condition provides a clearer picture and understanding what’s actually causing the sensitivities and so this brings me to the last point I’ll quickly mention two other diets one is the autoimmune protocol this diet is often suggested for autoimmune conditions like psoriasis but it’s not very specific when it comes to avoiding foods that might trigger flareups or boosting phytonutrient diversity additionally it doesn’t do much for recalibrating the gut microbiome which is essential for managing psoriasis effectively similarly there’s a diet called the low histamine diet that’s often discussed in relation to psoriasis because of its focus on inflammation the idea behind this diet is to avoid foods that commonly trigger histamine release which can worsen psoriasis symptoms however like the AIP diet that I just mentioned the low histamine diet doesn’t address the underlying issue of gut microbiome Health which plays a crucial role in managing histamine production and overall inflammation in psoriasis additionally it’s not tailored to individual sensitivities which are critical when managing conditions like psoriasis so just a recap these are the four criteria I use for developing the ideal diet for psoriasis number one is the diet needs to be high in phytonutrients I like the phyto diet number two you need something that meets nutritional requirements and we’re talking about macronutrients here which are carbs fats and proteins in the correct ratio we need something that’s microbiome specific and I use targeted probiotics to help solve this problem and number four you need to take into account food sensitivities at the Mind get immunity Clinic we spend considerable time developing custom plans for each individual based on these principles we also provide coaching to ensure accountability and compliance which is why we achieve consistently great results compared to practices Focus solely on medication we teach people how to manage their diet from home offering meal plans food guides recipes grocery store lists this support ensures our clients are never lost and can manage their condition effectively from anywhere if you struggle with surval is and have found certain foods that help or certain foods that worsen your symptoms comment below I would love to hear about your experience that wraps up this session be sure to check out my other videos comparing different diets to the phyto diet and how they measure up if you found this video helpful please share it with others and don’t forget to like And subscribe for more content such as this this is Dr Chan ooser with the Mind G immunity Clinic thanks for watching and I’ll see you next time