an 11-year-old girl with no more symptoms that’s the story of my latest client to solve Crohn’s disease inflammatory bowel disease all naturally in 6 weeks after joining my clinic and using the Mind gut immunity method lots of important lessons here you’re not going to want to miss [Music] this hi there I’m Dr chanu a surgeon who specializes in reversing gut microbiome dysfunction and autoimmune inflammation my technique for reversing Sy symptoms in as little as 6 weeks has helped thousands of patients over the years and is called the Mind gut immunity method and if you would like to learn more please visit mgic and request a discovery call now in this upcoming video you’ll meet one of my younger clients who struggled with crohn’s disease she is just 11 years old and accompanied by her parents to give us an update about her progress her parents had so much doubt and so much anxiety about starting the Mind gun immunity program but when they started seeing results in their daughter their mood and Outlook quickly change now she’s a normal kid again with lots of energy and a positive outlook these type of success stories I hear about every day in our clinic and I’m happy to be able to share this special one with you all right so 02:58: What positie benefits have you seen since starting Mind-Gut-Immunity clinic? Fatigue and anxiety decreased over time. first thing is first you’re doing good this is great um what are some positive benefits you have seen since joining the Mind gut immunity Clinic um um as as parents that’s I would say that our anxiety has has been reduced so much drastically so we would say like it was when when you take it 100% now it has become like 10 55% or so yeah the anxiety is the first thing anxiety okay good good yeah and we see the the complete treatment procedure more easily therefore we see that a good um so to say a good progress coming days yeah yeah I think what you noticed in the beginning you had a lot of questions you remember like the first CP the first like couple days two weeks you were just like constantly like wanting to know this wanting to know that I said yeah com you know watch you’ll see you’ll see right and then like around week two week three all the questions stopped because you saw her you saw her getting better right she was I know and it’s so funny because every whenever I work with people it it’s always kind of the same thing like the first few weeks are always like is it going to work is it not going to work I’m not really seeing the benefit just yet you know we’re having a tough time with parts of the protocol can you please explain it to me and I agree the anxiety is like really high really high at that that time every little thing you’re like oh my God what’s happening and then and then you start to see around like week three week four you start to like mellow out because things are you already know things are working it’s like yeah that’s true yeah yeah 04:16: Fatigue, constipation, weight loss, unable to eat food with the symptoms of Crohn’s disease. when you first joined the Mind gut immunity Clinic um obviously uh you had a lot of your daughter she had a a lot of unresolved symptoms right and can you describe to me what some of these symptoms were and how it was affecting your life um if I recollect it right that she had some phys actually she’s physically very tired she was yeah she couldn’t do Sports and she couldn’t able to eat the food even though it’s healthy food not properly and her weight has gone so much down MH and [Music] um as I said already we had anxiety as parents anything else what else did you notice yeah and she she had some sometimes constipations sometimes frequent um visiting of toilets M and she has burning symptoms she had burning burning symptoms uh but now it’s we are seeing hardly those kind of symptoms yeah yeah it’s mostly gone basically right yeah if you had to put a 04:50: What percentage of Crohn’s disease symptoms have been resolved since joining the Mind-Gut-Immunity clinic? percentage of resolution like if if you were to pull a number what percentage of your symptoms would you say are gone um if we strictly follow your it’s completely gone yeah it’s completely W 100% yeah those hey are they telling the truth are they telling the truth yeah you feel you feel great yeah wow that’s good this is very good so you’ve had complete resolution of symptoms in a very short period of time this is very good can I ask you something so you know 07:54: How has traditional health care for Crohn’s disease not worked out for you? Biologics (Humira) and other medications that would have to be life long? we had we had this discussion before before you joined our program um you know the do you had had a few doctors helping you out what were they what were they saying what were they doing and what would you say some of the limitations were with that uh with the traditional care okay um I I don’t know about in America but in Europe it’s that that once you are diagnosed with either of those symptoms like alcera colitis or maybe Crohns um you’ll be straight away recommended to take medicines yeah mhm by doctors which which also induced our anxiety because this this medicine itself has some side effects and they said we should live with that for ever at least next at least next seven eight years or so and um it’s totally contradictory to the thing what we doing right now I know and and you feel better right yeah what medications were they proposing they were proposing um biologics mhm um example of um what is that this medicine hum Huma yeah yeah yeah it’s kind of scary I would think as parents to like and I we get this all the time even when I was diagnosed with this problem and I was pretty young when it happened the Physicians all said the same thing this is going to be a lifelong thing here’s are the medications the only medications they’ve got is like mesalamine steroids and then biologics right and then they just want to keep scoping you every time or do a stool test and then like you know and then you don’t know anything right like and then they say oh it’s genetic but like why why are you the only one in the family that has it right why are you the first person in the family to have it you know all these things are going in your head and then here’s another thing like why do I feel better when when the colon when I do the colonoscopy I clear you know how you have to clear out and I feel good for like one or two days I feel great right you wonder like why is that well it’s because it’s it’s not it’s related to the gut microbiome it’s the gut microbiome dysfunction that’s causing these problems and and I say a lot of people they miss that they’re like they’re so concentrated so focused on decreasing the immune response right that’s like what we focus on a lot of in Western medicine is fixing the immune response but I think I think we don’t do as good of a job with addressing the root causes which include diet digestion sleep stress exercise all of these things need to be optimized you know in your case like look how much progress you can make in such short in such a short period of time if you fix those actually the disease goes away you know the disease goes away and I think that’s you know and I I you know at least from my perspective hearing hearing you tell me these limitations that’s sort of the things I’m thinking about too is like I see these things keep coming up keep keep coming up what would you say has 09:54: What has helped you the most since starting the MGI Clinic? Availability, Nutrition guide. helped you the most since starting the program um you’re allowed to answer too you’re very quiet in the background you can answer that I can’t she she she feels she can’t speak English because it’s her second language here so oh yeah yeah yeah third language third language she know three languages yeah yeah [Music] yeah um you you can you come again with the question I’m sorry you know we we did a lot in this program there was like you know we we fixed the gut microbiome we we did the diet together we got put her on you know we got an exercise regimen we optimized her sleep made sure she wasn’t a lot of stress but a lot of different parts to the program yeah then obviously there’s like the support factor and constantly like you know back and forth like texting calling meetings like this Zoom calls you know so my I guess my question was like what would you say was the most helpful part of the program okay as um as a as a parent and as a lay man here I would say I don’t have such much knowledge about um medical field and also treatment side and so on we were during the times of anxiety and during the time when we were struggling we do not know what’s the right food to take yeah MH what actually right food to take to to to suppress the symptoms or to to get cured and so on and exactly this puzzle was missing from our side and after joining this program we saw that your regimen helped us to take what kind of food and what type of um um pulls that that is the the natural yeah exactly that’s the most important thing which actually helped us yeah okay good now that you’re basically fully 11:16: With Crohn’s disease symptoms mostly subsided, what are you most looking forward to? recovered now that you’re feeling good what are you most excited about what are you looking forward to the most [Music] um actually we are looking forward to having her the very normal less anxious and socially good life number one and number two is that honestly speaking we also plan to have a cheat meal good yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah that’s actually that’s actually what we’re working on right now is exact how to cheat right so you might take once in a while like the one yeah this kind of things yeah this yeah you know some of your favorite foods we’ve been we’ve been we’re going to add back in into the pro yeah that’s right so usually in the beginning we’re pretty strict right we say hey you got to follow this for a few weeks maybe a month maybe two right and then like we move towards like a phase two type diet and then we start integrating the foods that you miss the most we and then and then by the time this is all done you’re more or less eating what you want to eat at the end of it right within reason you know there’s a little bit of there’s a little bit of some principles you still have to follow but it’s kind of like that and that’s where we’re at in this program right hey what advice would you give to 14:12: What advice would you give to a parent with a child who has Crohn’s disease or other auto-immune diseases? someone or maybe some parents okay who has a child who’s struggling with immune inflammation and digestive dysfunction what advice would you give them okay um the one thing which I would give something else but what I would give is don’t give up uh particularly for the kid of 11 year old uh please support her and Co her to follow this regimen every now and then it would be difficult but as a parent if you support them that would be definitely going to uh bring a good result for you guys yeah this is what I definitely definely want to give you people because as a kid she has low less experience but if we give her support our Co her to do that yeah to take the right meal and so on and she is radiating such a joy and such a kind of positive attitude that some of our relatives also want to follow her yeah although they don’t yeah we we our family is also changing a bit so it’s it’s like a kind of positive feedback and they already admired her determination yes and people saying oh probably the kind of if we eat we are actually the day-to-day life um the meanss what we are taking is not necessarily 100% healthy yeah and if we follow even the people in village in India and also the in Metro City and so everybody admired her for the food what she’s taking yeah and uh some people are willing to follow particularly in our family we are already taking uh portion of her food yeah and Mom what what do you think Mom yeah actually before coming to you I was very angry very afraid because uh this is uh what we heard from the doctor is a lifelong disease so uh I we we we couldn’t tolerate and we we don’t know how it happens and what did I gave her any unhealthy food so I we were very much worried but uh after coming to you and following the program you gave us that gave a very good hope and uh the result is also very positive and now she’s uh normal and she’s uh again uh back to her uh normal normal level so we are very happy now and uh uh we can also tell some people if uh anybody is having so such a disease we can say don’t worry that will uh that’s not we can change it so actually it doesn’t have to exist 15:54: Outro yeah doesn’t have to exist we can fix it hey what do you have to add do you have anything else no no you feel good right everything’s good you happy yeah that’s good that’s very good well you know you did really well I want to tell you that you did you did excellent and you’re feeling good and now we’re going to just make make it so that you can have all of your food again your favorite foods and um that’s the next step but I’m glad that all of your symptoms are gone and that you’re doing really well this is very important to me that uh that you’re doing well this is great thank you yeah it’s uh time where there are not many doctors who can do this evidence-based uh um support and so on the time where you are kind of there’s all these studies on on these things we’re doing it’s very scientific what we’re doing but I AG evidence-based support like someone who has a support system that that also integrates these evidence-based methods it’s very rare and I haven’t seen uh I haven’t seen a whole lot of places that do it well so I hope you enjoyed that segment if you enjoyed my content don’t forget to like And subscribe and if you think this will help someone you know be sure to repost a link to this video as always I’m Dr Chan oser with the manga immunity Clinic let me know if I can help you out