common variable imuno deficiency and prolonged mystery illnesses that’s the story of my latest client to solve lupus Ana positive autoimmune disease using the M gut immunity method lots of important lessons here you’re not going to want to miss [Music] this hi there I’m Dr chanu doer a surgeon who specializes in reversing gut microbiome dysfunction and autoimmune inflammation my technique for reversing symptoms in as little as 6 weeks has helped thousands of patients over the years and is called the Mind gut immunity method and if you would like to learn more please visit mgic and request a discovery call here we meet one of my more complex patients she has a diagnosis of common variable imuno deficiency cvid as well as lupus people with cvid get sick a lot and when they become ill they recover very slowly since they have low gaml globul levels in their blood these prolonged illnesses over the years have caused her to get a variety of autoimmune conditions including allergies and lupus despite these challenges her symptoms are 75% improved as of now since starting the Mind gut immunity program and she is on her way to a meaningful recovery what 02:52: How has your inflammation improved since starting the Mind Gut Immunity clinic? are some of the positive benefits you’ve seen since joining the mind good immunity Clinic um I’ve reduced inflammation in my body which is Big um I’ve lost weight which was nice wasn’t my goal um and I think that my stomach uh I have less uh bloating less pain in my stomach when I eat food um I’m hoping that it’s boosed my immune system but I don’t know yet until we do our blood panel right and um I did Escape being next to someone who was sick which is not normal for me I know but that’s still not a that’s not a guarantee so that’s um those are the major things I think that I’m seeing the benefits of and I know when you first joined the clinic um one of the discussions we had is obviously you have autoimmune right but the underlying cause of that autoimmune could have been imuno deficiency in fact right uh they call it common variable imuno deficiency and so um I was a little bit hesitant right I was like I don’t know where this is all going to shake out and maybe let’s try let’s see what happens kind of a thing that was kind of like you know that was my wasn’t much of a sales pitch really I was like let’s see what happens right um can you explain to me um you know some 05:10: With CVID how often did you get sick and how has that gotten better? of the symptoms the actual symptoms you had like you know you just described getting sick right like how that used to be this big paranoia and now you’re you’re starting to see maybe that’s not happening as much can you describe to me the range of your symptoms and then how you’ve seen them progress or improve over time so for I I think probably all my life I get sick frequently and so all my all my as far as my other health issues um I my cholesterol my sugars everything is really perfect um I get I get sick a lot so I could be sick six times a year eight times a year yeah um could go from one um illness which usually takes about a month to overcome and a few weeks go by and then I’m sick again so possibly one one um immunologist thought well maybe you didn’t even fully get rid of one and and and therefore you got resick or I just don’t have the right uh gamma globulin so um when Dr Cohen actually did the special blood work for that he found out that indeed I have common variable you know deficiency and that I um just don’t make enough IGG and Through the Years different I’ve known for about 10 years now I know why I get sick so doctors would say you’re the healthiest sick person I know because every other part of my body is very healthy and so um it’s just gotten to where now I have more autoimmune disease I’ve got Vitiligo and I get cold sores that break out and the vitil go spreading other parts of my body and um thyroid low thyroid which that could be hereditary my mother has that but um it just seems like there’s other autoimmune issues shoes piling up so now that my titers are high really high like astronomically High that’s maybe decide to explore this yeah you 08:24: What did other doctors tell you in traditional health care? know it’s interesting before you joined our program uh I know we had a conversation like the doctors were I mean you had some really good doctors but there were some doctors in your care over the years that were sort of all over the place right like it took you a long time to figure out just what the heck was going on number one and then number two once you figured it out it wasn’t like the job got easier in in some ways in some ways you weren’t really getting kind of the answers that you needed to try to fix some of these problems can you describe what that was like to me like describe what maybe the issues were with like traditional health care and maybe what their limitations were and some of the struggles that you went through well I remember going to my family doctor and I was I had been sick a lot that year and each time I got sick um I actually felt weaker M and so um he was actually he just told me it’s normal like got my my glands on the side of my neck would be so inflamed and so swollen and so painful I couldn’t turn my neck and he wouldd say well that’s just normal that’s the body’s normal way of fighting infection but I knew it wasn’t normal because I was every just cold or just flu simple cold or flu was was more and more severe for me so he was out of town I and I was sick and I went into the office and I saw his nephew who was in the practice and I just told them the symptoms and I and I told them I feel like I’m going to die because I’m just he was kind of riding you off like you weren’t really just kind of saying ah this is normal but you know here you’re getting the flu or a common cold and you’re out for like a month or like six weeks you’re like down for a flu or for a cold and you’re like this is not normal right right um and this is going on for a little while like this for years actually right so this this nephew in the practice uh I’m glad I saw him because he said you know what I think you need to see an immunologist and an allergist and an immunologist and he sent me to a doctor who uh started doing tests on me he did you know the scratch test and find out what I’m allergic to and I had a severe reaction to the paper with the plastic they put on my body and I just broke out instantly with red welts all over me and he looked at it and now he goes okay we’re going to do something else and that’s when he did the blood test he gave me uh then he looked at it then he gave me a pneumonia shot and then I went back a month later and had another blood work to see my reaction to that and he goes this is what you have and finally identified that I wasn’t just a hypochondriac that something actually was wrong right there’s a reason that I was sick all the time time yeah and this predated this predated your autoimmune diagnosis your Ana positivity the the what you know maybe lupus or you know whatever you know you have a couple autoimmune conditions going on right now right deluded to but this predated that like this was before that um yeah this 10 this was 10 12 year maybe longer years ago yeah in the last in in that 10:25: After being diagnosed with CVID, what was the process like for you with traditional health care? time span once you got diagnosed would you say say like what was the process like was did you get any like guidance on like what you should do as far as like improving your health over the years what was happening to your health was it declining was it improving um take me through some of that so I was I now at least I knew but I knew there was a protocol if I got sick I immediately had to go on uh steroids um um antibiotics and then at later I had to start doing I would just do breathing treatments in the office but then I got a nebulizer so I could actually do breathing treatments at home and um I knew that that was the protocol I couldn’t wait it out like normally you wait three days or five days and you get well I knew that three days later I might might feel better but it’s going to e it’s going to turn around escalate again so I have to just go right on to that protocol and so but in the meantime because I’m health conscious I started seeing homeopaths naturopaths chiropractors and I started um exploring foods and other things that could actually make it worse so you know wheat and dairy were out and some other numerous other foods and supplements and so I’ve gone through many different um providers that way some really good and some okay but they led me on that path for nutrition which I knew was important but it wasn’t going to fix the problem I had the only F the only fix the doctors said in medical terms is to get infusions oh yeah globulins and that was not something I want to do but every doctor I’ve seen said that’s the only thing I can do for this issue for cbid that’s it there’s nothing else what were you so I know I know 12:00: What was the most helpful part of the Mind Gut Immunity clinic? you’ve had some considerable improvement with the program um I wanted to ask you you know there’s all these all these things we do right we fix the gut microbiome we make you watch like these 15 crazy videos on like how to optimize the you know immune system you know there’s the food diary the food journaling there’s a coaching aspect you and I are like you know texting back and forth a million times you know in the meantime what would you say and then obviously you know there’s also digestion there’s diet digestion there’s also sleep stress exercise these things that we’re trying to optimize of all the things we’ve been doing in the program what would you say in your opinion has helped the most uh the diet you know it’s really a strict diet so it’s mainly vegetables but I can tell not all vegetables but yeah but I mean you know pretty much there’s other things too but um it’s it’s I could tell that the food is really important to my digestive health and so and I’ve been I I’ve always exercised my whole life but I upped my exercise to four and five times a week and I think that’s helpful also because my body feels uh stronger and trimmer and more muscular more I just feel like like I’m healthier you just feel better actually on that 14:24: What percentage of your Lupus and CVID symptoms have been improved since joining the Mind Gut Immunity clinic? note I got a question if you were to assign a percentage right like external of all the labs or whatever like how you feel right if you were to assign a percentage to the resolution of your symptoms during this course of time what would you say how what percent of your symptoms were improved um 70 75% wow that’s pretty I you know the cold and flu season’s coming up I know that’s the real test right that’s what’s uh you know I I that’s going to tell me really how healthy and also when we do our blood work again yeah yeah we’re gonna redo that pretty pretty frequently actually but yeah but that’s good like you know I’m just I just like to get some kind of like subjective markers on this because you know as you know you’ve lived with this condition for a very long time and it’s not just one condition it’s literally like five or six diagnoses and I just really want to understand like hey you know obviously this regimen affects a lot of stuff it affects Global Health in general decreases inflammation it makes your immune system more functional in general um but and so I kind of wanted to understand you know we’ve you know in in in such a short period of time what you know what kind of what was your what were your like what happened to your symptoms right like you where you’re feeling something a lot better or you you know clearly your fatigue is improved right you’re doing more exercise your symptoms are down you’re not getting sick as easily you’re feeling a lot more energetic and so this is why I’m just trying to understand um understand that a little more I think uh mentally when you feel less inflamed and painful that that’s another thing is I think some of my pain my back pain is less and my shoulder and neck pain is that inflammation has helped that to a certain extent you know I had Rotator c surgery because of lifting and you have you know scar tissue and such and some other issues in the you know discs and stuff but I think this has helped me a lot in that the inflammation in those areas so that it’s I’m not in so much pain in those areas what are you most looking forward to 16:30: With your symptoms subsided, what are you looking forward to the most? what are you most excited about I would like to if I get exposed to a cold or flu be like everyone else and be sick for three days maybe a week and then return maybe not get sick at all I I I I I don’t I’m not I’m not shooting for the Stars okay I’m just hoping that I could be more normal as far as well you had some sick exposures recently yeah right and normally normally I mean nearly 100% of the time I mean you were calling me and you’re like well I guess I’m getting sick what should I do and I was like well maybe not you know maybe and you know it turned out you didn’t you know so no I agree with you I hear you I hear what you’re saying but because when I get sick it’s not just I am I am lay like I can barely walk you know I just don’t have the energy so it’s not you know it’s never minor so if I could just even just be sick three or five days and be done with it and then move on yeah I can that so that that’s that’s a goal of mine and um I would like to uh you know have enough healing in my body in my gut that I can incorporate some of the foods I want to eat nothing crazy yeah but just foods that I you know that you make when you want to make a you know a meal that’s normal and then uh be able to handle that my you know my my dig Gest you my gut and everything to be out I do also think we’re almost there right um we’re just hoping to get some confirmatory testing and trying to see how things go over the season and then usually around this time in the regimen I teach people how to cheat so to speak so I liberalize the diets you know I’m just giving people more on their plate so to speak and so that’s usually what happens but I think you know we’re just waiting for you know some some additional progress and just waiting to see so that’s good yeah I’m looking forward to that to helping you with that what what advice would you 18:20: What advice would you give to someone with immune inflammation, ANA Lupus & CVID? give to someone who is struggling with immune inflammation um and maybe even digestive dysfunction what would you what advice would you give that’s interesting because I I I’ve been giving my sister advice because you know she can’t really afford the program but she’s has a lot of she has a lot of health problems and so so I’ve been sharing with her some of the things is the eating good like it’s like Netflix you just share the password and they she’s already a vegetarian she’s been vegetarian for years but that doesn’t mean she has good diet a lot ofari vegetarian diets aren’t very healthy necessarily she ate a lot of the Frozen package Beyond beef kind of all that stuff so I I um I advised her to get rid of all that which she did she threw it all away and I advised her to make her food yeah because she’s single and when you’re single you don’t want to cook I get that because when just out of town I don’t really want to cook there still you can make things that are you can cook them quickly and they’re good and like I’m eating acorn squash and broccolini right now you know that that’s good you know so uh I I was advising no and of course veget Harry’s life to eat dessert because you know it’s not meat so I advise her to stop that and to put a Hal on the alcohol consumption she’s a Beer Drinker and that was really making her feel terrible so with her stopping that she had some good positive results too good that’s great so I hope you enjoyed that 18:53: Outro segment if you enjoyed my content don’t forget to like And subscribe and if you think this will help help someone you know be sure to repost a link to this video as always I’m Dr Chan Naser with the manga immunity Clinic let me know if I can help you out